Fr. Christopher Calin Endorses Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ, Anti-Christian Biden-Harris Candidacy

Fr. Christopher Calin Endorses Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ, Anti-Christian Biden-Harris Candidacyby Jennifer Davis –
Fr. Christopher Calin, priest in the OCA, publicly posted a Biden/Harris 2020 campaign sign on his Facebook page. He proudly endorses some of the most radically pro-abortion and pro-LGBTQ Democrat candidates this country has seen. The Biden/Harris platform is anti-life and anti-Christian, it goes against unchanging moral principles and teachings of the Orthodox Church. But that does not bother Fr. Calin in the least. He still embraces the Biden/Harris ticket. [Read more…]


Leftism – Not Just Wrong, But Evil and Corrupt

Leftism - Not Just Wrong, But Evil and Corruptby Mark Tapson –
The Democrat Party is the face of Moloch. It is a cult of criminality and death. On every political issue, Democrats take the side of chaos and destruction, crime and disorder.

Conservative commentator Dennis Prager once made an insightful distinction between the political left and right. The right, he noted, generally sees the left as wrong but not evil, whereas the left sees the right not merely as wrong but as evil. This was a valid assessment once upon a time, but as the left has increasingly exposed itself in the Trump era as rabidly illiberal, irrational, and immoral, it is time for the right to acknowledge that the left is not merely wrong, but evil. [Read more…]


Political Correctness, Progressivism, and Present Day Bolsheviks

Political Correctness, Progressivism, and Present Day BolsheviksExcerpts from multiple posts by Fr. Johannes Jacobse in the comments section of “It’s a Brand New Age” blog post. Some edits made to transform multiple individual comments by Fr. Jacobse into a cohesive stand-alone article. Special care was taken to preserve the original meaning of the author.

– Fr. Johannes Jacobse
Political correctness is the cultic aspect of Liberalism and Progressivism mostly because it attempts to control thought through language. It’s Orwell, but on a deeper level Dostoevsky and even Nietzsche. The markers are easy to spot especially the cruder terms — racist, sexist, homophobe, Islamophobe, white privilege — anything to shut down discussion and censure thought. Language is used promiscuously, laced with moral opprobrium and other self-justifying blather. It’s intimidation, like the Brownshirts or Bolsheviks.

The corruption of language is both a cause and effect of the moral inversion [Read more…]


Nanny State Insanity: Abortion and Marijuana are Safe, Pregnancy and Soda are Dangerous

Nanny State Insanity: Abortion and Marijuana are Safe, Pregnancy and Soda are Dangerous by George Neumayr –
For the Nanny State Left, abortion is safe and pregnancy is risky. Fertility is treated as a disease requiring “preventive” drugs and pregnancy is seen as a disability.

Under the nanny state, what qualifies as a risk is often perplexing. Its champions usually see risks everywhere, from climate change to oversized sugary drinks to cupcake parties in public school classrooms. They press for more and more safety and healthy regulations in every area of life, demanding that society err on the side of caution. But when topics such as over-the-counter abortifacients and drug legalization come up, proponents of the nanny state suddenly change their tune. Risks are downplayed and freedom is extolled.

The New York Times, which normally favors hyperactive legislation and regulations for imaginary risks, has adopted a dismissive attitude about the real risks of marijuana use. Its editorial board has pronounced marijuana a “substance far less dangerous than alcohol” [Read more…]


Liberals, Progressives, and Leftists Wage War on the Truth

Liberals, Progressives, and Leftists Wage War on the Truthby Trevor Thomas –
The convictions of modern liberalism are numerous and growing: abortion, homosexuality, hook-ups, same-sex marriage, gender confusion, man-made global warming, universal healthcare, income redistribution, and whatever is the next perversion or deceit that will strike at the heart of biblical truths.

When it comes to political “wars,” in spite of the meme perpetrated by most liberals, no one is more hawkish than modern liberals and the political party that they own, the Democrat Party. By and large since the 1960s, their efforts are summed up by one succinct and extremely accurate appellation: a war on the truth.

In the history of our nation, only the pro-slavery Democrats of the 19th century rival the political deception employed by today’s liberals that lead the modern Democrat Party. Support of everything from abortion, to gender perversions, homosexuality, pornography, a redefinition of marriage, wicked climate policies, and an enslaving welfare state have made today’s Democrat Party little more than a modern-day Mephistopheles. [Read more…]


Liberal Child Abuse – Pro-Abortion Democrats Pretend To Care About Children

Liberal Child Abuse - Obama Pro-Abortion Presidentby Tom Trinko –
A key moment so far in the shutdown drama was when Harry Reid, the liberal Democrat head of the Senate, stated that he didn’t care if children with cancer missed out on medical care.

While this shocked many, the simple fact is that liberals tend to be very much unconcerned about children.  After all, liberals are keen supporters of killing children before they’re born, and sometimes even after, so the thought that liberals are more concerned with their own political power than with children shouldn’t be surprising.

Historically, liberals talk a good game about children — using them to justify bigger government and more power for liberals over our lives — but they don’t ever walk the walk. Aside from having far fewer children than conservatives — witness the concern about the “birth gap” — liberals are also very big fans of abortion, which always kills a child, and they tend to lean towards prioritizing career over parenting. [Read more…]


For Democrats, Abortion is Their Religion

Democrats Pro Abortionby Fr. Ben Johnson –
Why would the radical Left increasingly use such religious language to defend the indefensible, the gruesome murder of the unborn?

Because abortion is their religion.

Its promoters cling to it more closely than any other political principle. They consecrate it as “sacred” and brand any attempt to constrain it as “an abomination,” a blasphemy against their idolatrous creed. Any attempt to reason about it is met with emotion-laden non-sequiturs and fulminating excommunications. How else can one even conceive of a book like The Sacrament of Abortion?


The rhetoric is getting weird out there.

As the House of Representatives considered passing a ban on abortions beyond the 20th week of pregnancy, Congresswoman Gwen Moore of Wisconsin filled the chamber with the rhetoric of a fundamentalist preacher. Reacting with righteous fury, the representative from the Milwaukee shouted, “This bill is an abomination!” [Read more…]


Trouble in the Nanny State, The Left Attacks NYC Teen Pregnancy Ads

 Left Attacks NYC Teen Pregnancy Adsby Ann Coulter –
Like the proverbial monkey typing for infinity and getting Shakespeare, Mayor Bloomberg’s obsession with reforming New Yorkers’ health has finally produced a brilliant ad campaign.

Posters are popping up in subway stations and bus stops giving statistics about teen pregnancy that show cute little kids saying things like, “Honestly, Mom … chances are he won’t stay with you. What happens to me?” and “I’m twice as likely not to graduate high school because you had me as a teen.”

(Based on a recent CBS report, the kid could add, “Then again, I’m in the New York City public school system, so even if I graduate I won’t be able to read.”)

It’s one thing to stigmatize “Big Gulp” drinkers, but liberals are hopping mad at this attempt to stigmatize teen pregnancy, 90 percent of which is unwed. To put it another way, if you’re a New York teen with a distended belly these days, it had better be because you’re pregnant. [Read more…]


New York City Schools Give 12,721 Abortion Pills to Young Girls

Public Schools Abortion Pills to Childrenby By Jessica Chasmar –
New York City schools are offering young girls a full menu of birth control options, free of parental counsel, thanks to an unpublicized project by Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration.

School nurses handed out 12,721 doses of the Plan B One-Step “morning-after” pill in 2011-12, up from 10,720 in 2010-11 and 5,039 in 2009-10, the New York Post reports.

Mona Davids, president of the NYC Parents Union, was stunned by the report. [Read more…]


Obama Administration Can’t Think of Any Restrictions on Abortion

Democrats Pro Abortionby John Jalsevac –
“The Democratic Party used to say [abortion] should be ‘safe, legal and rare,’” said Paul Ryan. “Now they support it without restriction and with taxpayer funding. Taxpayer funding in ObamaCare, taxpayer funding with foreign aid.”

After the [vice-presidential] debate John McCormack of the Weekly Standard decided to press Obama officials on whether the president really is extreme on the issue, asking them if they could name any abortion restrictions that Obama supports.

McCormack queried Obama officials Jim Messina, Stephanie Cutter, and David Axelrod, and then, when none were able to name any restrictions Obama supports, he went to Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, who maintains a close relationship with the administration. [Read more…]
