‘Righty or Lefty?’ Quiz: Leftist Indoctrination of School Children

Leftist Indoctrination of School Childrenby Kirsten Andersen –
A Colorado parent is outraged after she says her twelve-year-old son was given a detailed and biased political survey asking about his views on controversial issues from health care to same-sex ‘marriage.’

The political survey was called “Righty or Lefty,” and asked students to rank their views on a ten-point scale, with one being the “extreme liberal” end of the scale and ten representing “extreme conservative” views. Each question presented examples of the “extreme liberal” and “extreme conservative” position on a given topic before asking for the student’s opinion.

For example, regarding health care, the worksheet explained:

“Liberals believe that all Americans are entitled to health care when they need it. Since health insurance is very expensive, liberals believe that the government should help those who cannot afford it. Liberals believe that taxes should be increased, if necessary, to pay for health care. [Read more…]


ObamaCare: Obama Lied, Our Health Coverage Died

ObamaCare: Obama Lied, Our Health Coverage Diedby Neil Munro –
President Barack Obama told his enthusiastic supporters Monday night that he never promised what video recordings show him promising at least 29 times.

The videos show Obama promising 300 million Americans that “if you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period.”

But that’s not what he really said, Obama announced Monday in a speech to about 200 Organizing for Action supporters, gathered at the St. Regis hotel in D.C. “What we said was you could keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed,” he told Obamacare’s political beneficiaries and contractors.

That claim is not supported by his videotaped statements, which don’t include any mention of his new “if it hasn’t changed” exception. [Read more…]


ObamaCare Lies and the Silence of the Left

ObamaCare Lies and the Silence of the Leftby Clarice Feldman –
There is widespread fury at the lies which were used to sell ObamaCare, a more than 2,000-page piece of legislation no one read before it was passed, a law opposed by the majority of voters which was crammed down our throats without a single Republican vote. The law essentially was a mishmash blank slate which left it to the administration’s HHS head, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to write as she pleased and the president to — by Executive order — pay off with exemptions and special treatment those cronies and rent seekers not already paid off in the legislative and regulatory process.

Whether this law will continue to pass judicial scrutiny remains to be seen, but what is obvious at this early date is that the press and the public figures who promoted it are lying low as the tsunami of voter rage builds. [Read more…]


Promoting Tyranny: What Democrats Really Care About

Radical Liberals Leftistsby Tom Trinko –
We know Obama loves the poor because he’s been hell-bent on making more of them since the day he was elected.  All of Obama’s policies have been about increasing government power, and none of them have been about helping Americans get jobs.

Even though the only product of Obama’s economic policies has been a massive increase in poverty and dependency in America, Obama continues to either demand more of the same or ignore any attempt to bring those the Obama economy pushed into poverty back into the American economic mainstream.  With real unemployment running at 14%, Obama is telling us how great therecovery is.

To understand what motivates Obama, it’s important to understand a critical aspect of liberalism: liberals are all about a will for power, not about caring for the poor. [Read more…]


ObamaCare: A Wrecking Ball Destroying America’s Economy and Liberties

ObamaCare a nightmare for America by Eileen F. Toplansky –
It is mindboggling that so many people are totally unaware of ObamaCare, have no interest in discussing it, and are dismissive and rude if someone attempts to have a rational conversation about a law that will drastically change the landscape of this country.

This deliberate ignorance continues to beget denial. Consequently, we find America on the verge of a system that apparently only African and Eastern European acquaintances of mine instantly understand, since they ran away from the very draconian worldview that we will all face in a matter of days if ObamaCare is not stopped dead in its tracks.

Daily, one learns that ObamaCare is a job destroyer. The graph here shows that deep cuts to jobs will continue as “ObamaCare kills off at least two percent of the U.S. full-time workforce.” The list of companies cutting hours for workers continues to grow. Employers seek to keep staff below the 30-hour threshold set by the not-so Affordable Care Act. [Read more…]


The Myth of Liberal Compassion

Myth of Liberal Compassion - Welfareby David Limbaugh –
What will it take for the country to wake up to the destructive ravages of liberalism — and finally do something about them?

Liberals continue to masquerade as exclusive proprietors of compassion, but their policies stubbornly undermine their possessory claim. Indeed, Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America is nothing less than America’s decline and destruction in the name of compassion and fairness.

You can’t scan a day’s news without seeing proof of this. Let’s look at just two items in today’s news digest.

The Cato Institute has released a report documenting that in Obama’s America, “welfare pays better than work.” Cato’s Michael Tanner concludes that the federal government funds 126 programs targeted at low-income Americans, a shocking 72 of which involve the transfer of cash or in-kind benefits to individuals. This does not include the many assistance programs provided by state and local governments. [Read more…]


Disney Brings Lesbian Moms to Children’s TV Sitcom

Disney Brings Lesbian Moms to Children's TV Sitcomby WND editors –
In a move that’s being described as chasing “the whims of political correctness,” the Disney Channel reportedly will feature a “married” lesbian couple on a popular kids sitcom in the coming season.

“It’s a disappointment to millions of Americans that Disney would choose to become a groundbreaker in immorality,” commented Mediaguide, the organization headed by Christian media critic Ted Baehr. “New concepts of morality have had a very negative impact on marriage, families, and children.”

Mediaguide said that instead of “becoming a leader in political correctness, we encourage Disney to hold on to their title as the leader in good, fun and wholesome.”

TV Guide reports the lesbian characters will appear on an episode of “Good Luck Charlie.” [Read more…]


School Has Become Too Hostile to Boys

Christina Hoff Sommers
Christina Hoff Sommers

by Christina Hoff Sommers –
As school begins in the coming weeks, parents of boys should ask themselves a question: Is my son really welcome? A flurry of incidents last spring suggests that the answer is no. In May, Christopher Marshall, age 7, was suspended from his Virginia school for picking up a pencil and using it to “shoot” a “bad guy” — his friend, who was also suspended. A few months earlier, Josh Welch, also 7, was sent home from his Maryland school for nibbling off the corners of a strawberry Pop-Tart to shape it into a gun. At about the same time, Colorado’s Alex Evans, age 7, was suspended for throwing an imaginary hand grenade at “bad guys” in order to “save the world.”

In all these cases, school officials found the children to be in violation of the school’s zero-tolerance policies for firearms, which is clearly a ludicrous application of the rule. But common sense isn’t the only thing at stake here. In the name of zero tolerance, our schools are becoming hostile environments for young boys. [Read more…]


Catholic Bishop: Supreme Court ‘Giving Legal Protection to an Intrinsic Evil’

Bishop Thomas John Paprockiby Terence P. Jeffrey –
Bishop Thomas John Paprocki, leader of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Ill., says the U.S. Supreme Court is giving “legal protection to intrinsic evil” in its decisions late last month that advanced the cause of legalized same-sex “marriage” in the United States.

“As in the case of Roe v. Wade striking down abortion laws forty years ago, the United States Supreme Court has again usurped its legitimate prerogative through a raw exercise of judicial power by giving legal protection to an intrinsic evil, this time by striking down the Defense of Marriage Act in the case of U.S. v. Windsor and in refusing to take up the defense of Proposition 8 in California in the case of Hollingsworth v. Perry.

“These hollow decisions are absolutely devoid of moral authority,” said the bishop. “It is becoming increasingly and abundantly clear that what secular law now calls “marriage” has no semblance to the sacred institution of Holy Matrimony. [Read more…]


The Left, Bert and Ernie, and Lost Innocence

 The Left, Bert and Ernie, and Lost Innocence by Dennis Prager –
Premature sexualization of kids is only the latest fallout from left-wing social-justice crusades.

If a Martian were to observe the human condition, he would have to conclude that the Left has an agenda to deprive children of their innocence. The Martian would have no other explanation for the premature sexualizing of children that the Left has engaged in for decades, and which seems to increase almost weekly.

The most recent example is the cover of the current issue of The New Yorker, which depicts the Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie. They are seated on a couch snuggling, and Bert’s head rests on Ernie’s shoulder as the two watch television. The TV features a picture of the U.S. Supreme Court.

To their credit, the creators of Sesame Street and of Bert and Ernie have stated that the two characters are not only never depicted as having anything other than platonic interest in each other; they are also never depicted as having any interest in females. As indeed they should be; they were characters for children to enjoy. [Read more…]
