Father Zakaria Botros is perhaps the most hated man in the Middle East. He’s confronting Islam with an in-your-face style of television and internet evangelism.
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Redefining the First Freedom

6/30/2010 – Chuck Colson –
For some time now, I’ve been warning you about the various threats to religious freedom. We’ve talked about the gay-rights movement, which insidiously insists that religious believers and organizations bow before the altar of sexual freedom. We’ve talked about the so-called health care reform bill, which does not protect the freedom of conscience of medical practitioners.
But now I’m seeing the threat to religious freedom in its most pernicious and dangerous form ever. I speak about this in my latest video commentary [see YouTube video below].
In a speech at Georgetown University, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a speech on human rights. Not only did she talk about the right “to love in the way you choose,” (an obvious attempt at making protecting gay rights a top priority for the U.S. government), she also talked about “freedom of worship.”
But she never mentioned freedom of religion. Only freedom of worship. This is a big change.[Read more…]
Andrea Bocelli – The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer as sung by Andrea Bocelli and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Heavenly, sublime, magnificent, powerful, amazing, and breathtaking!
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Dennis Prager: The Greatest Threat Facing America
Dennis Prager explains what is the greatest threat that America faces today: “We have not passed on what it means to be an American to this generation.”
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Andrea Bocelli: A Story About a Mother and Her Baby
Andrea Bocelli tells us a story about a woman and her baby. This message needs to be heard by those who still don’t understand the precious gift of life and the importance of protecting innocence.
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Gianna Jessen Abortion Survivor, Defender of Life

by Gianna Jessen and alleyesonCHRIST | 4/25/2010
Gianna Jessen is a devout Christian. Her life was given to her by the grace of God. She shouldn’t be walking, but more miraculous still; she should not even be alive. Gianna’s biological mother was 17 when she had a saline abortion in her third trimester. Many Americans don’t realize it is legal to have an abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. After being burned alive for approximately 18 hours in the womb from the saline solution, Gianna was delivered alive in a Los Angeles County abortion clinic. Her medical records state, “born during saline abortion”…this is what caused her Cerebral Palsy.
Gianna was born in an abortion clinic and raised as an orphan in a foster home, yet Gianna Jessen isn’t going to complain. … For all of us who sometimes think life can be overwhelming, Jessen is a swift dose of reality. For everyone who believes a woman’s right to choose overshadows a child’s right to live Jessen is God’s answer. [Read more…]
Pascha – Christ is Risen!
Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered; let those who hate Him flee from before His face!
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life.
This is the day which the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!
This is the Day of Resurrection. Let us be illumined, O people. Pascha, the Pascha of the Lord. For from death to life and from earth to heaven has Christ our God led us, as we sing the song of victory. Christ is risen from the dead! (Ode 1 of Pascha Canon)
Pascha (Greek: Πάσχα), also called Easter, is the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord. Pascha is a transliteration of the Greek word, which is itself a transliteration of the Hebrew pesach, both words meaning Passover. [Read more…]
Holy Thursday – Orthodox Holy Week
Holy Thursday begins with the celebration of vespers and the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil with a Reserved Eucharist in representation of the earthly presence of Christ realized at the Last Supper.
Two events shape the liturgy of the Great and Holy Thursday: The Last Supper of Christ with His disciples and the betrayal by Judas.
The meaning of both is in love. The Last Supper is the ultimate revelation of God’s redeeming love for man, of love as the very essence of salvation. And the betrayal by Judas reveals that sin, death and self-destruction are also due to love, but to deviated and distorted love, love directed at that which does not deserve love. [Read more…]
The Bigger the Government, the Less You Are Needed
by Dennis Prager | 3/16/2010
Among the things left and right, religious and secular, agree on is that one of the few real needs human beings have is to be needed. When we are not needed, life feels pointless.
The need to be needed is universal. Men need it; women need it. The sexes may feel needed in different ways, but the depth of the need is the same. Many women feel particularly alive when needed by their young children; many men feel worthy when needed by their family and/or their work. That is why most women navigate difficult emotional straits when their adult children leave home and assume independent lives, and why most men find it so crushing to lose their job — not necessarily because of loss of income, but because of the loss of meaning that comes from no longer being needed. [Read more…]
Christian Girls Attacked and Terrorized in Iraq
Sister Hatunes, an Orthodox Christian nun, is working to help some very unfortunate Christian souls who have been abused and terrorized by Islamic radicals. May God bless her and the girls and families she is helping. [Read more…]