Does Islam Breed Violence?

American Thinker | by Amil Imani | Nov. 12, 2009

There is a division of the house. On one side are the politically correct in government, the leftist mainstream media, and a raft of Islamist apologists. One and all are tripping over each other in reassuring us the mass murderers such as Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan and suicide-bombers who detonate their explosive vests in crowded marketplaces and even mosques are individual anomalies and Islam is not responsible for what they do.

On the other side are those fed up with the innumerable daily horrific acts throughout the world that are clearly committed under the banner of Islam. In all fairness, there needs to be a distinction. [Read more…]


A Lesson in Biofuels from Tennessee

American Thinker | by Jeffrey Folks | Nov. 11, 2009

In 2007, to great fanfare and amid ever-greater expectations, a large-scale demonstration project was initiated to turn switchgrass into biofuel. For an investment of $70 million, the taxpayers of the state of Tennessee were promised a lucrative new industry that would benefit farmers and create thousands of other “green jobs.” The project, which was expected to produce five million gallons of biofuel from switchgrass within two years, would soon be fiscally self-sustaining and afford a “significant return” on investment. As the largest switchgrass demonstration project in the country, it was to have been the foundation for a whole new industry. [Read more…]


Veterans Day 2009 – God Bless Our Military God bless and protect all our Veterans.

Freedom is not free! It is due to the veterans’ sacrifices and constant vigilance that we still have all our freedoms and liberties.

To every man and woman who preserved my liberty this year, and for all of you who have ever proudly worn our Nation’s uniform, I say, “Thank you!

You seek neither glory nor riches, nor even fame.  You are our best, our brightest, our bravest.  Please always know that even when we don’t show it, we love you.  We appreciate you.  We thank you.  And we will never forget you or forsake you.

Fly your U.S. flag today and thank a veteran.


Religious Extremism or Traditional Values?

American Thinker | by Bob Weir | Nov. 8, 2009

When I see the Obama Administration trying to force their version of health care on us, trying to shove Cap and Trade down our throats, and telling us that we can have everything we want without any tax increases, it sounds like the irresponsible parent telling the children they can do what they please without fear of consequences.

Of course, the natural result of such liberalism is a bunch of spoiled brats with an entitlement mentality. Sadly, that’s what too many Americans have been conditioned for during the past thirty to forty years. [Read more…]


Obama: Hasan May Have Cracked Under Stress

Our president refuses to call the brutal massacre of 13 innocent unarmed Americans (12 soldiers + 1 civilan) and shooting of 29 innocent others an act of terrorism, despite Hasan’s previous praises of suicide bombers, his attempts to contact al Qaeda, and his shouts of “Alahu Akbar” as he slaughtered so many defenseless Americans at Ft. Hood.

Real Clear Politics | Nov. 10, 2009

Given what we already know, Barack Hussein Obama dares to say: “Until we have these answers buttoned down, I’d rather not comment on it.” Pathetic! [Read more…]


U.S. Knew of Suspect’s Tie to Radical Cleric

The New York Times | by David Johnston and Scott Shane | Nov. 9, 2009

Intelligence agencies intercepted communications last year and this year between the military psychiatrist accused of shooting to death 13 people at Fort Hood, Tex., and a radical cleric in Yemen known for his incendiary anti-American teachings. [Read more…]


Remembering the Victims of Communism

Twenty years ago today, the Berlin Wall was breached and Soviet communism finally entered its death spiral. After claiming more than 100 million victims communism was dismissed to the ash heap of history. But the innocents who were enslaved, imprisoned, tortured, and killed under its demonic reign have largely been ignored, especially by the left and the liberals. [Read more…]
