Corruption Must Be Revealed in Order to Overcome the Darkness

Corruption Must Be Revealed in Order to Overcome the Darknessby Fr. Johannes Jacobse –
Be courageous. Don’t fear. Stand on the Rock.

We may be in the stages of a final reveal. Corruption must be revealed to overcome the power of darkness. The darkness is sustained when fear overcomes the heart and mind of man. He loses hope and the necessary constituents that give his life meaning move beyond the horizon. He becomes blind.

Men embrace ideology because they refuse to face the corruption in their own hearts. The ideology confers a false righteousness that avoids the honest appraisal of one’s own heart that is necessary for freedom, and replaces it with a lie. This lie reiterates the lie first whispered in Eden: “You will become like God.” That is how a man becomes blind. [Read more…]


Voter Fraud Deniers Contradict Themselves

Voter Fraud Deniers Contradict Themselvesby Jeff Charles –
What are the Democrats so afraid of?

The Democrats and their close friends and allies in the corporate press continue to insist that the 2020 presidential election was as pure as the driven snow, utterly free of any form of voter fraud that one could imagine. They frequently mock, lambast, and demonize anyone who dares to suggest that there was any sliver of funny business going on at the polls.

Progressives like to appear as if they are absolutely certain that there is no evidence of voter fraud, even though mounting piles of affidavits suggest there may have been. But for all their blustering, the actions of some of these individuals betray a distinct lack of confidence in their own narrative. [Read more…]


Morally Corrupt and Delusional Individuals Cannot Be Trusted on Voting Issues

Leftism - Not Just Wrong, But Evil and Corruptby Fr. Ioannes Apiarius –
The same politicians, activists, academics, reporters, and pundits who believe, constantly advocate, and loudly insist that:

  1. Unborn children are just a “blob of cells” with no rights.
  2. Unrestricted abortion up to the moment of birth is a great “moral” achievement and progress.
  3. A man wearing a dress is a “woman.”
  4. Human beings are not just men and women, but “57+ different genders.”
  5. Children as young as 6 years old can “choose their gender.” [Read more…]

Corruption – How the Left’s Power Structure Collapses

Bidens Liberals Media Corruption Swamp Dark by David Prentice –
Corruption. Full grown. Oozing its way into America. It’s everywhere on the left. The Biden family. Clintons. The Democratic Party.

Weeks ago, Rush Limbaugh mentioned that the issues defining the election had not come forward yet. He was correct. Not entirely, because all the issues coming out right now have existed. In plain sight.

They just weren’t distilled yet.

It’s now here, served up on a silver platter. No, not Hunter Biden. This Hunter Biden laptop story simply leads us to the issue. The word. One word that rules them all, and in the darkness binds them.

Corruption. [Read more…]


Give Me Liberty, Not Marxism – America and Freedom Are Worth Defending

Give Me Liberty, Not Marxism – America and Freedom Are Worth Defendingby Robert Maginnis –
God save America and grant wisdom to our present-day Patrick Henrys, Thomas Jeffersons and John Adams’, where-ever they may be!

America and her freedoms are worth defending, but both are rapidly approaching a critical tipping point. On November 3rd, Americans go to the polls to vote for our future and, subject to the election’s outcome, we must be ready to aggressively push against those who would trash this great nation should the radical Democrat Party elite take over the White House and Senate and begin to push an anti-constitutional agenda.

President Donald Trump may not be a perfect candidate but his almost four-year policy record is quite impressive. President Trump appointed more than 190 mostly strict constitutional constructionists to our federal courts; [Read more…]


The Church is THE Essential Institution

Orthodox Christian Church Liturgy, communal and sacramental faithby Abbot Tryphon –
A nation that forbids her people from participating in corporate worship, is a nation that is doomed.

Christianity is a communal faith, one that requires its followers to be actively involved with others. The Church’s worship is communal, and salvation itself is a corporate act, one that necessitates interaction with others. One is not “saved” in a vacuum, but as part of the corporal life of the Church. Your salvation must be as much a concern to me, as is my own salvation. My relationship with Christ is not about me, but about us. Our sins are not just against God, but against the Body of Christ, the Church. Our love of God can not be salvific if we do not love others, for just as the Lord said, “If someone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? (1 John 4:20)”. [Read more…]


Ultimate Goal of ANTIFA and BLM = Dismantle Western Christian Civilization

Ultimate Goal of ANTIFA and BLM = Dismantle Western Christian Civilizationby Abbot Tryphon –
For all those individuals who have seen the mass demonstrations in the streets of Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, and countless other cities across the country, and still believed we were, as the mayor of Seattle proclaimed, coming upon “a summer of love,” I would call your attention to what happened in Portland a month or so ago.

The usual “peaceful demonstration” that took place in front of the Federal Courthouse saw the burning of an American flag, but for us Christians, the much more ominous burning of Bibles. How on earth could these people think they were demonstrating for equal rights for our black citizens, and an end of “police brutality,” by burning Bibles? [Read more…]


Pride and Vanity are Most Dangerous Passions

Pride and Vanity are Most Dangerous Passions by Olga Rozhneva –
In the world, pride and self-esteem are sometimes raised almost to the status of virtues or signs of the nobility of one’s nature. This view is erroneous and happens, according to the words of St. Macarius, “out of ignorance or from darkening by the passions.” The elder wrote to a spiritual child:

“In your previous letter you mention your self-esteem more than once and, as if you hold it in high regard, you show it off like some adornment. You need to extirpate it from yourself by all means—it is the cause of all our evil and vices. Worldly people still regard it as a virtue and as nobility, and this is out of ignorance or from darkening by the passions; while we have to oppose it in everything by humility and selflessness.” [Read more…]


Fr. Christopher Calin Endorses Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ, Anti-Christian Biden-Harris Candidacy

Fr. Christopher Calin Endorses Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ, Anti-Christian Biden-Harris Candidacyby Jennifer Davis –
Fr. Christopher Calin, priest in the OCA, publicly posted a Biden/Harris 2020 campaign sign on his Facebook page. He proudly endorses some of the most radically pro-abortion and pro-LGBTQ Democrat candidates this country has seen. The Biden/Harris platform is anti-life and anti-Christian, it goes against unchanging moral principles and teachings of the Orthodox Church. But that does not bother Fr. Calin in the least. He still embraces the Biden/Harris ticket. [Read more…]


Archbishop Kyrill Protests Against California Ban on Church Singing

Archbishop Kyrill Protests Against California Ban on Church Singing A brave and faithful Orthodox archbishop speaks out against California’s scandalous ban on singing in houses of worship. He provides the entire Church and all the other bishops with a great example of how a faithful shepherd protects his sheep and fights back against tyranny. AXIOS!

“For it is a commandment of the Lord not to be silent at a time when the Faith is in jeopardy. Speak, Scripture says, and hold not thy peace.” ~ St. Theodore the Studite

Open Letter to The Honourable Gavin Newsom, Governor of California from His Eminence Kyrill Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America in light of the decree issued by the Governor of California that forbids choral singing in churches. (July 8, 2020)
+KYRILL, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America (ROCOR)

Your Excellency,

I hereby express my protest against the recent prohibition of liturgical singing in houses of worship, which is an infringement of the rights and religious freedoms of the clergy and faithful of the Western American Diocese of the Russian Diaspora, the other Local Orthodox Churches, performing their ministry in this state, as well as other religious bodies. [Read more…]
