Russia’s Muslims Want Christian Symbols Removed From Coat of Arms

Moscow News A group of top Muslim clerics have demanded that Orthodox Christian symbols be removed from the Russian coat of arms and have complained about the Russian authorities and power-wielding structures allegedly refusing to abide by the principle of secularity, the Interfax news agency reported. “This is not only a question of the Russian … Read more

Riots in France

If you have not yet read Theodore Dalrymple’s Our Culture, What’s Left of It: The Mandarins and the Masses, do so soon. There is a chapter in the book titled “Barbarians at the Gate” which chronicles (and predicted as it turns out) the lawlessness we see in France today. This book is a must read. … Read more

Abp. Demetrios condemns hostile demonstrations against our Ecumenical Patriarch

NEW YORK – Archbishop Demetrios of America has expressed his deepest sorrow and his strong and unequivocal condemnation for the most recent hostile demonstrations and threats against the holy center of world Orthodoxy, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, in Istanbul, Turkey. This latest assault took place last Thursday, October 28, when groups of Turkish nationalists … Read more

Breaking News: 10,000 Lay Violent Siege To Coptic Church

U.S. Copts Association Web site: Email: Alexandria, Egypt (10/21/05)—Over 10,000 Egyptian Muslim protestors and Egyptian police on Friday, October 21, 2005 surrounded the Mari Girgis (St. George) Coptic Orthodox Church in Muharram Bey street, Alexandria. The violent protestors were incited by October media reports alleging a church play ad “offended Islam.” According to … Read more