Warning to Orthodox Church: False Teachers and Deceitful Venues That Contradict and Distort Church Teaching

Warning to Orthodox Church: False Teachers and Deceitful Venues That Contradict and Distort Church Teachingby Fr. Ioannes Apiarius –
The Orthodox Church is being attacked by false teachers and deceitful venues that question, challenge, mock, deconstruct, contradict, and distort Church teaching, practices, and theology.

With help from the Orthodox editors, I have compiled a list of articles, essays, and petitions written by Orthodox Christian priests, deacons, professors, and writers warning the Church about false teachers and deceitful venues (especially Public Orthodoxy, The Wheel Journal, Orthodoxy in Dialogue, Fordham University’s Orthodox Center, Lazar Puhalo, Sister Vassa) that question, challenge, mock, deconstruct, contradict, and distort Church teaching, practices, and theology.

These links summarize the extensive true and public witness of approximately ninety seven (97) Orthodox Christians (many priests and bishops) all of whom are in good standing with the Orthodox Church (spanning multiple jurisdictions). They represent Orthodox metropolitans, archbishops, bishops, priests, archpriests, hieromonks, seminary professors, and two deans of Orthodox Christian Seminaries. [Read more…]


The 2018 Resolution on Same-Sex Relationships the OCA Bishops Rejected

OCA synod of bishops As publicly confirmed by a senior OCA priest and privately confirmed by other OCA priests, at the Nineteenth All-American Council in July 2018, a Resolution aimed at asking the bishops to correct errant clergy and lay persons who promote false teaching on same-sex relationships was rejected by the OCA Synod of Bishops and not permitted to be voted on by the assembly. Concerned that publications such as The Wheel were perceived to be given a tacit blessing by the hierarchy, senior priests urged the bishops, through the resolution, to send an unambiguous message that false teaching will not be tolerated.

The OCA Synod rejected the resolution citing that it was not appropriate for the All-American Council to “give direction” to the Synod. The OCA bishops also did not provide any feedback to revise or edit the priests’ statement to make it more acceptable to them. [Read more…]


No Scriptural Approval, Acceptance, or Tolerance of Homosexuality

Bishop Alexander Mileant - no example in all of the New Testament of approval, acceptance, or even tolerance of homosexualityby Bishop Alexander (Mileant) –
There is no example in all of the New Testament of approval, acceptance, or even tolerance of homosexuality.

Homosexuality: Although there is much more open discussion about homosexuality in the twentieth century than in previous times, there is definite reference to it in ancient writings. The frequently used synonym, sodomy, comes from the apparent homosexual activity among men of Sodom (Genesis 19), and the severity of strictures set forth in the Holiness Code, with nothing short of the death penalty being imposed, suggested that the need for discipline must have been great, (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13). The Old Testament understood normal sexual intercourse as not only a way of expressing a loving relationship, but also as a divinely appointed way of procreating new life.

In the New Testament, St. Paul condemns male prostitutes and homosexuals (I Corinthians 6:9-11). In the first chapter of his epistle to the Romans (Romans 1:24-32), he also judges it as unnatural. [Read more…]


Theodore Feldman: Scriptures, Orthodox Church, and Holy Tradition are Wrong on Homosexuality and LGBTQ Issues

Protodeacon Theodore Feldman bears false witness against Scriptures and advances LGBTQ heresyby Fr. Ioannes Apiarius –
Protodeacon Theodore Feldman (OCA) published a profane article that bears false witness against Scriptures and contradicts the Orthodox Church teaching with regards to multiple moral issues. He promotes the corrupt LGBTQ ideology regarding human identity and sexual activity. He insinuates that homosexuality is not a sin and it’s not condemned by the Scriptures. He insists that Jesus Christ “neither forbade nor saw fit even to mention homosexuality,” and only “condemned adultery.” He claims the Holy Tradition is silent regarding LGBTQ issues. He rejects the “opinions” of the Church Fathers regarding contemporary sexual behavior.

Pdn. Feldman serves in the (OCA) and is currently assigned to Holy Trinity Cathedral in Boston MA, where Fr. Robert Arida is rector and dean. [Read more…]


Cartoon Network Homosexualizes Children: ‘Stand Proud’ for LGBTQ Pride Month

Cartoon Network is homosexualizing children by encouraging them to celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride Monthby Lindsay Elizabeth –
The Cartoon Network, which is very popular amongst children, is encouraging their viewers to celebrate Pride month alongside them in honor of LGBTQ+ fans during the month of June.

In a tweet to their followers, the network expressed “Happy Pride” to all of their LGBTQ+ fans, while encouraging them to “stand proud all year long!”

The picture tweeted alongside the message showed the “Powerpuff Girls,” and included the hashtags “#powerpuffyourself,” “#pridemonth” and “#powerfuffgirls.”

It does not come as a surprise that the network would both celebrate and promote June, which is designated Pride Month as they have made it clear they have an LGBTQ+ agenda in the past. [Read more…]


Bishop Thomas Tobin: LGBTQ “Pride Month” is Especially Harmful for Children

Bishop Thomas Tobin: LGBTQ Pride Month is Especially Harmful for Childrenby Jennifer Davis –
A reminder that Catholics should not support or attend LGBTQ “Pride Month” events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals. They are especially harmful for children. ~ Bishop Thomas Tobin

On June 1 Catholic bishop Thomas Tobin issued this cautionary and reasonable reminder to Christian parents via his Twitter account. Given the often depraved, blasphemous, and pornographic nature of nearly all LGBTQ Pride parades, this advice is appropriate and helpful. Perversion is nothing to be proud about. Children should never be exposed to the sickening and sexually depraved displays frequently accompanying these “Pride” parades.

Sadly I have never seen or heard a single Orthodox Christian bishop in America issue a similar public warning or reminder to Orthodox Christian families, ever. [Read more…]


Former Homosexuals Choose Christ and Holiness Over Sin – Freedom March 2019

Former Homosexuals Choose Christ and Holiness Over Sin - Freedom March 2019by Janet Boynes –
Millennials and Gen-Xers stood together, unified with a voice that declared freedom is possible through Christ. The message is what so many need to hear but has been so quickly shunned. It lacks popularity but is packed with power.

Jeffrey McCall, the founder of the Freedom March, invited me to be a part of this historical event. Watching so many younger than I stand unashamed and passionate about their experience of walking out of the lifestyle of homosexuality into a life of freedom in Christ was a magnificent experience. This has been an answer to prayer.

They stood together, each one with their own story of how Christ came into their heart and gave them a brand-new life. [Read more…]


Isabella Chow: Christian Courage Stands Up to LGBT Tyranny at Berkeley

Isabella Chow: Christian Courage Stands Up to LGBT Tyranny at Berkeleyby Jennifer Davis –
As a parent of an Orthodox Christian teenager and frequent counselor of other Christian teens, it’s encouraging to see Christian women like Isabella Chow take a courageous stand against the LGBT tyranny so prevalent in our time. Chow refused to bow down to aggressive LGBT tactics meant to silence her voice and force her to resign for refusing to endorse the LGBT agenda.

“To the surprise of exactly no one who pays attention to the totalitarianism of the LGBT movement, and of diversity culture in general, it is no longer enough to dissent from public orthodoxy. You must affirm it — or be destroyed,” remarks Rod Dreher, the Orthodox Christian senior editor of The American Conservative, regarding the unjustified attack of the LGBT fanatics on Isabella Chow. [Read more…]


Who is the Guest in Our Home?

TV indoctrinating children in LGBT propagandaby Athanasia Trudy –
When we turn on the television, we open our mind’s door, inviting into our home guests from Hollywood; script writers, actors and activists alike fill our screens and minds with what they say should be normalized….all in the name of “compassion, tolerance, and love.”

A recent article by Rod Dreher in The American Conservative entitled “Surviving the Cultural Tsumani” got me thinking about the cultural indoctrination that occurs in television programming. While watching old television reruns of cop shows, I was struck by how script writers introduce situations that are far outside the cultural norm and offensive to many of their audience members. Yet, 10 or so years later that which was taboo and abnormal has become normalized.

The CBS police drama, S.W.A.T. aired in 2017.  In a recent episode, the bisexual police officer, Chris rekindles her interest in a former flame only to discover Kira is engaged to Ty.  Chris finds herself invited to be the “third” in the relationship.  [Read more…]


Public Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy in Dialogue, The Wheel = Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Public Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy in Dialogue, The Wheel = Wolves in Sheeps Clothingby Fr. John Parker (transcribed from video) –
(The following excerpts were transcribed from a public video of Fr. John Parker’s presentation at the Digital Media and Orthodox Pastoral Care conference from June 2018. Topical headings and bolded words were added for emphasis.)

But the digital age also provides a greenhouse for what I would like to call anti-catechism: the subtle and not-so-subtle questioning of, for example, the moral teachings of the Orthodox faith. On the whole, this anti-catechism is unmonitored and, one hopes, not blessed for publication; and yet, with several examples, we can see the advancing of agendas simply unrelated to Orthodox personhood and the moral life.

Public Orthodoxy
What do we do, for example, with a site like Public Orthodoxy? Public Orthodoxy is, according to their website, “a peer-reviewed online publication produced for the Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University” in New York, whose “goal is to feature insightful, provocative op-ed pieces from scholars of Orthodox Christianity.” The blog is a main electric medium to “foster intellectual inquiry by supporting scholarship and teaching that is critical to the ecclesial community.” I’ll place my emphasis on “provocative” and “critical”. [Read more…]
