Leadership: Is the Microphone On?

The Orthodox Leader | by Fr Basil Biberdorf | 3/23/2010 The recent turmoil surrounding the recent passage of healthcare legislation by the United States Congress is providing ample opportunity to look at the absence of Orthodox leadership. As a reminder, this blog’s purpose is not political. To the extent this legislation reflects Caesar’s affairs, it … Read more

Orthodox Priest: Appeal for Prayer and Fasting, Fight Demonic ObamaCare Bill

by Fr. Demetrios Carellas | 3/19/2010 “And He said to them, ‘This kind can come forth by nothing, except by prayer and fasting.’” (Mark 9:29) Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said those words to His disciples, when they asked Him why they were unable to expel the demonic spirit from the man’s son. I … Read more

Beyond Arrogance – Obama & Company’s Reckless Disregard for the Rule of Law

RedState | by hogan | 3/19/2010 The United States of America is great for a number of reasons. Its commitment to liberty, dedication to charity, defense of its friends and freedom around the globe, historical reliance on the individual and on free markets, and in my opinion, national reverence for the Almighty, are among those … Read more

Culture is at Risk of Becoming Anti-Culture without the Church

AOI | by Fr. Johannes Jacobse | 3/10/2010 Metropolitan Hilarion’s warning deals with what Nietzsche called the “transvaluation of values” — what his dark prophesy warned would happen in the West because “God is Dead,” by which he meant that Western culture was entering into a period where it functioned within the cultural structures shaped … Read more

The Communist Holocaust

Compiled by Chris Banescu (Contributors: Chris Banescu, Scott Manning, Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation) In October 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution gave birth to the deadliest ideology in human history – Communism. In less than 100 years, Communism has claimed more than 100 million lives. Today, it continues to enslave one-sixth of the world’s population. A … Read more

Teacher wins major victory for God in school

Judge scolds district for trying to scrub America’s Christian heritage WorldNetDaily | by Drew Zahn | Mar. 1, 2010 A federal judge in California has handed down a scathing ruling against a school that required one of its teachers to remove signs celebrating the role of God in American history from his classroom walls. As … Read more

Thank You, Glenn Beck, for Exposing Communism’s Evils

Pajamas Media | by Jamie Glazov | Feb. 5, 2010 The tortures included laying a man naked on a freezing cement floor, forcing his legs apart, and then an interrogator stepping on his testicles, applying increasing pressure until the confession surfaced. Imagine the consequences of no surfacing confession. Indeed, many people refused to confess to … Read more