The Medium is Not the Message

OrthodoxyToday | by Chris Banescu | Nov. 12, 2009 As a fellow Orthodox Christian and an attorney I find Fr. George’s reflection quite eloquent but unfortunately lacking in the depth and moral clarity that our faith and profession both require. Fr. George’s central thesis is that “the nature of the medium, in this case the … Read more

Dennis Prager Mentions OrthodoxNet Blog on Air

Dennis Prager Radio Show | Dennis Prager | Oct. 19, 2009 On Monday, October 19, 2009, during the second hour of his nationally syndicated radio show, noted conservative Dennis Prager, mentioned the OrthodoxNet Blog post on Anita Dunn’s praise of demonic communist dictator Mao Tse-Tung as one of her “favorite political philosophers.” Dennis Prager Mentions … Read more

Multiculturalism and Marxism

OrthodoxyToday | by Frank Ellis | Oct. 23, 2009 No successful society shows a spontaneous tendency towards multiculturalism or multiracialism. Successful and enduring societies show a high degree of homogeneity. Those who support multiculturalism either do not know this or, what is more likely, realize that if they are to transform Western societies into strictly … Read more