Making Schools Safe for Exploitation

American Thinker | by Bob Weir | Dec. 16, 2009

In another example of the so-called “major media” refusing to print anything negative about President Obama, they have given scant attention to the problems associated with Kevin Jennings, his Safe Schools Czar. Jennings is the guy who gave advice to a fifteen-year-old high school student about how to protect himself when he was having sex with an adult man. Mr. Jennings was told that the boy met the man in a bus-station restroom, and it seems that the best he could do was to tell the boy, “I hope you knew to use a condom.” [Read more…]


Climate Change is Natural: 100 Reasons Why

Daily Express | by Dan Parkinson | Dec. 15, 2009


Here are the 100 reasons, released in a dossier issued by the European Foundation, why climate change is natural and not man-made:

1) There is “no real scientific proof” that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from man’s activity.

2) Man-made carbon dioxide emissions throughout human history constitute less than 0.00022 percent of the total naturally emitted from the mantle of the earth during geological history.

3) Warmer periods of the Earth’s history came around 800 years before rises in CO2 levels.

4) After World War II, there was a huge surge in recorded CO2 emissions but global temperatures fell for four decades after 1940. [Read more…]


Have We Stopped Trying to Make Good People? | by Dennis Prager | Dec. 15, 2009

The most important question any society must answer is: How will we make good people?

That is the question Judeo-Christian values have grappled with. There are many and profound theological and practical differences between Judaism and Christianity. But in the American incarnation of Judeo-Christian values — and America is really the one civilization that developed an amalgamation of Jewish and Christian values — the emphasis has been on individual character. [Read more…]


Archbishop Rowan Williams to deliver annual Schmemann Lecture at St. Vladimir’s Seminary

OCA | Dec. 12, 2009

CRESTWOOD, NY [SVS] — On Saturday afternoon, January 30, 2010, the Most Rev. and Rt. Honorable Rowan Williams, archbishop of Canterbury and senior bishop of the worldwide Anglican communion, will deliver the annual Father Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture at Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. The archbishop will speak on the topic “Theology and the Contemplative Calling: The Image of Humanity in the Philokalia.”

Saint Vladimir’s Seminary will also confer upon the archbishop a Doctorate of Divinity honoris causa, in recognition of his contribution to the academic study of Eastern Orthodox theology and spirituality. The Very Rev. Dr. John Behr, dean of St. Vladimir’s, was examined for his own doctoral degree at Oxford University by the archbishop, then a professor of theology there. [Read more…]


The shocking lesson from the climate scandal

American Thinker | by Monte Kuligowski | Dec. 12, 2009

Whether we’re talking about science fiction or some other subject, we must not forget that no matter how absurd the idea, once it becomes the “consensus” liberals will never admit they are wrong. […]

President Obama’s complete lack of concern for the fraudulent science associated with global warming is contrasted with the common sense of Sarah Palin. The gutsy Alaskan suggested that Obama ought to hold his horses on the whole climate change thing until The real verdict is in. Of course, the smartest man in the world will have none of that. [Read more…]


Left Destroys More than It Creates | by Dennis Prager | Dec. 1, 2009

Watching the left attempting to undo the greatness of American medicine and dismantle the unprecedentedly powerful American economic engine built almost entirely on non-governmental entrepreneurial effort, I realize once again that the left is far better at destroying than building.

I first realized this as I watched the left — and here I sadly include the whole organized left from liberal to far left — do whatever it could to destroy one of the most wonderful organizations in American life, the Boy Scouts of America. From Democratic city governments to the New York Times and other liberal editorial pages to the most destructive organization on the left, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), there has been the most concerted effort to break the Boy Scouts. [Read more…]


Hockey stick observed in NOAA ice core data

Watts Up With That? | by John Griffing | Dec. 12, 2009

One thing that Climategate does is give us an opportunity to step back from the details of the AGW argument and say, maybe these are heat-of-the-moment stuff, and in the long run will look as silly as the Durants’ allergy to Eisenhower. And perhaps, if we can put climate arguments in perspective, it will allow us to put the much smaller nano arguments (pun intended) into perspective too. [Read more…]


Greek Communists: “Kill the Rich”

Greek Communists Kill the Rich

In case anyone was wondering what communists think of anyone who has the motivation and drive to start a business, run a company, or “make money” in a free-market economy, check out the “Kill the Rich” graffiti on this statute in Greece. Interestingly enough, the Athens statute the leftists chose to deface is that of an Orthodox Christian hierarch.

Greeks fear times will get tougher
BBC News | Dec. 10, 2009

Fears that Greece will be unable to pay off its debts, after a cut in its credit rating, are reflected by a deep pessimism on the streets, says Philip Pangalos in Athens.

Most ordinary Greeks are increasingly fed up with government pledges to deal with the country’s mounting fiscal woes, the reality that tougher times lie ahead and that they will probably have to foot the bill. [Read more…]


Carbonhagen: World Leaders Drive to Climate Summit in Gas-Guzzling Luxury Fleet

Fox News | Dec. 7, 2009

World leaders and VIPs began pouring into Copenhagen Monday morning for the city’s long-awaited climate summit, arriving in style in a fleet of gas-guzzling limos and luxury cars.

Most delegates to the climate change conference haven’t exactly been hoofing their way to Denmark’s capital, swarming the city’s airport with 140 private jets, 1,200 hired limousines and a carbon footprint the size of a small country. [Read more…]
