Met. Kallistos Clearly Implies that the Church Should Bless Committed Same-Sex Relationships

by Fr. Juvenaly Repass – In his Foreword to The Wheel magazine Met. Kallistos Ware doesn’t just say “let’s learn more about this problem,” he questions whether Church teaching is right. He asks whether it is right for us (the Church) to impose on persons of same-sex orientation, the “heavy burden” of not being able … Read more

Met. Kallistos Ware on the Ordination of Women and Blessing of Same-Sex Marriages

by Fr. Ioannes Apiarius – Excerpts from an August 2, 2008 interview with Bishop Kallistos Ware published on VirtueOnline. Fr. George Westhaver questioned Bishop Kallistos regarding the various topics discussed at the Lambeth Conference held in 2008. According to the Anglican Church, the Lambeth Conference “takes place approximately every ten years” and is attended by … Read more

Sloth (Idleness) a Very Dangerous Vice, Mother of Many Other Vices

by St. Luke, Archbishop of Crimea – “O Lord and Master of my life! The spirit of idleness give me not!” Why does St. Ephraim the Syrian begin his prayer with a request about idleness [sloth], as if there are no worse faults? In observing idleness [sloth] from the ordinary, everyday point of view we … Read more

Lenten Prayer of St. Ephrem the Syrian – An Orthodox Explanation

by St. Luke, Archbishop of Crimea – O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk. But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant. Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and … Read more

Healed Lesbian: Cruel for Church Leaders to Go Soft on Same-Sex Relationships

by Pete Baklinski – “The Church needs to lovingly say to this person: This is not who you are. Acting on same-sex inclinations is never going to bring you to a place where you can have a right relationship with God. In fact, if you go this way, you are heading down a destructive path.” … Read more

The Cult of Niceness

by Bruce Frohnen – More than twenty-five years ago, in The Closing of the American Mind, Allan Bloom pointed out that college students in the United States had become very “nice.” Students in general did not want to offend anyone and there was a constant concern to protect one another’s feelings. Bloom meant this as … Read more

Christians Must Witness Their Faith, Speak Up, and Resist Evil

by St. Paisios the Athonite – If Christians don’t begin to witness their faith, to resist evil, then the destroyers will become even more insolent. But today’s Christians are no warriors. If the Church keeps silent, to avoid conflict with the government, if the metropolitans are silent, if the monks hold their peace, then who … Read more

On the Virtue of Goodness

by Fr. Lawrence Farley – In his list of virtues which comprise the fruit of Spirit working in one’s life, St. Paul lists that of “goodness” (Greek agathosune, αγαθοσυνη) about midway in the list (Galatians 5:22f). One scarcely speaks of goodness as one of the virtues anymore. In our culture describing something as “good” is … Read more