Democrats’ Socialized Health Care Plan Threatening America

Investor’s Business Daily | July 14, 2009

Socialized health-care is being rammed down the throats of the American people. Leftist schemes that have been a dismal failure under communist and socialist countries are now here!

The legislation includes big tax surcharges on the rich, a public plan and fines on employers that fail to provide coverage and individuals that don’t get it. Hoping to regain momentum after several stumbles, top House Democrats insist that they’ll move before the August recess.

The bill’s coverage provisions will cost $1.042 trillion over 10 years, according to a preliminary Congressional Budget Office analysis. Virtually all would come in the last seven years.

With voters’ deficit fears growing almost as fast as America’s red ink, Democrats have scrambled to pay for reform’s huge costs. [Read more…]


No Laughing Matter – America’s Path to Marxism

FrontPageMag | Dr. Mark W. Hendrickson | July 2, 2009

Who won the Cold War? That’s a no-brainer. The United States prevailed while the Soviet Union collapsed, and the People’s Republic of China dumped Marxism; capitalism (free markets and private property) triumphed over socialism (centrally planned markets and state-owned property); an ethos of individual rights proved to be more resilient and healthy than collectivist ideology; relatively small, democratic government clearly was demonstrated to help a society prosper far more effectively than elitist Big Government.

How ironic, then, that voices in Russia and China are mocking our current Big Government policies. Those whose countries took the tragic, impoverishing detour through Big Government hell now react with scorn and derision as we Americans charge headlong down that same path. What an amazing spectacle it must be for them to see the victor of the Cold War borrow many pages from the losers’ playbook. [Read more…]


The ugly face of liberalism

American Thinker | Selwyn Duke | July 1, 2009

It has been interesting watching the response to the Honduran military’s recent ousting its nation’s president, Manuel Zelaya. Barack Obama called the action “not legal” and Hillary Clinton said that the arrest of Zelaya should be condemned. Most interesting, perhaps, is that taking this position places them shoulder to shoulder with Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega and Venezuelan’s roaring mouse, Hugo Chavez, who is threatening military action against Honduras. Now, some would say this is an eclectic group – others would say, not so much – regardless, what has gotten them so upset? [Read more…]


Honduras Defends Its Democracy

Wall Street Journal | Mary Anastasia O’Grady | June 29, 2009
Fidel Castro and Hillary Clinton object.

Hugo Chávez’s coalition-building efforts suffered a setback yesterday when the Honduran military sent its president packing for abusing the nation’s constitution.

It seems that President Mel Zelaya miscalculated when he tried to emulate the success of his good friend Hugo in reshaping the Honduran Constitution to his liking.

But Honduras is not out of the Venezuelan woods yet. Yesterday the Central American country was being pressured to restore the authoritarian Mr. Zelaya by the likes of Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega, Hillary Clinton and, of course, Hugo himself. The Organization of American States, having ignored Mr. Zelaya’s abuses, also wants him back in power. It will be a miracle if Honduran patriots can hold their ground. [Read more…]


A Plan to Hurt You

FrontPageMag | Floyd and Mary Beth Brown | June 26, 2009

Imagine waiting for a year to have cancer surgery while the malignancy spreads – and then be told, “Sorry. You waited too long. Go home and die.” It happens in Britain and Canada because they have socialized medicine.

Now imagine a federal bureaucrat possessing the power to choose your doctor, tell doctors what treatments they can prescribe and which tests they can run. They decide at what age you are no longer eligible to undergo dialysis or receive an organ transplant or a CAT scan, even treatments as simple as antibiotics. [Read more…]


62 Million Voiceless Americans

America Thinker | Nancy Morgan | June 9, 2009

Is it still called debate when only one side controls the conversation? That’s the question the 62 million Americans who didn’t vote for Obama are asking themselves.

These millions now have absolutely no voice in the way our country is being governed. No say in the quadrupling of our debt or in the onerous taxes being piled on top of record unemployment. They have no say in the pending trillion dollar health care ‘reform’ or the more costly ‘cap and trade’ legislation steadily making its way through Congress. With Democrats firmly in control of the White House and the House of Representatives, and most likely the Senate, the left has found no need for bipartisanship. After all, ‘Obama won.’ Case closed. [Read more…]


Obama Tells American Businesses to Drop Dead | Kevin Hassett | June 8, 2009

I’ve finally figured out the Obama economic strategy. President Barack Obama and his team have been having so much fun wielding dictatorial power while rescuing “failed” firms, that they have developed a scheme to gain the same power over every business. The plan is to enact policies that are so anticompetitive that every firm needs a bailout.

Once that happens, their new pay czar Kenneth Feinberg can set the wage for everybody and Rahm Emanuel can stack the boards of all of our companies with his political cronies. [Read more…]


Revisiting Hayek

American Thinker | Andrew Foy & Brenton Stransky | May 25, 2009

To many who have watched the transition from socialism to fascism at close quarters the connection between the two systems has become increasingly obvious, but in the (Western) democracies the majority of people still believe that socialism and freedom can be combined. They do not realize that democratic socialism, the great utopia of the last few generations, is not only unachievable, but that to strive for it produces something utterly different – the very destruction of freedom itself. As has been aptly said: ‘What has always made the state a hell on earth has been precisely that man has tried to make it his heaven.’ – F.A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom [Read more…]


Making Free Speech a Hate Crime

American Daughter | Jerry A. Kane | May 7, 2009

The hate crime bill that passed the U.S. House of Representatives April 29 is an attempt by democratic socialists and progressives to silence dissent against alternative lifestyles. Their incessant iconoclastic attacks on once established values and morality have nearly eroded this nation’s spiritual and cultural legacy. Instituting same-sex marriage and prosecuting hate speech will complete the process and shatter the remaining hopes for cultural regeneration and tear down the last vestiges of the country’s Judeo-Christian ethic.

In America’s brave new post-modern multiculture, homosexual and transgender people will become a federally-protected class under the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, HR-1913. Under this act, anyone who publicly opposes the practice of homosexuality or any of the 30 other sexual orientations as designated by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) could be charged with expressing “hateful words” and convicted of a “hate crime.” [Read more…]


The Great Liberal Pandemonium Machine

American Thinker | James Lewis | Apr. 30, 2009

The Left rules by constant fear, but none of its predicted catastrophes come true. Ever notice that? Instead, we do have real things to worry about, all right — but half of them are the results of the Media Pandemonium Machine itself. Like one third of the little kids in our world who are now convinced — by cynical or deluded adults — that they won’t live long enough to enjoy a healthy adulthood. That is a terrible burden imposed on little children by the Left, in its never-ending grab for power. [Read more…]
