Dr. Alveda King Calls on NAACP Leadership to Address the ‘Inconvenient Truth’ of Abortion’s Impact on African Americans

Priests for Life Newsletter

ATLANTA, Ga., July 6 /Christian Newswire/ — Dr. Alveda King, Pastoral Associate of Priests for Life and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., today called for the national convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to adopt a resolution passed by the group’s Macon, Georgia, chapter addressing the impact abortion has had on the African American community. The NAACP opens its 98th Annual Convention this weekend in Detroit.

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Boston woman sues for child-rearing costs after failed abortion

Boston Globe March 7, 2007

BOSTON –A Boston woman who gave birth after a failed abortion has filed a lawsuit against two doctors and Planned Parenthood seeking the costs of raising her child.

The complaint was filed by Jennifer Raper, 45, last week in Suffolk Superior Court and still must be screened by a special panel before it can proceed to trial.

Raper claimed in the three-page medical malpractice suit that she found out she was pregnant in March 2004 and decided to have an abortion for financial reasons.

Dr. Allison Bryant, a physician working for Planned Parenthood at the time, performed the procedure on April 9, 2004, but it “was not done properly, causing the plaintiff to remain pregnant,” according to the complaint.

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Do Pro-Life Laws Make a Difference?

Townhall.com Rebecca Hagelin February 9, 2007

For 34 years, it’s been legal in America for mothers to kill their pre-born babies. It’s difficult to imagine that the culture my teenagers and so many young adults have grown up in has been this culture of death — they simply have no other frame of reference. Yet, even at the tender age of 14,knowing no other America but one in which abortion is legal, my daughter doesn’t understand why our nation allows such a heinous act to be inflicted on the innocent and voiceless.Common sense tells her it’s wrong. How can it be, she wonders? I have no answers.

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An Uncomfortable Truth: The Pain of the Unborn

Breakpoint.org Mark Earley January 24, 2007

Undoubtedly many of the great evils of our times have been committed because the cries of the victims were not heard—not heard by those who sat by, comfortably ignorant of the horrors around them. In early nineteenth-century England, few citizens had any real understanding that the lump of sugar they dropped in their afternoon tea was made at the high price of human bondage. The screams of men and women branded or whipped on West Indies sugar plantations were not heard in the fashionable parlors of England. Not until, that is, the great Christian statesman William Wilberforce launched his crusade against the slave trade.

Today, some two hundred years later, there are victims whose agony our ears will never hear. These are the unborn victims of abortion.

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Stem Cell Miracle? An Advance This Side Of Bush’s Moral Line

Jewish World Review Charles Krauthammer January 12, 2007

When President Bush announced in August 2001 his restrictive funding decision for federal embryonic stem cell research, he was widely attacked for an unwarranted intrusion of religion into scientific research. His solicitousness for a 200-cell organism — the early embryo that Bush declared should not be destroyed to produce a harvest of stem cells — was roundly denounced as reactionary and anti-scientific. And cruel to boot. It was preventing a cure for thousands of people with hopeless and terrible diseases, from diabetes to spinal cord injury. As John Edwards put it most starkly and egregiously in 2004: If John Kerry becomes president, Christopher Reeve will walk again.

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Parents keep mentally disabled daughter child-size for easier care

Seattle Post-Intelligencer January 4, 2007

The parents of a mentally disabled girl have had a Seattle hospital give her treatments to keep her child-size so that she’ll be easier to care for.

Nine-year-old named Ashley recently completed 2 1/2 years of treatments.

The treatments included a hysterectomy, the removal of her breast buds, and a course of estrogen.

KING-TV reports the treatment was approved by the ethics board at Children’s Hospital. Dr. Benjamin Wilfond said the hospital agreed to the treatment to benefit the child.

She has a severe brain impairment called static encephalopathy. She can’t walk or talk. She’s fed through a tube and has the developmental ability of a baby.

Ashley’s parents bring her to Children’s Hospital every three months so that doctors can monitor her height, weight and estrogen levels.

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All the abortion lies fit to print

Jewish World Review Michelle Malkin January 3, 2007

It’s official: The editors of The New York Times have no shame. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to the Times’ own ombudsman, Byron Calame.

On Sunday, Calame wrote a stunning column debunking an April 9 New York Times Magazine cover story on abortion in El Salvador. The sensational piece by freelance writer Jack Hitt alleged that women there had been thrown in prison for 30-year terms for having had abortions. Hitt described his visit to one of them, inmate Carmen Climaco. “She is now 26 years old, four years into her 30-year sentence” for aborting an 18-week-old fetus, Hitt reported.

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