Orthodox Saints Got Involved in Politics and Civic Life

Orthodox Saints Got Involved in Politics and Civic Lifeby Fr. Geoffrey Korz –
A Word to Quietists Who Distort the Practice of the Church

What are politics? By definition, politics are the business of the polis – the business of the city. Wherever the people of the Church are found, wherever the faithful live and assemble, the lives of these members of the Body of Christ should be a concern to their shepherds.

How is this demonstrated in the example of the saints, the holy ones whose lives give us the roadmap for our lives as Orthodox Christians? It is the lives of the saints and elders who guide us on implementing the scriptures in our lives: [Read more…]


Crumbling Narratives Leave the Ruling Class with Everything to Fear

Covid-1984 Crumbling Narratives Leave the Ruling Class with Everything to Fearby J.B. Shurk –
Here’s what our COVID-1984 authoritarians want: they seek to use pandemics, wars, uncontrolled immigration, doomsday climate predictions, and “woke” cultural Marxism to keep people in a constant state of fear, divided among themselves, and willing to hand over their freedoms for evaporative promises of protection.  “Protection” in this racket means survival but not lifeequity but not fairness, financial handouts but not prosperity, and politically correct narratives but no truth.

This last point deserves emphasis.  The powers that be—the central bankers, global financial elites, corporate propagandists, and political aristocrats—have given up on any notion of truth. [Read more…]


Corruption Must Be Revealed in Order to Overcome the Darkness

Corruption Must Be Revealed in Order to Overcome the Darknessby Fr. Johannes Jacobse –
Be courageous. Don’t fear. Stand on the Rock.

We may be in the stages of a final reveal. Corruption must be revealed to overcome the power of darkness. The darkness is sustained when fear overcomes the heart and mind of man. He loses hope and the necessary constituents that give his life meaning move beyond the horizon. He becomes blind.

Men embrace ideology because they refuse to face the corruption in their own hearts. The ideology confers a false righteousness that avoids the honest appraisal of one’s own heart that is necessary for freedom, and replaces it with a lie. This lie reiterates the lie first whispered in Eden: “You will become like God.” That is how a man becomes blind. [Read more…]


Voter Fraud Deniers Contradict Themselves

Voter Fraud Deniers Contradict Themselvesby Jeff Charles –
What are the Democrats so afraid of?

The Democrats and their close friends and allies in the corporate press continue to insist that the 2020 presidential election was as pure as the driven snow, utterly free of any form of voter fraud that one could imagine. They frequently mock, lambast, and demonize anyone who dares to suggest that there was any sliver of funny business going on at the polls.

Progressives like to appear as if they are absolutely certain that there is no evidence of voter fraud, even though mounting piles of affidavits suggest there may have been. But for all their blustering, the actions of some of these individuals betray a distinct lack of confidence in their own narrative. [Read more…]


Morally Corrupt and Delusional Individuals Cannot Be Trusted on Voting Issues

Leftism - Not Just Wrong, But Evil and Corruptby Fr. Ioannes Apiarius –
The same politicians, activists, academics, reporters, and pundits who believe, constantly advocate, and loudly insist that:

  1. Unborn children are just a “blob of cells” with no rights.
  2. Unrestricted abortion up to the moment of birth is a great “moral” achievement and progress.
  3. A man wearing a dress is a “woman.”
  4. Human beings are not just men and women, but “57+ different genders.”
  5. Children as young as 6 years old can “choose their gender.” [Read more…]

Corruption – How the Left’s Power Structure Collapses

Bidens Liberals Media Corruption Swamp Dark by David Prentice –
Corruption. Full grown. Oozing its way into America. It’s everywhere on the left. The Biden family. Clintons. The Democratic Party.

Weeks ago, Rush Limbaugh mentioned that the issues defining the election had not come forward yet. He was correct. Not entirely, because all the issues coming out right now have existed. In plain sight.

They just weren’t distilled yet.

It’s now here, served up on a silver platter. No, not Hunter Biden. This Hunter Biden laptop story simply leads us to the issue. The word. One word that rules them all, and in the darkness binds them.

Corruption. [Read more…]


Democrats Celebrate as the American Economy Crumbles

Democrats Celebrate as the American Economy Crumbles“If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Matthew 6:23)

A Washington, DC insider reports that Democrats are celebrating as the American economy crumbles due to the extensive and oppressive coronavirus lockdowns.

The Democrats are giddy with the terrible effects the virus is having on unemployment numbers and market conditions.

Democrats laugh as the economy crumbles and relish the opportunity to exploit this crisis for political gain and personal power.

“They are actually excited about what the virus is doing to America during an election year and the opportunities it presents to go after Trump.”

As Americans suffer terribly, they plot revenge. [Read more…]


Anarchy Swallows Up Social Order Once Government Rejects Biblical Values

Anarchy Swallows Up Social Order Once Government Rejects Biblical Valuesby E. Jeffrey Ludwig –
Despite increased government controls of everyday life in education, policing and citizen surveillance and dictation of many aspects of everyday living, we do not observe increasing order. We observe increasing social anarchy.

To use a term from Greek philosophy, the telos (purpose) of government has been misplaced. Instead of designing laws and methods to enhance the dignity and freedom of the individuals living in our society, the government has been designing laws and projects that are either (1) guided exclusively or primarily by utilitarian goals of the greatest good for the greatest number, or (2) by socialistic goals that government expansion is the greatest good in itself, or (3) by identity politics where the good of identity collectives is more important than the good of individuals.

But the answer is not more government programs, more government authority, or more emphasis on collective identity rather than individual identity. Rather, it is a government with a correct understanding of its purpose that is needed. The true conservatives have it right. [Read more…]


Addressing the Moral Leadership Crisis

Addressing the Moral Leadership Crisis by James Kalb –
We live in an age of bad leadership. To judge by appearances, politicians today are mostly driven by partisanship and personal advantage. Business leaders are rapacious and indifferent to the welfare of their employees and customers, and to the value of their products. Artists, intellectuals, scholars, and journalists are more concerned with career and ideology than the good, beautiful and true, which they mostly don’t believe in anyway. And religious leaders make their way by manipulating language and symbols for the sake of comfort and worldly position.

In each case the vices seem similar: unrestrained ambition, loss of connection to those they should be leading, and lack of concern for the goods they are responsible for promoting. Those who aspire to high position make career a sort of absolute, and when they reach the top mostly think of increasing their glory by cultivating the esteem of other careerists, especially those in the media. [Read more…]
