The Ethos of Lent | Fr. George Morelli | Apr. 1, 2008 The ethos of Lent for the committed Orthodox Christian is told to us by St. Dorotheus of Gaza. He likened it to a wake up call, ‘a coming to one’s self’ (like the Prodigal Son) to find meaning for the entire year. The “great and saving … Read more

A Texas-Size Defense for Values of Boy Scouts | Raymond J. Keating | Mar. 14, 2008 Scouting reinforces lessons we try to teach about hard work, respecting others, responsibility, faith and love of country. Unfortunately, the Boy Scouts have been assaulted in recent times by left-wingers who don’t like the group’s values. But rising in defense is Texas Gov. Rick Perry, with … Read more

Global Warming Cult Followers Chastise Inhofe, the apostate

One of the reasons why the man-caused global warming crowd shares many of the characteristics of a cult. | Debra J. Saunders | Oct. 15, 2006 Global Warming is a religion, not science. That’s why acolytes in the media attack global-warming critics, not with scientific arguments, but for their apostasy. Then they laud global-warming … Read more

Communism is a Powerful Anti-Christian Heresy

by Dennis E. Engleman – Throughout the Church age, the mystery of iniquity worked subtly and insidiously to foster unbelief. Satanically inspired humanism, which had received such impetus during the Renaissance and Enlightenment, reached its nihilistic nadir in the early twentieth century in the form of atheistic communism. The utopian ideology which is at the … Read more