Thanks to Fathers Reardon and Hodges on Opposing Rowan Williams Honors

Orthodox Forum | by Cathy Tatusko | Jan. 28, 2010 I write in support of two Orthodox priests, Fr. Patrick Reardon and Fr. Mark Hodges, for their principled and public stance on the decision by St. Vladimir’s Seminary to invite Rowan Williams to deliver the Schmemann lecture and to confer upon him an honorary Doctorate … Read more

Climategate: CRU Was But the Tip of the Iceberg

American Thinker | by Marc Sheppard | Jan. 22, 2010 Not surprisingly, the blatant corruption exposed at Britain’s premiere climate institute was not contained within the nation’s borders. Just months after the Climategate scandal broke, a new study has uncovered compelling evidence that our government’s principal climate centers have also been manipulating worldwide temperature data … Read more

The Critics of the Manhattan Declaration

OrthodoxyToday | by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon | Dec. 20, 2009 Just as interesting as the recent Manhattan Declaration, perhaps, is the variety of responses the document elicited among those conservative Christians who declined to endorse it. Commenting on this subject not long ago, I was reluctant to ascribe motives to such individuals, beyond the … Read more

Melting Himalayan Glaciers Another Fraud by AGW Proponents

Times Online | by Jonathan Leake & Chris Hastings | Jan. 17, 2010 A warning that climate change will melt most of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035 is likely to be retracted after a series of scientific blunders by the United Nations body that issued it. Two years ago the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change … Read more

What’s Islam? Don’t Ask Google

Fox News | Jan. 8, 2010 Google’s search engine returns common results to most queries as you type. But the “don’t be evil” company appears to be censoring its results when it comes to Islam. Type “Christianity is” into Google and you’ll get a list of common searches. But the engine appears to suppress results … Read more

Modern Day Lunacy

American Spectator | by Walter Williams | Dec. 30, 2009 Sen. John Rockefeller, D-W.Va., chairman of the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health Care, and Rep. Joe Courtney D-Conn., a member of the House Education and Labor Committee, have introduced the Pre-existing Condition Patient Protection Act, which would eliminate pre-existing condition exclusions in all insurance markets. … Read more