Created Equal: How Christianity Shaped the West

OrthodoxyToday | Dinesh D’Souza | Jan. 6, 2009 In recent years there has arisen a new atheism that represents a direct attack on Western Christianity. Books such as Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion, Christopher Hitchens’ God Is Not Great, and Sam Harris’ The End of Faith, all contend that Western society would be better off … Read more

Moral Tradition and the Assault of Gay Activists | Fr. Johannes L. Jacobse | Nov. 24, 2008 It used to be that when the voters settled on something — even twice, the matter was decided. No more. Proposition 8, the bitterly fought constitutional amendment restricting marriage to one man and one woman that squeaked by in California recently, needs to be “overturned” … Read more

Dr. Phillip Nitschke and the Reinvention of Assisted Suicide

OrthodoxyToday | Michael Cook | Nov. 13, 2008 Euthanasia is back in the headlines. The US Supreme Court has reviewed Oregon’s assisted-suicide law. The UK’s House of Lords is debating a private members bill for euthanasia. And the Dutch government has approved a plan for the involuntary euthanasia of terminally ill infants. Shocking? Perhaps it … Read more

California Orthodox Bishops Issue Statement on Proposition 8

Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese | Oct. 28, 2008 The decision of the California Supreme Court on May 15, 2008, unilaterally redefines the sacred institution of marriage in a manner unprecedented in human history — and alien to our Christian tradition. We, the Orthodox Christian bishops of California, were saddened by this decision which constitutes a … Read more