Sharia In Action

Powerline January 9, 2007

Nazanin Mahabad Fatehi is an Iranian teenager who was sentenced to be hanged for murder by an Iranian court. I had been unaware of her case until I read about it in the Power Line Forum last night. According to her account, Nazanin was with her sixteen-yeare-old niece and their two boyfriends when they were approached by three men who tried to rape them. The boyfriends fled, and Nazanin defended herself with a knife she carried in her purse. She stabbed one of the men, who later died. So far, at least, I haven’t seen any version of the facts that differs materially from Nazanin’s account.

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Ellison: Quran influenced America’s founding fathers

Detroit Free Press Niraj Warikoo January 5, 2007

Detroit native Keith Ellison, the first Muslim Congressman, told the Free Press Friday that he used the Quran during his oath of office because the Islamic holy book helped influence the founding fathers of America.

Ellison, a Minnesota Democrat, garnered international attention Thursday when he used a Quran once owned by Thomas Jefferson during his ceremonial swearing-in ceremony for the House of Representatives.

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All the abortion lies fit to print

Jewish World Review Michelle Malkin January 3, 2007

It’s official: The editors of The New York Times have no shame. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to the Times’ own ombudsman, Byron Calame.

On Sunday, Calame wrote a stunning column debunking an April 9 New York Times Magazine cover story on abortion in El Salvador. The sensational piece by freelance writer Jack Hitt alleged that women there had been thrown in prison for 30-year terms for having had abortions. Hitt described his visit to one of them, inmate Carmen Climaco. “She is now 26 years old, four years into her 30-year sentence” for aborting an 18-week-old fetus, Hitt reported.

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A good man in evil times

Ed. Interesting and accurate history. Patrick J. Buchanan December 29, 2006

Gerald R. Ford was a good man who served his country well in an evil time.

When he took office on Aug. 9, 1974, and declared, “Our long national nightmare is over,” Ford did not fully appreciate that those who had done the most to create the nightmare were still here. The establishment that Nixon had humiliated in his 49-state landslide, having just effected a coup d’etat, had crawled back into power.

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Wrecking America: A Bipartisan Pursuit

Front Page Magazine Alan Nathan December 26, 2006

The vile and disgusting truth about both political parties is that they marginalize all of us by empowering the government to bully individuals with intrusive legislation. If their druthers were any more unchecked, Republicans would harm the collective good in the name of individual freedom while Democrats would assault individual freedom in the name of the collective good. Consequently, the only existing check against each is their perpetual tug of war with one another, and that leaves us with nothing but the pathetic lesser of two evils.

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When Will Bisexuals Drag Homosexuals out of Polygamy Closet? Janet M. LaRue December 22, 2006

Homosexuals continue to push for marriage equality but ‘resist’ polygamy.

In 1972 the National Coalition of Gay Organizations demanded the “repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers.” So why aren’t homosexual activists leading the battle to legalize polygamy?

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The Market and Its Medicine

Wall Street Opinion Journal Stephen Moore December 5, 2006

Solving the health-care “crisis” means not more government involvement but less.

About 10 years ago, I broke my leg playing basketball. After I came out of surgery, with a cast stretching from my ankle to the top of my leg, an orderly asked me whether I had ever used crutches before. I hadn’t, so he showed me what to do, swinging through them from one end of the room to the other. The whole lesson lasted about 90 seconds. When I got my hospital bill, I saw that I had been charged $150 for “gait training on crutches.” I did what all insured Americans do: I forwarded the bill to my insurance company. Why should I care? I wasn’t paying for it.

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Casey Ran as “Pro-Life”; His First Act Seeks “Sexual Orientation” Hate Crime Law Meg Jalsevac November 14, 2006

Touted as pro-life and pro-family moderate who values his Catholic faith.

Within 24 hours of winning the bitter Pennsylvanian Senate race against incumbent Republican Rick Santorum, Democrat Senator-elect Bob Casey, Jr. let his real agendas show through. has reported that, the very day after the election, Casey announced that he would work in support of legislation to increase the scope of federal hate crimes law to encompass sexual orientation and gender identity as a victim group.

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Is It a Sin not to Vote?

Breakpoint Charles Colson November 1, 2006

Christians in the Public Square

Is it a sin not to vote?

That’s a question that’s been very much in the news in the wake of the supposed exposé by David Kuo, author of Tempting Fate. Kuo, a former aide to President Bush, says he became disillusioned when he heard administration staffers call evangelicals “nuts” and “goofy.” He was also bothered that staffers used political judgments in deciding where to hold briefings. Really? What administration since George Washington has not considered politics when scheduling meetings? As for the “nuts” charge—assuming it’s true—well, I’ve probably used the same term myself to describe some overly zealous brethren.

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