Alexi Giannoulias, Democratic Senate Nominee, Supports Homosexual Marriage

7/8/2010 – Fr. Johannes Jacobse – Alexi Giannoulias, Illinois Democratic nominee for US Senator, [and member of the Greek Orthodox Church] supports homosexual marriage. Here’s the introduction from the Greek Star (a Chicago newspaper with Greek readership): Alexi Giannoulias, Democratic nominee for US Senator, shares why he supports the freedom to marry for all, including … Read more

The Left’s Use and Abuse of Children

7/7/2010 – Robin of Berkeley – I’m not easily shocked. I’ve been a therapist for a couple of decades not just anywhere, but in the leftest place around. But still, when I received a flyer in the mail last week, it absolutely stunned me. The flyer announced a conference for children and teens, age 13 … Read more

Redefining the First Freedom

6/30/2010 – Chuck Colson – For some time now, I’ve been warning you about the various threats to religious freedom. We’ve talked about the gay-rights movement, which insidiously insists that religious believers and organizations bow before the altar of sexual freedom. We’ve talked about the so-called health care reform bill, which does not protect the … Read more

New York Public School Teaches Children that ‘Religion is a Disease’

6/24/2010 – Andrea Peyser – God is dead? At a top Brooklyn middle school, He is. Just when you thought the separation of church and state was more than an option, like paper or plastic, the matter has been settled at MS 51 in Park Slope. And the lesson falls on the side of atheism. … Read more

America’s Road to Serfdom

6/21/2010 – Terry Paulson – Thanks to the attention from Glenn Beck, a recent top seller on is Austria’s Friedrich Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom. The book was written in 1944 to fight the drift from individual freedom and free-market competition to a growing dependence on economies controlled by central planning authorities. To Hayek, … Read more

Peter Singer: ‘Why Not Sterilize the Human Race into Extinction?’

6/8/2010 – Peter J. Smith – Princeton philosopher Peter Singer one of the world’s foremost contemporary utilitarian philosophers infamous for his advocacy of infanticide, would like individuals to consider this question: would sterilizing the human race to spare future generations the pain of existence be a good idea? In a blog post for the New … Read more

Knight: We’re Smarter Than God

6/7/2010 – Robert Knight – Sexual morality is over. That’s the conclusion of one of the smartest men in Washington, the estimable columnist George Will. On ABC’s “This Week” on May 30, Mr. Will agreed with colleague Matthew Dowd that apart from a few glitches, homosexuality will soon be a nonissue in the military. They … Read more