by Fr. Eugene Murzin –
The purpose of a Christian’s life is not to beg God for some earthly things, but to know God and find eternal joy in communion with Him. [Read more…]
Love Endures When All Else Fails
by Fr. Basil Ross Aden –
The word of the day is “endures.” People these days do not value things that last. [Read more…]
Being Subtly Led Astray Into Sin
by Fr. Michael Wood –
Brethren, be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist, steadfast in the faith. [Read more…]
How We Prove Our Love To God
by Fr. James Guirguis –
The love you desire to have towards God is demonstrated by the actual love you show to the flesh and blood people around you, to those who are made in the image and likeness of God. [Read more…]
Importance of Patiently Letting Down Our Nets in Obedience to Christ
by Fr. Philip LeMasters –
If there is any virtue that seems completely foreign to our culture today, it is patience. From fast food to cell phones, from transportation to losing weight, we want instant results and think that something is wrong if we do not get what we want immediately. Thoughtful people learn, however, that disappointments and delays are often actually good for us. [Read more…]
Orthodoxy is Not For Cowards – When Faith is Assaulted, Orthodox Christians Must Take Courageous Action
by Fr. Zechariah Lynch –
When clear matters of the faith are blatantly assaulted, every sober-minded Orthodox Christian is called to stand up and make a courageous answer.
There exists a pseudo-humility. This false idea turns humility and meekness into spinelessness and cowardice, in which a person is unable to address anything at all. [Read more…]
The Way of the Saints – Certain Characteristics Belong to All Saints
by Fr. Thomas Hopko –
There are certain characteristics which belong to all of the saints, whoever they were and whenever they lived. Among these characteristics are the following:
Every saint is God-centered and seeks in his or her life the “one thing necessary”—to glorify God by doing His will.
Every saint is Christ-centered and seeks to pattern his or her life after the life of Jesus; following Him, keeping His commandments and imitating His example. [Read more…]
The Lord Directly Commands That We Rebuke a Sinning Brother
by Archbishop Averky (Taushev) –
In order to strengthen their shaky “position”, such false preachers of this trendy, pseudo-“Christianity” like very much to abuse the Lord’s famous saying, Judge not, that ye be not judged (Matt. 7:1). This is their very favorite saying, which nevertheless does not hinder them in the least from judging and condemning in the cruelest manner all of those who do not agree with their heresy, which is no more than a totally deceitful distortion of the Gospel teachings—a fraud by which they confuse and disturb many. [Read more…]
Homosexuality is Sinful and Contrary to Nature, Evidence of Man’s Rebellion Against God and Nature
by Fr. Thomas Hopko –
The most direct reference to homosexuality in the New Testament, as we have seen, is in St. Paul’s letter [Read more…]
The Nativity of Christ as Our Joy and Judgment
by Met. Athanasios of Limassol –
By their prayerful experience, the holy fathers of the Church have proved that every time we stand before God in prayer in church or in our own homes, this standing has two characteristic features. It fills us with joy, because we are witnessing God’s great love for man. Our heart yearns to express great gratitude to God, as each of us, according to his own measure, feels this gift of the Lord to His creation.
But at the same time, this standing before God is also a judgment for us, especially on this holy feast, as on all great feasts and days connected with the events of the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. But of course, the deepest meaning of these events and feasts is certainly not the condemnation of man, but his salvation. [Read more…]