Pascha Celebrations Did Not Spread the Coronavirus in Georgia

There was no increase in the cases of coronavirus infection following the celebration of Pascha in Georgia, where the churches remained open though observing the necessary sanitary standards, according to a leading infectious diseases expert in Tbilisi. “At the recommendation of the government, the Church itself has taken a very correct and good position and, … Read more

Democrats Celebrate as the American Economy Crumbles

“If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Matthew 6:23) A Washington, DC insider reports that Democrats are celebrating as the American economy crumbles due to the extensive and oppressive coronavirus lockdowns. The Democrats are giddy with the terrible effects the virus is having on unemployment numbers and … Read more

Closing Orthodox Churches is Unjustified Offense Against God

Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Georgia – The Georgian Patriarchate issued a strong statement, both reiterating its call for the faithful to follow necessary sanitary guidelines and responding to those who are attacking the Church’s ancient practices. In many places where services have continued and the faithful have continued to partake of Holy … Read more

Palm Sunday – Homily on Holy Communion

by Bishop Ilias (Miniatis) – Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that comes in the name of the Lord. (John 12:13) The Destroyer of hell, conqueror of death, Author of life, our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected Lazarus the Four-Days-Dead. When on the next day He entered into Jerusalem, the entire city was shaken by … Read more

Fear, Anxiety, and God – Pastoral Advice During Coronavirus Crisis

by Fr. Johannes Jacobse – If we seek the Savior, if we conform our lives in obedience to Him, then peace and assurance can reign in our heart and we will get through this trial strengthened and changed. I did a live stream this morning on how to handle the anxiety and fear that grips … Read more

Inga Leonova: Criminal Stupidity for Bishops and Priests to Give Holy Communion and Spread the Virus

When will the Orthodox bishops finally say ENOUGH and deal with these false teachers and wolves in sheep’s clothing who deny the power of the Holy Eucharist and constantly attack faithful priests and bishops? Inga Leonova, the infamous creator and editor-in-chief of the heretical “The Wheel” journal, accuses bishops and priests in Romania and Russia … Read more

Fr. Cyril Hovorun: Mistake to Believe Eucharist Cannot Transmit Virus

Here comes “Public Orthodoxy” with yet another challenge to the true teaching of the Orthodox Church by Fr. Cyril Hovorun, a progressive academic who appears enamored with the spirit of the world. Hovorun fancies himself wiser than the Apostles, Saints, Fathers, Theologians, and Teachers of the Church. ANAXIOS! The heretical academics at “Public Orthodoxy” just … Read more

An Orthodox Christian Response to the Coronavirus

by Bishop Irenei of London – No genuinely believing Christian can for one moment accept that the Holy Mysteries might bring or be the source of sickness or ill-health: by no means! As we enter now fully into this lenten period leading to the bright Resurrection of Christ, we find ourselves also in a period … Read more

When People of God Fall, They Behave Worse Than Pagans

by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon – How are pagans to take seriously those who profess to be better than the world, when in fact they live by norms conspicuously lower than the world? … How are pagans to take seriously those who profess to be better than the world, when in fact they live by … Read more

Giacomo Sanfilippo’s Unholy Vendetta Against Faithful Orthodox Priests and Teachers

by Fr. Ioannes Apiarius – Via multiple posts and articles full of hysteria, wild exaggerations, distortions, and innuendos Giacomo Sanfilippo (also known as Peter J. Sanfilippo), has been relentlessly defaming and attacking several Orthodox Christian priests, bishops, and seminary professors. Why? Because these men dare to publicly and fearlessly defend the Orthodox Church teaching on … Read more