Orthodoxy in DIXIE

Father Joseph Huneycutt http://www.orthodoxnews.netfirms.com/126/Orthodoxy%20in%20DIXIE.htm I’m a Southerner. I was born and reared a Southern Baptist; educated as an Episcopalian, and converted to Orthodox Christianity a decade ago. Since then, I’ve been struggling to be Orthodox. As a missionary priest, I’ve also struggled to bring others to Orthodoxy in the South. More than anything, I’ve learned … Read more

Importance of Patiently Letting Down Our Nets in Obedience to Christ

by Fr. Philip LeMasters – If there is any virtue that seems completely foreign to our culture today, it is patience. From fast food to cell phones, from transportation to losing weight, we want instant results and think that something is wrong if we do not get what we want immediately. Thoughtful people learn, however, … Read more

Without The Certainty Of Truth, People Have No Solid Ground To Endure Deception

by Hal Lindsey – When His disciples asked Jesus to tell them about signs of His return, He started with the words of Mark 13:5. “Take heed lest any man deceive you.” In Matthew 24, we see Jesus giving worlds of information in relatively few words. That doesn’t leave room for a lot of repetition. … Read more