Unhinged Hatred: Frank Schaeffer Curses Donald Trump and His Family

Infamous progressive leftist Frank Schaeffer, who describes himself as “an atheist who believes in God” has reached a new low in his descent towards insanity and spiritual darkness. In a video posted on facebook on September 5, 2017, Frank snarls: “G-d damn you Donald Trump” and proceeds to curse President Trump. Calling for a “day … Read more

Nashville Statement Affirms Traditional Christian Principles on Marriage and Sexuality

Here’s a worthy, true, and clear statement that all Orthodox Churches and hierarchs in America should support. A coalition of conservative evangelical leaders across America issued a public declaration titled the Nashville Statement that affirms universal and traditional Christian principles on marriage and human sexuality. It is a response to an increasingly post-Christian, Western culture … Read more

Theistic Evolution Incompatible with the Bible and Christian Theology

by Hank Hanegraaff – Creation versus Evolution. As the debate rages, there remain those who contend that they can subscribe to modern evolutionary theory and, at the same time, believe in God’s Good News as revealed in the Bible. Is this belief in Theistic Evolution truly rational? What Is Theistic Evolution? Proponents of theistic evolution … Read more

Spiritual Blindness: Inability to Discern Good from Evil, Truth from Lies

by Patriarch Kirill of Russia – What is spiritual blindness? It is people’s inability to see into the essence of what is happening around them. It is the inability to see good and evil, to discern truth from lies. The spiritually blind person is like a vessel in the ocean without a navigator. If the … Read more

The Abnormal Cannot Dictate What’s Normal

by Fr. Ioannes Apiarius – Those who are darkened by spiritual corruption or sexual depravity cannot be trusted to lecture others about what’s normal or demand that the normal embrace abnormality. Those who are confused about their own sexuality or reject traditional Christian moral principles are incapable of giving advice on normal human relationships or … Read more

Fr. Thomas Hopko: Homosexual Advocates Should be Denied Communion in the Orthodox Church

by Fr. Thomas Hopko – For this reason, those who publicly affirm and promote homosexual behavior (like those who publicly advocate abortion) cannot be sacramental communicants in the Orthodox Church. When Church leaders rightly remove persons from sacramental communion, they must understand their action as therapeutic and not punitive. From Chapter 24 – Same-Sex Attraction … Read more

Why Atheists Don’t Really Exist

by Joe Bissonnette – In the deeper rumblings of their very selves, where nature speaks through instinct and God speaks through conscience, there are eternal truths that can be avoided for a time but not ultimately denied. The truth is that there are no such things as atheists. Confirmation bias is the tendency to ascribe … Read more

Devil’s Philosophy in Lawless and Wicked Age: ‘Do as You Please’

by Michael W. Chapman – Our children are growing up in a “lawless and wicked age,” infused with the “philosophy of the Devil, who says, ‘Do as you please.’ World renowned evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, the founder and chairman of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said that our children are growing up in a “lawless … Read more

How to Overcome Despondency

by Bishop Arsenius (Zhadanovsky) – One must not delay in warring against despondency, for the next step after despondency is despair – which leads to perdition. Despondency from Physical Ilnesses Despondency springs from various sources, primarily from our physical illnesses. In this case, despondency is suppressed by spiritual inspiration, spiritual interests. The spirit is willing, … Read more

Gay Iconoclasm: Holding the Line Against the Radical LGBT Agenda

by Fr. Josiah Trenham – So here is the essence of the conflict, my friends. It is the LGBT versus the JCIB: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. Gay propaganda throws such classical wisdom to the wind without a thought nor a reference, as though it never existed, as though these religious traditions do not possess … Read more