by Cheryl K. Chumley –
Democrats and the left are fighting against a Tennessee law that prohibits minors from receiving “gender-affirming care,” a euphemism for sex hormones treatment (chemical castration) and surgical mutilation of healthy children. [Read more…]
LGBTQ War on Children
Christians Must Get Serious if They Hope to Challenge the Leftist Culture
by Albin Sadar –
What has the Church these past many years been doing to slow the roll of the radical left? Unfortunately, in many cases, the Church has jumped right on the merry-go-round. [Read more…]
Priestly Advice on Homosexuality and Transgenderism to Confused Young
by Fr. Lawrence Farley –
I suppose that most pastors have had the experience of a young parishioner approaching them privately and confiding in them their suspicion or decision that they were gay, bisexual, or transgender.
Such confusion is in the air, has the Nihil Obstat [official approval] of both secular culture and governmental sanction, and also bestows a kind of odd popularity, making the person part of a privileged minority of the nobly oppressed. Adolescence has always been a time of sexual ambiguity and confusion, as hormones go into overdrive and leave the young person with a multitude of conflicting emotions. [Read more…]
Transgender Surgeries Mutilate Healthy Children, as Irreversible as Lobotomies
by John Klar –
Mutilating the genitals of young children will surely one day lead to a cascade of lawsuits against the State of Vermont. These sex surgeries are as irreversible as lobotomies. [Read more…]
War on Language and Reality – Five Disturbing Trends Undermining Truth and Normality
by Theodore Dalrymple –
There are several wider cultural trends discernible in the current agitation over transsexualism, or whatever name one wishes to give it. (“Words are wise men’s counters,” said Hobbes, “they do but reckon by them: but they are the money of fools.” It is only fair to add that, with inflation, money could soon become the money of fools.) [Read more…]
Transgenderism, The Left’s Offensive Against Children and Western Civilization
by Patricia McCarthy –
Who among us could have guessed a few years back that today gender ideology would be the clearest, most divisive matter of contention separating the American left from the right? To those reasonably grounded in reality, the notion that gender is fluid, that a Supreme Court Justice would be unable to define the word “woman,” that men can give birth, and that children can and should be mutilated if they are confused about their own gender identity is not only sheer lunacy, it is barbaric.
But the left’s commitment to those ideas is total; it’s the hill on which they are willing to die. Those who disagree with them are vilified as transphobic, haters or terrorists. [Read more…]
Pride Month is Demonic, It Devours Children and Families
by Fr. Seraphim Holland –
Pride month is the voice of the demons.
We now are in the midst of a month where people are bragging about their sin. Can you imagine that? Bragging about their sin. Being proud of their sin. [Read more…]
Woke Academics Promoting Homosexuality and Subverting Orthodox Christianity in US
Listed below are Part 1 and Part 2 of the full transcript of a documentary film entitled ‘The Secret Subversion of American Orthodoxy‘. The video documents how billion dollar NGOs and Catholic universities are providing lavish funding to a group of radical left ‘Orthodox’ ‘scholars’ and clerics and their organizations and publications.
The film profiles 16 prominent ‘Orthodox’ scholars and clerics, including bishops. A list of them, and other personalities featured in the film, has been provided at the beginning of the transcript. It includes well-known Orthodox personalities such as Sister Vassa Larin and Archbishop Elpidophoros (the head of the Greek Church in America), and left-radical publications such as ‘Public Orthodoxy’ (run by George Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou) and ‘The Wheel’ (run by Inga Leonova). [Read more…]
Male and Female – The Only Two Genders and Sexes, There’s No ‘Spectrum’
by Michael W. Chapman –
Scientifically, there are only two sexes, male and female. There is no sex “spectrum.”
In a powerful commentary in the Feb. 3 edition of The Wall Street Journal, biologists Colin Wright and Emma Hilton explain that, scientifically, there are only two sexes, male and female, and there is no sex “spectrum.” They also stress that “biologists and medical professionals” must stop being politically correct and “stand up for the empirical reality of biological sex.” [Read more…]
‘Gender Identity’ is the Great Lie of Transgender Ideology
by Steven A Richards –
The Gender Unicorn is a recruiting tool to destroy children using transgender delusions and lies.
Shortly before I decided to detransition, I had a conversation with a trans friend about the Gender Unicorn. I was frustrated by it. I said, it doesn’t make any sense! It doesn’t actually represent what being trans is about at all! In some ways, the ideas it represents run completely counter to the actual goals of the trans movement!
My friend’s response was that it didn’t matter; it was better than the binary concept of gender believed by mainstream society. The Gender Unicorn didn’t have to make sense, it just had to be simple and easy to spread. It’s not an accurate representation of the ideology behind the transgender rights movement because it was never meant to be.
It’s a recruiting tool. [Read more…]