Dennis Prager Mentions OrthodoxNet Blog on Air

Dennis Prager Radio Show | Dennis Prager | Oct. 19, 2009

On Monday, October 19, 2009, during the second hour of his nationally syndicated radio show, noted conservative Dennis Prager, mentioned the OrthodoxNet Blog post on Anita Dunn’s praise of demonic communist dictator Mao Tse-Tung as one of her “favorite political philosophers.”

Dennis Prager Mentions OrthodoxNet Blog on Air – 10/19/2009|titles=Dennis

Mr. Prager (while mistakenly calling our site “”) quoted our description of the video clip that Glenn Beck showcased on FoxNews and read on the air the video caption comments:

Anita Dunn, the White House Communications Director, admitted that one of favorite political Philosophers, one that she “turns to the most”, is Mao Tse-Tung, the demonic communist dictator responsible for the starvation, torture, and murder of 70 million Chinese.

Here’s an excerpt of Dennis Prager’s comments and his reason for quoting the post from our site:

“… they [OrthodoxNet Blog] give views from an Orthodox perspective, obviously that is from Christian Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, and Judeo/Christian perspective. And the only reason that I am noting this is because I want to read to you their description, as opposed to CNN’s description of Mao Tse-Tung. [Read more…]


Multiculturalism and Marxism

OrthodoxyToday | by Frank Ellis | Oct. 23, 2009

No successful society shows a spontaneous tendency towards multiculturalism or multiracialism. Successful and enduring societies show a high degree of homogeneity. Those who support multiculturalism either do not know this or, what is more likely, realize that if they are to transform Western societies into strictly regulated, racial-feminist bureaucracies they must first undermine those societies.

This transformation is as radical and revolutionary as the project to establish Communism in the Soviet Union. Just as every aspect of life had to be brought under political control in order for the commissars to impose their vision of society, the multiculturalists hope to control and dominate every aspect of our lives. Unlike the hard tyranny of the Soviets, theirs is a softer, gentler tyranny but one with which they hope to bind us as tightly as a prisoner in the Gulag. Today’s “political correctness” is the direct descendent of Communist terror and brainwashing. [Read more…]


America’s Uncontrolled Debt and Spending is the Real ‘Waterloo’

Acton Institute | by Ray Nothstine | Oct. 21, 2009

Religious left icon Jim Wallis has popularized the maxim, “budgets are moral documents.” Yet the often repeated declaration is true in a way Wallis hasn’t envisioned, signaling bad news for Washington’s big spenders and those stuck footing the bill. Currently this country is facing no greater crisis than out of control spending and a mounting federal debt—a moral problem of prodigious proportions.

The Office of Management and Budget is projecting $9 trillion in deficits over the next ten years. Washington’s leaders have long paid lip service to the crisis, but their actions betray their words. [Read more…]


The End Game of the Left

American Thinker | by Andrew Thomas | Oct. 23, 2009

Is a blind hatred of the “rich” driving much of the left’s apparently self-destructive behavior? In a previous AT article, I concluded that the goals of the left are “abortion and eugenic elimination of the ‘undesirables’, the euthanasia of the old and infirm, and the genocide of those who disagree.” But what was missing from this evaluation is the ultimate motivation for these travesties. Is it all driven by obsessive rage and hate?

I don’t think it is quite that simple. There appears to be an abundance of negative emotion in the leftist mind, but that is only part of the equation. [Read more…]


All the President’s Mao

American Thinker | by Mac Fuller | Oct. 22, 2009

President Obama and “the other side of Barack’s brain,” Valerie Jarrett — whose stepfather coincidentally maintained close ties with the President’s adolescent mentor and Communist, Frank Marshall Davis — handpicked the following bureaucrats and placed them in positions of great authority, power, and visibility:

Van Jones, “Green Jobs Czar,” self-defined Communist.

Ron Bloom, “Manufacturing Czar” cites Chairman Mao as a political guide.

Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director, who stated in an address to high school students this past June that Chairman Mao Tse-tung was one of the two “philosophers” she most often turns to. [Read more…]


Green Patriarch Bartholomew Embraces Leftist Environmental Agenda

AOI | by Fr. Johannes Jacobse | Oct. 22, 2009

His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew lost no time ringing the alarmist bell as he officially opened the symposium, “Restoring Balance: The Great Mississippi River” today.

He said that, “we have reached a defining moment in our history … the point where absolute limits to our survival are being reached … instead of living on income, or the available surplus of the earth, we are consuming environmental capital and destroying its resources as if there is no tomorrow.” [Read more…]


Welcome to the World of Newspeak

American Thinker | by Janet Levy | Oct. 22, 2009

In George Orwell’s novel, “1984,” Newspeak refers to language designed by a totalitarian regime to control thought and make subversive speech impossible. It destroyed words with prohibited meanings so that heretical thoughts couldn’t be expressed. A form of censorship, Newspeak employed euphemisms and words deliberately opposite the reality they described. For example, “joycamp” was the term assigned to forced-labor camps. The “Ministry of Truth” was in actuality an organ of disinformation.

Newspeak was created to institute thought control and thereby exert political control through restrictive changes to the language. [Read more…]


Anita Dunn Blames Lee Atwater for Quoting Mao

NewsBusters | by P.J. Gladnick | Oct. 17, 2009

“Taken out of context!”
“You just didn’t understand the irony!”
“Just kidding!”

The incredibly lame excuses those on the left come up with to try to explain away statements they made that have come back to haunt them is growing more hilarious by the day.

Robert Reich clearly stated at a 2007 Berkeley lecture what an honest candidate for president who didn’t worry about getting elected would say to senior citizens who face costly treatment to keep them alive: “It’s too expensive…so we’re going to let you die.” [Read more…]


Obama’s War on Fox News and Half the Country

American Thinker | by Allan Erickson | Oct. 22, 2009

On the one hand, we should celebrate the war between Fox News and the White House.

It is a good thing President Obama & Co. are angry with Fox. It means Fox is doing its job, you know, holding the Executive Branch accountable, like a real news organization. This is good news. Traditionally in America, the Fourth Estate’s role has been to challenge those in power, challenge the assumptions, examine the assertions, and check for accuracy, all the while carrying both sides of the story. [Read more…]
