The Left Is Deconstructing The Middle Class

Leftists Socialists communists democrats by Jack Curtis –
A lasting legend from Russia’s Communist Revolution illustrates the attitude of the Progressive Left toward the middle class: the examination of rounded up citizens by the revolutionaries. If a captive’s hands weren’t calloused, he was executed. That doesn’t fit America; better to enlist the citizens in the deconstruction. Though slower than the Russian approach, that hasn’t proven difficult; the left’s programs are popular with voters.

America’s middle class is a historical anomaly, a result of combining British government and jurisprudence; classical liberalism; a disparate stream of immigrants and an entire new, unexploited; and a lightly governed continent where the prior occupants were no barrier. Add to that an industrial revolution. Though seldom discussed in public now, the resulting huge, educated, propertied, and politically powerful middle class is seen from the left as an obstacle, an impediment to the reshaping of American society desired by Progressives. In short, it accumulates and retains too much of the political power, property, and wealth that Progressives prefer in the hands of government. [Read more…]


Politics Versus Education: The Left Sacrifices Children to Maintain Power

Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell
by Thomas Sowell –
Of all the cynical frauds of the Obama administration, few are so despicable as sacrificing the education of poor and minority children to the interests of the teachers’ unions.

Attorney General Eric Holder’s attempt to suppress the spread of charter schools in Louisiana was just one of the signs of that cynicism. His nationwide threats of legal action against schools that discipline more black students than he thinks they should are at least as damaging.

Charter schools are hated by teachers’ unions and by much of the educational establishment in general. They seem to be especially hated when they succeed in educating minority children whom the educational establishment says cannot be educated. [Read more…]


United States in Severe Decline Thanks to Obama

Obama King Tyrant Rules by Decreeby Deroy Murdock –
The Land of the Free is governed by an out-of-control egomaniac, neither bolstered by managerial competence nor hindered by the legislature’s institutional prerogatives. In the Home of the Brave, half of Congress cheers Obama’s unconstitutional behavior, while the other half grumbles and then meekly carpet-bombs his path with white flags.

America is unraveling at a stunning speed and to a staggering degree. This decline is breathtaking, and the prognosis is dim.

For starters, Obama now rules by decree. Reportedly for the 27th time, he has changed the rules of Obamacare singlehandedly, with neither congressional approval nor even ceremonial resolutions to limit his actions. Obama needs no such frivolities.

“That’s the good thing about being president,” Obama joked on February 10. “I can do whatever I want.” In an especially bitter irony, Obama uttered these despicable words while guiding French president François Hollande through Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson — a key architect of America’s foundation of limited government. [Read more…]


Obama Administration is Corrupt, Incompetent, and Dangerous

Obama Administration is Both Corrupt and Incompetentby Orthodox Patriot –
These past couple of days have confirmed what many conservatives and other critics (including some liberals) have been saying about Obama and his cronies for years. Obama is not only a narcissistic socialist hypocrite and a pathological liar, but it appears he is also corrupt and incompetent at the same time. This is not just hyperbole, but an objective assessment of the damning facts and uncontested evidence that has been revealed so far.

The many dangers such an individual poses to the United States of America and all citizens cannot be underestimated. As Michael Goodwin from the New York Post cautions in his editorial, the “ultimate danger is a lack of accountability. The idea that ordinary citizens hold the power has no meaning when the political class circles the wagons and the press looks the other way while the president accumulates more power and control.”

Lest we forget, this is the same president who wants to eviscerate America’s nuclear capabilities, undermine our defensive capabilities, and expose us to unimaginable dangers from increasingly radicalized and tyrannical regimes with growing nuclear capabilities. [Read more…]


America Voted for Mammon and Rejected God

God or Mammon America Choseby Fr. G. Peter Irving III –
Jesus tells us: “No servant can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” …

Whom will you serve? Which will you choose? God or mammon? The things of God or the things of this world? The Lord or the devil? This is the choice that is ever before us in a myriad of ways both large and small. And there is no sitting on the fence. If we hate one, we will love the other.

On Tuesday, November 6, 2012 we faced as a nation a “God or mammon” choice of mammoth proportions. In the most consequential election of our history, the majority of Americans voted for mammon and rejected God. Some did so knowing full well what they were doing (e.g., the Planned Parenthood and the LGBT crowd). Others did so unaware of the dire and far reaching ramifications of their vote. [Read more…]


Obama: A Man Without a Conscience

Obama: A Man Without a Conscienceby Daren Jonescu –
For a long time, intrepid critics of Barack Obama have described him, accurately, as a pathological liar. The Benghazi affair must force even the most circumspect among us to recognize that the problem is even more serious: the president of the United States has no conscience.

Most men do bad things during their lives. But most men know when they are doing a bad thing, and, more importantly, they feel bad about it. This is why, for most of us, bad behavior has its limits. There is a point beyond which we simply will not go, even for a greatly desired advantage. Our minds will not let us do it. We say things like “I couldn’t live with myself if I did that.” [Read more…]


This Year’s Elections and Moral Choices

Voting and Moral Choicesby Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon –
This year’s elections involve an attempt to usurp an authority that belongs properly to God. Vote wisely, therefore, and in the fear of God. This year—more than any time in my memory—our votes in the election are going to be recorded in eternity.

Since political elections normally deal with matters of policy, I do not normally make them the subject of pastoral concern. This year, however, the national elections in our country are not concerned simply with policies but with principles.

My first comment, I suppose, should address that difference.

About policies—most questions of political concern—we may expect some legitimate disagreements among Christians. Among these we should include questions about the application of civil punishments, the funding of public education, the tax code, the authority of federal agencies, this or that social program, and so forth. These matters, properly governed by prudence, leave much room for legitimate disagreements among Christians. [Read more…]


Will a Weakened American Character Defeat Paul Ryan?

Dennis Prager
Dennis Prager
by Dennis Prager –
The Republican vice-presidential candidate, Congressman Paul Ryan, is the Democrats’ political version of the Anti-Christ. He believes in self-reliance; the left believes in reliance on the state. His moral values are shaped by religion (Catholicism); the left is frightened by religious Christian politicians (and athletes, and members of the armed forces, and talk show hosts, and, for that matter, clergy). He believes in individualism; the left believes in collectivism. He believes in small government and powerful citizens; the left believes in large government and dependent citizens.

Nevertheless, the Democratic Party claims to be overjoyed at his selection as the Republican vice-presidential nominee. [Read more…]


Why Do We Elect People Who So Clearly Lack Character?

Obama Fraud Liar Traitor Hates America by Patricia McCarthy –
By now, nearly everyone paying attention knows that Barack Obama has lied countless times over the years in order to further his academic and political career.  He is, in fact, a “composite.”  And what we do know is just a hint of what there is yet to know, given that all his academic records are sealed.

Our president lied about his mother’s lack of health insurance.  He lied about his father’s early life.  His publisher’s brochure described him as “born in Kenya” for years, until he began running for president.  There are countless other examples of his prevarications that fluff out his phony résumé.  It is almost certain that he did not write Dreams from My Father by himself and that his relationship with Jeremiah Wright was cultivated to serve his political future…until it didn’t.  And now, even Michelle is unable to keep the fabricated facts of her husband’s life straight. [Read more…]
