Marching Orders, Upcoming Obama Executive Orders

It’s not even day one of Obama’s presidency but the promised actions of our future Marxist in Chief will spell disaster for this country.

Investor’s Business Daily | Nov. 10, 2008

President-elect Obama isn’t planning to wait for Congress to pass his agenda. On Day One, he plans to rescind Bush executive orders on everything from embryonic stem cell research to offshore drilling. [Read more…]


A Coming American Third World Despotism?

Human Events | Erick Erickson | Oct. 30, 2008

In East Asia, South America, and Africa third world despots run kleptocracies and routinely use government to harass, bully, and intimidate their opponents. It is a standard Marxist practice of Robert Mugabe, Hugo Chavez, Karimov of Uzbekistan and their ilk. Should the American public elect Barack Obama President, we are already getting a glimpse of what his administration would be like. [Read more…]


A Sobering Look Ahead to Barack Obama’s America

Pajamas Media | Bernard Chapin | Oct. 30, 2008

By 2012 or 2016, the alteration of America’s fabric will be severe and profound as we will have socialism in our time. Even though political leftists abhor the word, socialism is entirely in keeping with their cherished preferences and initiatives. They salivate over the notion of omnipotent government and wish to regulate the citizenry in innumerable ways. This is evident in their stance on an individual’s negotiations with his or her employer, their ability to say “no” to union membership, and the absurd belief that carbon dioxide — a life-sustaining chemical compound we exhale — is a “dangerous pollutant” in need of environmental removal.

Aside from a woman’s right to murder her offspring, there is nothing in this land that Senator Obama and his ilk do not wish to command and control. Indeed, not until Hillary Clinton was dispatched over the summer did the presidential frontrunner ever once embrace a centrist position. Obama has never seen a tax cut he liked or a federal program he wanted to eliminate. He is what he is: a leftist’s leftist. [Read more…]


Obama Affinity to Marxists Dates Back to College Days | Bill Sammon | Oct. 28, 2008

Obama’s affinity for Marxists began when he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles.

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully,” the Democratic presidential candidate wrote in his memoir, “Dreams From My Father.” “The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists.”

Obama’s interest in leftist politics continued after he transferred to Columbia University in New York. He lived on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, venturing to the East Village for what he called “the socialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union.” [Read more…]


Like Father, Like Son – Obama’s Father: Government 100% Taxation of Income OK

Investor’s Business Daily | Aug. 14, 2008

As a Nairobi bureaucrat, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. advised the pro-Western Kenyan government there to “redistribute” income through higher taxes. He also demonized corporations and called for massive government “investment” in social programs.

Writing in a 1965 scholarly paper, Obama’s late father slammed the administration of then-President Jomo Kenyatta for moving the Third World country away from socialism toward capitalism. He chafed at the idea of relying on private investors — who earn “dividends” on their venture capital — to develop the country’s fledgling economy. [Read more…]


Obama: Constitution Reflects Fundamental Flaw | Kim Priestap | Oct. 27, 2008

Barack Obama is a radical. That much has been proven with his own words. In the audio tape that Steve linked to earlier, we hear Barack Obama lament the fact that the Warren Court didn’t include redistribution of wealth as part of its civil rights decision. A few days ago we also heard him accuse white executives in suburbs of not wanting to pay taxes to poor children so they can go to school, which again reinforces his views on redistribution of wealth. Now we have another audio tape of Barack Obama in which he says the US Constitution “reflected a fundamental flaw of this country that carries on to this day.” [Read more…]
