ObamaCare is Tyranny, Not Legislation

Obamacare: A Nightmare for America
Obamacare: A Nightmare for America

American Thinker | by Janice Shaw Crouse | 3/18/2010

What we’re seeing in Washington, D.C. is not “politics as usual” with the arm twisting and “horse trading” that is typical in getting a bill passed; instead, it is ideological warfare. What Obama, Reid and Pelosi are doing is not legislating; it is an act of tyranny — overturning all the rules and principles of government in a representative democracy. Attempting to pass the Senate version of ObamaCare in the House under the ironically named “Slaughter Rule” (to circumvent the objections of the Stupak coalition to taxpayer funding of abortion) is an exercise in raw power akin to the many acts of judicial tyranny the American public has endured over the last 40 years from judges who have little regard for the Constitution.

Apparently Obama, Reid and Pelosi aren’t worried about losing control of Congress in 2010 or even the presidency in 2012, because their higher goal is to irrevocably institutionalize their leftist ideology. [Read more…]


The Bigger the Government, the Less You Are Needed

by Dennis Prager | 3/16/2010

Among the things left and right, religious and secular, agree on is that one of the few real needs human beings have is to be needed. When we are not needed, life feels pointless.

The need to be needed is universal. Men need it; women need it. The sexes may feel needed in different ways, but the depth of the need is the same. Many women feel particularly alive when needed by their young children; many men feel worthy when needed by their family and/or their work. That is why most women navigate difficult emotional straits when their adult children leave home and assume independent lives, and why most men find it so crushing to lose their job — not necessarily because of loss of income, but because of the loss of meaning that comes from no longer being needed. [Read more…]


Democrats Fly True Colors In Health War

Investors.com | by Michael Gerson | 3/16/2010

The final outcome of the health care reform debate is uncertain — who can predict where a writhing eel will land? — but we have learned a few things already.

First, we know that President Obama and the Democratic congressional leadership could not persuade a majority of Americans of the wisdom of their plan — and have largely ceased to try. [Read more…]


Thugs in Washington

Obamacare: A Nightmare for America
Obamacare: A Nightmare for America

LifeSiteNews | by Steve Jalsevac | 3/12/2010

When human life is measured only by its cost, then you know there are wider and very concerning implications about what such people believe and will do.

We are seeing the Obama Democrats come out these past few days revealing, more explicitly than ever before, their true nature of being political thugs.

All stops are being pulled to ram their health care legislation through – no matter how much the American public opposes it, no matter how much they have to lie and trash the constitution and legislative traditions, and no matter how much they have to bribe or threaten fellow Democrats who won’t go along with their corrupt program.
[Read more…]


Obamacare: Shortcut to Socialism

CFP| by Henry Lamb | 3/13/2010

The official title is the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” popularly known as “Obamacare,” passed by the Senate in the wee-hours of Christmas Eve. This 2400-page monstrosity does what no enemy of America has ever been able to do: transform the land of the free into the home of the enslaved.

For the first time in the history of the nation, the federal government will force its citizens to purchase a product.

If Americans – through their elected officials – accept this principle, there is nothing to prevent the federal government from forcing its citizens to purchase any other product that the government decides its citizens should have. [Read more…]


The Communist Holocaust

Communist Holocaust - The deadliest ideology in the history of manCompiled by Chris Banescu
(Contributors: Chris Banescu, Scott Manning, Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation)

In October 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution gave birth to the deadliest ideology in human history – Communism. In less than 100 years, Communism has claimed more than 100 million lives. Today, it continues to enslave one-sixth of the world’s population.

A free people cannot afford to forget the evils of Communism. We cannot allow the atrocities of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Ceausescu, and Castro to fade into the background of history. We must not forget the trail of blood and tears this utopian deception has left behind.

It is a great moral failing that so many don’t know the extent of Communism’s atrocities and the great evil they unleashed on the world. While the horrors of Nazism are well known, who knows that the Soviet Union murdered more than 20 million people? Who knows that China’s dictators have slaughtered as many as 60 million? Who knows that the Communist holocaust has exacted a death toll surpassing that of all of the wars of the 20th century combined? (Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation) [Read more…]


The Undemocratic Democrats

Townhall | by Linda Chavez | 3/5/2010

Arrogance is an occupational hazard in politics, one that is often fatal, and the Democrats show every sign of having succumbed. You would think someone in the party would sound the alarm. But, so far, Democrats seem willing to follow their leaders off the cliff. The president, House speaker and Senate majority leader appear ready to defy the American public and ram a disastrous and unpopular overturn of health care down our throats, regardless of the consequences to the country or their own political futures. There is something deeply disturbing about this turn of events — and undemocratic. [Read more…]


Pro-Life Teen Barred from Receiving Honor

LifeSiteNews | Feb. 9, 2010

In what critics are calling an unprecedented act of bias, pro-abortion Ohio House Speaker Armond Budish (D-Beechwood) has denied Shelby County teen Elisabeth Trisler a routine legislative honor, evidently because he objects to Trisler’s pro-life values. Budish is refusing to allow Trisler on the House floor to accept a legislative resolution, authored by Rep. John Adams (R-Sidney), which honors Trisler’s accomplishment as the National Right to Life Oratory Contest winner.

Alongside local pro-life leaders, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Ohio has criticized the move, indicating the refusal amounted to “teaching young people that the answer is to silence those who disagree with us.”

Honorary resolutions such as the one given to Trisler are routinely presented at the start of Ohio House legislative sessions to constituents, including those who win athletic championships or academic contests. In this case, however, Trisler will receive the resolution in the mail, according to Ohio Right to Life. [Read more…]


Thank You, Glenn Beck, for Exposing Communism’s Evils

Pajamas Media | by Jamie Glazov | Feb. 5, 2010

The tortures included laying a man naked on a freezing cement floor, forcing his legs apart, and then an interrogator stepping on his testicles, applying increasing pressure until the confession surfaced. Imagine the consequences of no surfacing confession. Indeed, many people refused to confess to a crime they did not commit.

Daughters and sons were raped in front of their fathers and mothers — for the sake of extracting “confessions.” [Read more…]


Fracking the Academic Left

American Thinker | by James Lewis | Feb. 7, 2010

Two seemingly unrelated stories this week came together in my mind: “Howard Zinn is dead” and
“Horizontal fracking” will produce much larger-than-expected amounts of clean, inexpensive natural gas over the coming decades.

What do those headlines mean? Well, Howard Zinn was the mendacious professor whose Marxist People’s History of the United States is now a principal indoctrination tool of the college Left — our “progressives” — in order to turn out the likes of Barack Hussein Obama and other people who think the United States is a malign force that should go around apologizing for itself. [Read more…]
