Orthodox Worldview: Orthodox Christianity Not Limited to Church Building

by Fr. Seraphim Rose – There exists a false opinion, which unfortunately is all to widespread today, that it is enough to have an Orthodoxy that is limited to the church building and formal “Orthodox” activities, such as praying at certain times or making the sign of the Cross; in everything else, so this opinion … Read more

Cartoon Network Homosexualizes Children: ‘Stand Proud’ for LGBTQ Pride Month

by Lindsay Elizabeth – The Cartoon Network, which is very popular amongst children, is encouraging their viewers to celebrate Pride month alongside them in honor of LGBTQ+ fans during the month of June. In a tweet to their followers, the network expressed “Happy Pride” to all of their LGBTQ+ fans, while encouraging them to “stand … Read more

Rebuke and Publicly Denounce Blasphemers

by St. John Chrysostom – But since our discourse has now turned to the subject of blasphemy, I desire to ask one favor of you all, in return for this my address, and speaking with you; which is, that you will correct on my behalf the blasphemers of this city. And should you hear any … Read more

Repentance is a Change, Not a Simple Regret

by Aurelian Iftimiu (on Patriarch Daniel of Romania) – ‘Repentance is an effort for inner change, not a simple regret,’ His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel [of Romania] said in his Sunday homily at St Gregory the Enlightener Chapel of his Patriarchal Residence. His Beatitude noted that repentance does not simply imply saying ‘I’m sorry’ and moving … Read more

Bishop Thomas Tobin: LGBTQ “Pride Month” is Especially Harmful for Children

by Jennifer Davis – A reminder that Catholics should not support or attend LGBTQ “Pride Month” events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals. They are especially harmful for children. ~ Bishop Thomas Tobin On June 1 Catholic bishop Thomas Tobin issued this cautionary … Read more

Not Gay or Homosexual, but Men and Women Created in the Image and Likeness of God

by Fr. Ioannes Apiarius – Open Letter to all men and women who struggle with same-sex attraction. Christ is Risen! May Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, be with you always. Walk in the Lord and seek the illumination of the Holy Spirit on your journey to find salvation and acquire the joy and peace … Read more

Former Homosexuals Choose Christ and Holiness Over Sin – Freedom March 2019

by Janet Boynes – Millennials and Gen-Xers stood together, unified with a voice that declared freedom is possible through Christ. The message is what so many need to hear but has been so quickly shunned. It lacks popularity but is packed with power. Jeffrey McCall, the founder of the Freedom March, invited me to be … Read more

The Sacraments in the Orthodox Church

by Fr. Thomas Hopko – The sacraments in the Orthodox Church are officially called the “holy mysteries.” Usually seven sacraments are counted: baptism, chrismation (or confirmation), holy eucharist, penance, matrimony, holy orders and the unction of the sick. The practice of counting the sacraments was adopted in the Orthodox Church from the Roman Catholics. It … Read more

Anarchy Swallows Up Social Order Once Government Rejects Biblical Values

by E. Jeffrey Ludwig – Despite increased government controls of everyday life in education, policing and citizen surveillance and dictation of many aspects of everyday living, we do not observe increasing order. We observe increasing social anarchy. To use a term from Greek philosophy, the telos (purpose) of government has been misplaced. Instead of designing … Read more