Political Correctness, Progressivism, and Present Day Bolsheviks

Excerpts from multiple posts by Fr. Johannes Jacobse in the comments section of “It’s a Brand New Age” blog post. Some edits made to transform multiple individual comments by Fr. Jacobse into a cohesive stand-alone article. Special care was taken to preserve the original meaning of the author. – Fr. Johannes Jacobse Political correctness is … Read more

Man Saved from Homosexuality: There’s No Such Thing as a ‘Gay Christian’

by Matt Moore – The grace of God is so much stronger than any sin that may have a hold on you. I am living, walking proof of that. He will pour His mercy and grace on those who truly surrender to Him, and repent of their sins. It is extremely difficult for me to … Read more

On the Character of Men and on the Virtuous Life: 170 Texts (Philokalia, Vol 1)

by St. Anthony the Great – 1. Men are often called intelligent wrongly. Intelligent men are not those who are erudite in the sayings and books of the wise men of old, but those who have an intelligent soul and can discriminate between good and evil. They avoid what is sinful and harms the soul; … Read more

Mystery and History Collide on Christmas

by Regis Martin – When we consider the Christmas Miracle, it is worth recalling the fact that Joseph does not at once repudiate his betrothed, despite his discovery that she is pregnant with another’s child. It is an astonishing development. How painfully bewildering it must have been for him, however, to try and account for … Read more

Thou Shall Not Judge – The Misunderstood 11th Commandment

by Robert Meyer – The idea that we can never judge about anything is patently absurd. To say that we can never judge is to wander aimlessly. The Scriptures tell us that we should reprove each other, speaking the truth in love. What our society lacks is righteous judgment. What we have an abundance of … Read more

The Goal of Classical Education is Truth

by Tom Jay – A truly classical and Christian education must link the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty to the One Who is truth, goodness, and beauty. “The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.” Aristotle wrote this in the fourth century B.C. in a text called On the Heavens. … Read more

Ashley Purpura: Orthodox Church Needs Women Priests and Bishops

by Fr. Ioannes Apiarius – Ms. Ashley Purpura, Ph.D. recently published her outrageous “Beyond the Binary: Hymnographic Constructions of Orthodox Gender” article on “Public Orthodoxy.” Relying on secular LGBT language and concepts, she ridiculously asserted that the “Orthodox understandings of gender span a spectrum of diverse views” and maintained that singing certain liturgical hymns are … Read more

Let There Be Light: God, Not Random Forces, Created Our Universe

by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon – The opening chapter of Genesis has long been a favorite of Christians, and ancient commentators discovered in its lines profound levels of meaning. In more recent times, on the other hand, some readers of Genesis, distracted by apologetic concerns alien to the deeper interests of the Sacred Text, have … Read more

How to Evangelize Without Saying a Word

by Jared M. Silvey – The Christian message is made more credible and powerful when integrated within the flow of our everyday actions. It is one thing to say something; it is another thing to do it. St. Francis of Assisi is said to have once instructed his followers to “preach the Gospel at all … Read more