by Met. Ephrem (Kyriakos) –
Children’s behavior is directly connected to the state of the family. Prayer in the family, in the house and in the church makes a child feel secure. [Read more…]
Orthodox Church
Three Criteria to Help Us Recognize Modern False Prophets
by Fr. Geoffrey Korz –
There exists today a great deal of material that purports to be Orthodox and Christian. Books from major publishing houses abound, new articles pop up daily online. A plethora of channels offer opinions which—but for the garb and kitschy coffee cup of the presenter—are indistinguishable from secular, activist opinion commentaries, despite using the word “Orthodox” in their name. [Read more…]
Orthodox Christians – Proclaim the Gospel Truth Without Fear
by Abbot Tryphon –
These are times that call for bold and courageous Orthodox faithful to step forward, proclaiming the Gospel Truth without fear
The Church Militant, which is the Church of Christ here on this earth, is in the midst of a battle. Our enemy is not one of flesh and blood, but one of darkness and evil. [Read more…]
Each of Us Bears Responsibility for Our Own Choice
by Fr. Andrey Lemeshonok –
The drama of this world, which has decided to live without God, is unfolding before our very eyes. The world of sin is gaining momentum, destroying the concepts of holiness, homeland, responsibility, and family—the fundamental concepts without which life would have, until recently, seemed impossible. [Read more…]
The Slippery Slope and the Eclipse of the Gospel – Women Priests and Bishops
by Fr. Lawrence Farley –
In the ongoing debate over the legitimacy of the new so-called “deaconesses” established by some Orthodox in Africa we often hear of “the slippery slope argument.” [Read more…]
Call Out to God No Matter What
by Fr. Andrey Lemeshonok –
Remember what Christ said when He had just begun His ministry? Repent, as the Kingdom of God is approaching (Matthew 4:17). But what do we mean by repentance? [Read more…]
When Death Comes to Dinner – Orthodox Christians Must Oppose Culture of Abortion
Many Orthodox Christians do not like to talk about the abortion culture as it exists today. Nonetheless, it is alive, well and flourishing. [Read more…]
Orthodox Saints Got Involved in Politics and Civic Life
by Fr. Geoffrey Korz –
A Word to Quietists Who Distort the Practice of the Church
What are politics? By definition, politics are the business of the polis – the business of the city. Wherever the people of the Church are found, wherever the faithful live and assemble, the lives of these members of the Body of Christ should be a concern to their shepherds.
How is this demonstrated in the example of the saints, the holy ones whose lives give us the roadmap for our lives as Orthodox Christians? It is the lives of the saints and elders who guide us on implementing the scriptures in our lives: [Read more…]
Necessity of Speaking Out for the Christian Faith
by Bishop Luke of Syracuse –
Yes, you should speak out. Don’t be didactic about it, but otherwise, you end up being indifferent or lukewarm. If you have the opportunity to stand up and express your displeasure, if you don’t do that, it’s a great danger. It’s a danger for your soul because the Lord says, “If you don’t confess me before men, I will deny you before the angels” (Luke 12:8-9). [Read more…]
Orthodoxy is Not For Cowards – When Faith is Assaulted, Orthodox Christians Must Take Courageous Action
by Fr. Zechariah Lynch –
When clear matters of the faith are blatantly assaulted, every sober-minded Orthodox Christian is called to stand up and make a courageous answer.
There exists a pseudo-humility. This false idea turns humility and meekness into spinelessness and cowardice, in which a person is unable to address anything at all. [Read more…]