10/17/2010 – Ron Lipsman –
Sixty-six years after its original publication, Friedrich Hayek’s masterpiece, The Road to Serfdom, continues to inspire legions of both mature and aspiring devotees of individual liberty, free markets and limited government. Hayek’s explanations of why collectivist planning must inevitably lead to tyranny are simple and logical, yet also profound and thoroughly convincing.
Hayek’s grand tome, The Constitution of Liberty, published sixteen years later, contains more brilliant reasoning and forehead-slapping insights — this time more from a “political/sociological” point of view than via the economic slant in The Road to Serfdom. But The Constitution of Liberty ends with a special postscript entitled “Why I am Not a Conservative.” This short but devastating critique of American conservatism — as Hayek saw it in 1960 — has had a demoralizing effect on the conservative movement. [Read more…]