Obama’s Leftist Beliefs and Hatred of America Evident in Speech

Obama’s communist tendencies, his embrace of leftist ideas/solutions, and his evident hatred of America and the freedoms and prosperity we were blessed with shows up again in his speeches. This man is a serious threat to our liberties and way of life.

AFP | May. 16, 2008

Pitching his message to Oregon’s environmentally-conscious voters, Obama called on the United States to “lead by example” on global warming, and develop new technologies at home which could be exported to developing countries.

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.

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Darwin, Nietzsche, and Hitler: Evolution of the Ubermensch

HumanEvents | Benjamin Wiker | May. 13, 2008

Judging by the number of posts, my recent column “Darwin and Hitler…in their Own Words” set the fur a-flying. Many folks just don’t like it when you trace a revered scientific icon to an icon of evil. Small wonder. Too bad it’s true.

Not to rub too much salt in the wound, but Darwinism is responsible for a lot more destruction than the eugenic fantasies of the Third Reich. He can also claim substantial patrimony for the rantings of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche that likewise inspired the intellectuals that surrounded and supported Hitler’s scheme. [Read more…]


Men with Guns

American Thinker | Mike Austin | May. 11, 2008

Another sophisticate has spoken out, and bravely. “I don’t want to sound like an ad, a public service ad on TV, but the fact is if you can read, you can walk into a job later on. If you don’t, then you’ve got the Army, Iraq, I don’t know, something like that. It’s not as bright.”

So said Stephen King. He is a writer of horror I hear, though I have never read his books. I do hope that his written prose is more literate than that evinced by his speech. [Read more…]


Ben Stein Provokes the Liberal Wrath

Townhall.com | Phyllis Schlafly | May. 5, 2008

Ben Stein is known to many as an actor on Comedy Central. But the funniest part about his recent movie “Expelled” is not any clever lines spoken by Stein but the hysterical way liberals are trying to discourage people from seeing it.

Stein’s critics fail to effectively refute anything in “Expelled”; they just use epithets to ridicule it and hope they can make it go away. However, it won’t go away; even Scientific American, which labeled the movie “shameful,” concedes that it cannot be ignored. [Read more…]


Life Without Edges – The Left’s Seductive Promise

American Thinker | AWR Hawkins | May. 8, 2008

In an election year such as this, the responsible voter must assess the “glorious” ends of the Left’s various offers of a life without edges: an existence free of the normal dangers, struggles, and consequences of life.

For example, when the candidates on the Left tout universal healthcare as an end, the voting public should recognize that the means to that end will be higher taxes with less medical choices for all patients, as well lower pay and less treatment options for doctors. [Read more…]


Michael Moore, Frank Rich, Jeremiah Wright and John Hagee

Townhall | Dennis Prager | May. 6, 2008

It is with no pleasure that I put in writing what I have long believed: Though many individual liberals have only goodwill toward black Americans, the liberal world since the late 1960s (i.e., after the major civil rights legislation of the mid-1960s) has done incalculable damage to black America and to race relations in this country. Whether out of guilt or because of its own racist views (i.e., the unspoken but regularly implied belief in the inferiority of African-Americans), the left-of-center’s general attitude toward black Americans has been that they cannot be judged by the same standards as others.

From lowering standards of admission to universities to blaming the high number of black men in prison for violent crimes on white racism to decades of cultivating black victimhood and the subsequent Wright-like rage against America, liberals and their party, the Democrats, have immeasurably hurt African-Americans and America. [Read more…]


Darwin and Hitler: In Their Own Words

Human Events | Benjamin Wiker | May. 5, 2008

As David Berlinski recently noted, “the thesis that there is a connection between Darwin and Hitler is widely considered a profanation.” But striking an indignant pose — feathers in full ruffle — is not an answer to such a serious charge, especially when the words of both Darwin and Hitler speak otherwise.

Those defending Darwin cannot have read his Descent of Man, wherein he applies the principles of natural selection to human beings — a thing he prudently avoided in his earlier Origin of Species. In the Descent, the eugenic and racial inferences are clearly and startlingly drawn by Darwin himself. [Read more…]


9/11 Truth – The Highest Form of Self-Congratulation

Compassionate Warmonger | David Bueche | May. 2, 2008

Driving across town the other day I saw a bumper sticker bearing what’s become a common refrain: “Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism!”

I sped up to catch a glimpse of this patriot – a twenty-something dude in jeans and a black t-shirt sporting the obligatory goatee and super-sized sideburns. Given the choice between him and his Prius or Paul Revere thundering through the New England countryside – I prefer the guy on the horse. [Read more…]


America, You Have Been Had

American Thinker | Christopher Chantrill | Apr. 29, 2008

Liberals are right about the “Right-wing Noise Machine.” It really is a wonder to behold, and last week it was performing like a well-tuned NASCAR race car. They say that liberals are all prepared for the inevitable “swift-boating” of Barack Obama. Look behind you, liberals. It already happened and, like last time, it was an own-goal scored by liberals. [Read more…]


Jeremiah Wright’s Raw Hatred of America

Townhall | Dennis Prager | Apr. 29, 2008

Here is what Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. (Obama’s pastor and spiritual advisor) said in his sermon on the Sunday following the horrific terrorists attacks on 9-11 (as replayed during the Moyers interview):

“Terrorism! We bombed Grenada and killed innocent civilians, babies, non-military personnel. We bombed the black civilian community of Panama with stealth bombers and killed unarmed teenagers and toddlers, pregnant mothers and hardworking fathers. We bombed Gadafi’s home and killed his child. ‘Blessed are they who bash your children’s head against a rock!’ We bombed Iraq. We killed unarmed civilians trying to make a living. [Read more…]
