Why Israelis are afraid — very afraid

Jewish World Review Yossi Klein Halevi & Michael B. Oren January 29, 2007

The Jewish State’s worst nightmare

The first reports from military intelligence about an Iranian nuclear program reached the desk of Yitzhak Rabin shortly after he became prime minister in May 1992. Rabin’s conclusion was unequivocal: Only a nuclear Iran, he told aides, could pose an existential threat to which Israel would have no credible response. But, when he tried to warn the Clinton administration, he met with incredulity. The CIA’s assessment — which wouldn’t change until 1998 — was that Iran’s nuclear program was civilian, not military. Israeli security officials felt that the CIA’s judgment was influenced by internal U.S. politics and privately referred to the agency as the “cpia” — “P” for “politicized.”

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Ahtisaari’s proposal unacceptable, Bishop Artemije

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BRUSSELS, Feb 2 (Tanjug) – Bishop of Raska ad Prizren Artemije said in Brussels on Friday, shortly after his talks with European Union (EU) special envoy for Kosovo status Stefan Lehne, that the proposal of (UN special envoy) Martti Ahtisaari was unacceptable for Serbs and Serbia because it viewed Kosovo as being separate from Serbia.

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The New Totalitarianism: Forcing People to Be Tolerant

New Oxford Review David J. Peterson July-August 1999

On a cold night early in 1998 a college freshman in Wyoming decided to engage in one of his periodic bouts of very hazardous behavior. He went out cruising the bars looking for rough sex with a male stranger or strangers. From a bar, the youngster went off into the night with two men who pistol-whipped him, robbed him, and left him tied to a fence by the side of a road. He died some days later in a hospital. The young man’s name was Matthew Shepard. Shepard’s parents instantly found themselves, their dead son, and their grief being exploited to publicize what the activists endlessly interviewed by the media announced was rampant anti-homosexual bias in American culture. His father told the thronging media that the death of his misguided and unfortunate son should not be so used. But the opportunity for exploitation was irresistible, and Shepard was made the poster-boy for a campaign to write into law a special protected status for homosexuals. This campaign had already been vigorous, and Shepard’s iconic murder turned it positively frenzied. The ever-opportunistic Bill Clinton appeared on television to condemn “gay bashing” and to demand new federal and state laws to combat it. He expressed perfectly the wishes of the liberal elite who intend to blanket the country with laws that will punish such “hate crimes.”

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Archbishop Chaput Questions Governor’s Pledge

DENVER, Colorado, JAN. 18, 2007 (Zenit.org).- Archbishop Charles Chaput is questioning the new Colorado governor’s pledge to restore eligibility requirements for state-funded family planning programs.

Governor Bill Ritter, who ran with a pro-life platform, wants to allow organizations like Planned Parenthood to get state funding, if they can prove the money does not subsidize abortions.

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After Bush: Is conservatism finished?

Ed. Good read. Long. You might want to print and read.

Commentary Magazine Wilfred M. McClay January 2007

Even before November’s midterm elections and the Republican party’s loss of its congressional majorities, there was widespread talk of the exhaustion, even death, of conservatism in America. Over the past year or so, indeed, every new day has seemed to bring another article or book on the subject. Gathering steam as the election approached, such inquests became as popular among conservatives themselves as among liberals. Each offered a distinctive thesis or complaint relating to a perceived malfeasance of the Bush administration, whether in foreign policy, social policy, homeland security, domestic spending, corruption, or any number of other areas.

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Europe – Thy Name is Cowardice

Matthias Dapfner, Chief Executive of the huge German publisher Axel Springer AG, has written a blistering attack in DIE WELT, Germany ‘s largest daily paper, against the timid reaction of Europe in the face of the Islamic Threat. This is a must read by all Americans.

(Commentary by Mathias Dapfner CEO, Axel Springer, AG)

A few days ago Henry Broder wrote in Welt am Sonntag, ” Europe — your family name is appeasement.” It’s a phrase you can’t get out of your head because it’s so terribly true.

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