Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ promised and His word is true: “and on this rock I shall build My Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18)
PovertyCure – From Aid to Enterprise
PovertyCure is an international network of organizations and individuals seeking to ground our common battle against global poverty in a proper understanding of the human person and society, and to encourage solutions that foster opportunity and unleash the entrepreneurial spirit that already fills the developing world.
Judge Judy – Here’s Who You Support With Taxes
Judge Judy speaks out on where our tax dollars go in the case of Duane Brooks, Jr. who is scamming the government with all of his stipends, subsidies, and assistance – and using none of it for what it was intended for. These are the types of entitled, lazy, and irresponsible individuals your hard work and high taxes help support and enable.
9/11 Ten Year Anniversary – Memory Eternal
Memory Eternal to all the innocent American souls and heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice. You are and will be in our prayers until the end of time. God Bless You and God Bless America! Never forget!
The Man Class – FOCUS
“Progressive polices have done more to exacerbate poverty than to alleviate it. They tear apart families and create a generational cycle of dependency. They do not fulfill the Gospel imperative to care for the poor. We must do better.” – Fr. Johannes Jacobse
Here’s an Orthodox effort that is trying to heal the effects of that Progressive policies are largely responsible for:
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Can Warren Buffett Do Simple Arithmetic?
Notice the striking similarities in misrepresenting the facts and seeming to lack basic math skills when making pronouncements on taxes and embracing a liberal/progressive agenda?
by Verum Serum –
As you probably heard, Warren Buffett wrote an op-ed last week begging to be taxed at a higher rate. Rather than give you an excerpt of the article, here’s a little video clip in which he makes most of the same points:
Two points to make about this. First, can Warren Buffett do math? The Tax Foundation looked at his proposal [ht: Matt Cover at CNSNews] and found that his plan is a bust:
Suppose Mr. Buffett got his wish and loopholes and deductions were eliminated, making it possible to tax the “super-rich” (those earning $1M – $10M per year) at an effective rate of 50%.
This would theoretically (in reality people would find ways to protect their money) bring in enough to reduce next year’s deficit by 8%. This amounts to 1% of our current debt. But Buffett also envisioned a super-tax on those making over $10 million a year. It’s an easy sell since few of us are so fortunate, but what would it accomplish? Again, the Tax Foundation crunched the numbers and found that a 100% tax rate on these individuals would reduce the deficit by 12%. [Read more…]
Fibonacci numbers – The Fingerprint of God
Leonard Pisano a.k.a Fibonacci discovered a sequence of numbers that started with 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 and continue indefinitely each number obtained by adding the last two digits together. [Read more…]
Christ is Risen – Orthodox Church in Ghana
Christ is Risen being sung in an Orthodox Church in Ghana.
Christ is Risen – Orthodox Church in Ghana
Film Director Peter Weir On ‘The Way Back’ Interview

Radio Free Europe –
Peter Weir is Australia’s most acclaimed film director, with movies like “Gallipoli,” “Picnic at Hanging Rock,” “The Truman Show,” and “Dead Poets Society” to his name.
His most recent release, “The Way Back” starring Ed Harris and Colin Farrell, traces the purportedly true journey of prisoners who escaped from the Siberian gulag and made it to India, via the Gobi Desert, the Himalaya Mountains, and Tibet.
Weir recently visited Prague for the Febiofest film festival, where he was given the Kristian Award. He spoke with RFE/RL writer-at-large James Kirchick about his research of the gulag, his political reawakening, and how audiences are reacting to “The Way Back.” [Read more…]
Traveling Down the Road to Serfdom: History of Socialism from Marx to Obama
A great lecture from Yuri N. Maltsev full of wisdom and truth.
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