The CO2 Lie

Investor’s Business Daily | Jan. 5, 2010

A new study shows that Earth’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide from all sources, including man, has remained unchanged for 160 years. As it turns out, there may be no carbon to offset.

A major tenet of the global warming religion, straight from the Book of Gore, has been that the ability of the earth to handle increasing CO2 emissions is finite and that once the “tipping point” is reached, the earth will warm uncontrollably. Well, another climate domino has fallen — the myth that man-made CO2 is leading to climate catastrophe. [Read more…]


Domestic Disturbances

Touchstone | by Patrick F. Fagan | Jan. 5, 2010

The Rising Polyamorous Culture Is Out to Get Your Children

The culture of the traditional family is now in intense competition with a very different culture. The defining difference between the two is the sexual ideal each embraces. The traditional family of Western civilization is based on lifelong monogamy. The competing culture is “polyamorous,” normally a serial polygamy, but also increasingly polymorphous in its different sexual expressions. [Read more…]


Global Warming, Who are They Kidding?

Drudge Report | Jan. 4, 2010

Here are the top weather stories around the world from Drudge Report today:
Winter Could Be Worst in 25 Years for USA – 3 Deaths Due To Cold in Memphis – Gas Supplies Running out in UK – Vermont sets ‘all-time record for one snowstorm’ – Iowa temps ‘a solid 30 degrees below normal’ – Seoul buried in heaviest snowfall in 70 years – Historic ice build-up shuts down NJ nuclear power plant – Beijing, coldest in 40 years – Miami shivers from coldest weather in decade [Read more…]


GLSEN-ing Young Children

American Thinker | by Jeannie DeAngelis | Dec. 31, 2009

American educators are determined to guard schoolchildren from exposure to unsuitable influences in the classroom, which is why Kevin Jennings was appointed “Safe School Czar.” The former teacher’s noted expertise concerns the issue of bullying homosexual youths.

Parents can rest securely in the knowledge that while in school, children are safe and sound thanks to Obama’s appointee, the founder and executive director of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN — pronounced “glisten”). Kevin Jennings, together with educational organizations like the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA), has made a top priority the rooting out of detrimental childhood influences, beginning with the Bible and religious imagery. [Read more…]


Conservative Singles, New Website Launched | Jan. 1, 2010

A new website dedicated exclusively to Conservative Singles has been launched. The site, located at, was created in order to serve the needs, interests, beliefs, and traditional values of the large and growing conservative community in the United States and around the world.

We welcome everyone to have a look around the site and see what it has to offer. Registration and regular memberships are FREE for all conservatives.

We believe this venue is a much-needed service for the many Conservative Singles out there who are looking for a friend, a companion, or are ready for a serious long-term relationship.[Read more…]


The Left’s End Times

American Spectator | by J. Robert Smith | Dec. 31, 2009

Lefties have long mocked Christians on the fringe for proclaiming the imminent end of the world and the coming of God. Yokels, bumpkins, knuckle-draggers, Bible-thumpers, crazies, and zealots are but a few of the epithets that have been hurled at End-Times Christians.

It’s therefore more than a little ironic — perhaps divinely ironic — that many of these same oh-so-worldly liberals have come to embrace their own version of the end times. Theirs, though, hasn’t a hint of the divine in it; that would smack of the wrong sort of primitivism and violate their steadfast secularism and their claim to upholding down-to-earth science and ideology. [Read more…]


Modern Day Lunacy


American Spectator | by Walter Williams | Dec. 30, 2009

Sen. John Rockefeller, D-W.Va., chairman of the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health Care, and Rep. Joe Courtney D-Conn., a member of the House Education and Labor Committee, have introduced the Pre-existing Condition Patient Protection Act, which would eliminate pre-existing condition exclusions in all insurance markets. That’s an Obama administration priority. I wonder whether President Obama and his congressional supporters would go a step further and protect not just patients but everyone against pre-existing condition exclusions by insurance companies. Let’s look at the benefits of such a law. [Read more…]



American Spectator | by Robert Stacy McCain | Dec. 29, 2009

When Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to detonate an explosive aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 on Christmas Day, liberals were quick to warn against the clear and present danger.

It wasn’t the threat of al Qaeda-trained bombers blowing up Detroit-bound planes that concerned them. Rather, liberals feared that Americans might blame the Obama administration for failing to protect them from terrorists or — perhaps even worse — demand action against the violent extremists who want to kill us all. [Read more…]


The Hypocrisy of the Left

American Thinker | by Robin of Berkeley | Dec. 28, 2009

I have been looking for God my whole life. I first recognized Him in the black foster parents I worked with who manifested Christ-consciousness.

I then found him four years ago, when my parents died three weeks apart and I was carried by a force stronger than myself. And more recently, as I’ve gone from left to right, I have discovered him in the many conservatives guiding me, such as AT readers. [Read more…]


A Demand for Freedom

First Things | by Joseph Bottum | December 2009

It’s a nudge here and a shove there. A push from one side and a kick from another. Little things, for the most part, and surprisingly often the perpetrators retreat when directly challenged, but only to watch someone else step in to take their place. And the Christian churches have responded to all the recent thumps and torments with the bumbling confusion of a schoolboy giant. [Read more…]
