Watermelon Marxists

American Thinker | by John Griffing | Dec. 8, 2009

Global warming as a science is defunct. Evidence of scientific dishonesty abounds, and the recent e-mail revelations may be the last nail in the coffin. When all is said and done, temperatures are falling.

But as a tool for watermelon Marxists — green on the outside and red on the inside — climate change orthodoxy represents an opportunity to achieve age-old dreams of communist wealth redistribution. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to Cass Sunstein, Obama’s new regulatory czar and perhaps the most powerful bureaucrat in America:

It is even possible that desirable redistribution is more likely to occur through climate change policy than otherwise, or to be accomplished more effectively through climate policy than through direct foreign aid.

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Obama’s Buggery Czar, Kevin Jennings

The Washington Times | Dec. 8, 2009

The media is trying to keep this story in the closet, but it’s important not to wink at all the serious problems surrounding President Obama’s controversial “safe schools czar,” Kevin Jennings.

Mr. Jennings is the moral malefactor who gave a speech about how he merely advised a 15-year-old high-school sophomore who was having sex with an older man that, “I hope you knew to use a condom.” He knew the boy had met the adult in a bus-station restroom. Mr. Jennings also expressed admiration for Harry Hay, a notorious and extremely prominent supporter of the North American Man Boy Love Association. “One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay,” he said. Despite numerous requests to the Obama administration and Mr. Jennings, we have not received any answers to inquiries about these troubling issues. [Read more…]


Obama Would Like to Neuter Christmas

More insights into who Obama is and what he believes. A big thank you to our Catholic brothers for bringing this travesty to our attention!

Catholic League | Dec. 7, 2009

In yesterday’s New York Times, there was an article about White House social secretary Desirée Rogers. In it, reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg wrote:

When former social secretaries gave a luncheon to welcome Ms. Rogers earlier this year, one participant said, she surprised them by suggesting the Obamas were planning a ‘non-religious Christmas….’

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Obama’s ‘Safe Schools Czar’ Promotes Child Porn in the Classroom – Kevin Jennings’s GLSEN Reading List

Wake up America and protect your children. The radicals Obama has surrounded himself with are targeting the innocent, corrupting children, and tearing away at the fabric of our country.

First Things | by Jim Hoft | Dec. 4, 2009

Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings was the founder, and for many years, Executive Director of an organization called the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN started essentially as Jennings’ personal project and grew to become the culmination of his life’s work. And he was chosen by President Obama to be the nation’s Safe Schools Czar primarily because he had founded and led GLSEN (scroll for bio).

GLSEN’s stated mission is to empower gay youth in the schools and to stop harassment by other students. It encourages the formation of Gay Student Alliances and condemns the use of hateful words. GLSEN also strives to influence the educational curriculum to include materials which the group believes will increase tolerance of gay students and decrease bullying. To that end, GLSEN maintains a recommended reading list of books that it claims “furthers our mission to ensure safe schools for all students.” In other words, these are the books that GLSEN’s directors think all kids should be reading: gay kids should read them to raise their self-esteem, and straight kids should read them in order to become more aware and tolerant and stop bullying gay kids. Through GLSEN’s online ordering system, called “GLSEN BookLink,” featured prominently on their Web site, teachers can buy the books to use as required classroom assignments, or students can buy them to read on their own.
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Adaptive Liberal Hypocrisy

American Thinker | by Deborah C. Tyler | Dec. 6, 2009

In recent weeks, we have witnessed liberals in the highest level of government sanctimoniously defend terrorists who kill us while persecuting those who defend us from murderous attacks. In an effort to understand this reversal of good and evil, it has become a cliché to call liberals crazy. But while supremely hypocritical, liberalism is not insane. It is a highly adaptive ego device that enables people to violate commitments, vilify those who are true to their faith, and avoid personal sacrifice while feeling great about themselves. The only defense against hypocrisy is self-knowledge, but the politics, spirituality, and morality of liberalism are well-constructed firmaments of self-delusion. [Read more…]


God, Government, and Liberty

BreakPoint | by Stephen Reed | Nov. 23, 2009

A coherent political worldview should be consistent with one’s spiritual outlook, but I’m referring to the temptation all of us have to cherry pick those parts of Scripture or doctrine that agree with our own conclusions, rather than picking up those passages that challenge our preconceived notions.

All this is to say that my purpose here is not to use theology to justify a political belief. Rather, it’s the opposite. We—and our elected leaders—can learn a lot from the reality of free will with which God has saturated our lives here on earth. [Read more…]


Wishful thinking, biased reporting endanger Rifqa Bary

American Thinker | by Pamela Geller | Dec. 5, 2009

A new government case plan directs Rifqa Bary, the girl who fled from her family in fear for her life after converting to Christianity from Islam, to talk about religion with her Muslim parents, and work toward Rifqa returning home.

According to reporter Meredith Heagney of the Columbus Dispatch, who wore a hijab when she visited a Columbus mosque and has consistently filed slanted, anti-Rifqa stories on this case, the goal of this case plan is reunification of the Bary family. Ohio authorities would like to have Rifqa living back with her parents. They think that if Rifqa and her parents sit down and talk about their respective religions, with her parents explaining their Islamic faith and Rifqa explaining her Christianity, they hope this might lead to more understanding of some of the conflicts that led to this impasse in the first place. [Read more…]


How to Fix Health Care: Lasik Surgery For The Medical Debate

Make no mistake about it. Health care reform is coming. But what’s the best way to fix our health care system, which is an inefficient, complicated mess of private actors, third-party payers, public subsidies, and innumerable state and federal regulations? Should we place our faith in the government or in the free market? [Read more…]
