Lessons Unlearned

Investor’s Business Daily | Sep. 14, 2009

A year after Lehman Bros. went bankrupt, Washington plans sweeping new reforms of the financial markets. Based on what’s been revealed so far, our leaders have learned nothing from that crisis.

Today, once again, we’re hearing that unbridled greed and reckless pursuit of profit lie behind all our ills, that Wall Street is “choosing to ignore” the lessons from the meltdown and that new rules are needed to bring the miscreants to heel. But this is exactly backward. [Read more…]


Feel Good Policy

Big Hollywood | Joseph C. Phillips | Sep. 15, 2009

The message began to pop-up all over my Facebook page: “No one should die because they cannot afford health care or insurance and no one should go broke or bankrupt because they get sick.” Let us set aside the fact that no one in need of emergency life-saving medical care is denied because they do not have insurance and that there are state and federal programs already in existence that provide medical coverage for those of lesser means. I agree with the sentiment. I dare say I know of no one that doesn’t agree. There is simply no questioning the potential calamity that awaits those without some form of medical coverage.

There is also no questioning that in life there are a great many things for which “no one should.” For instance it is equally tragic when people lose their homes due to unemployment, go hungry because they can’t pay for a meal or shiver at night because they lack adequate clothing. [Read more…]


American Socialism & Chinese Capitalism

American Thinker | Raymond Richman & Howard Richman | Sep. 7, 2009

Why is GM, a capitalist firm, so successful in Communist China and a failure in Capitalist USA? Apparently, the Chinese learned from the economic failures of socialism while the US Congress learned nothing and actively intervenes in the decision-making of American capitalist firms, imposing environmental restrictions few of which would pass the economic test that benefits should be equal to or greater than cost. It subsidizes energy-saving activities like insulating buildings, buying energy-saving autos and even light bulbs, none of which would survive the light of day as producers of net benefits. It orders banks to make bad loans, e.g., the Community Reinvestment Act. Through the EPA, it regulates factory emissions. It proposes a socialist solution to health care. It has declared its policy to replace fossil fuels with renewable alternative fuels. It pays a large portion of the costs of wind turbines and solar panels. The list goes on an on. [Read more…]


The Bigger the Government, the Smaller the Citizen

Townhall | Dennis Prager | Sep. 1, 2009

Those of us who oppose a massive increase in the role the national government plays in health care (“ObamaCare”) do so because we fear the immense and unsustainable national debt it would incur and because we are certain that medical care in America would deteriorate. But there is a bigger reason most of us oppose it: We believe that the bigger the government becomes, the smaller the individual citizen becomes. [Read more…]


Bi-Polar Liberals?

American Thinker | Jim Yardley | Aug. 29, 2009

I have to ask myself, are the Liberal/Progressive/Democrats, or LPDs, among us, aware of how crazy they sound? I’m sure a lot of them are kind to children and puppies, and very few are hard-core crazy but they certainly sound like there is a serious wiring problem in their heads.

For example, they talk incessantly about “choice”, as in a woman’s right to choose. Or “choosing a life style”, which is code for appeals to the gay and lesbian community. But even though the LPDs preach “tolerance” and “diversity” in terms of certain other “choices” they are utterly intolerant. School choice comes to mind. As does any healthcare choice other than the so-called public option for health care insurance.

So, are they for or against the concept of individual choice? [Read more…]


The U.N.’s Shocking Sexuality Guidelines

American Thinker | Janice Shaw Crouse | Aug. 30, 2009

During the summer slump, two United Nations agencies — United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) — issued highly controversial new guidelines for sexuality education of children around the world. These groups have a long history of pushing “reproductive health care,” and the new report, International Guidelines on Sexuality Education, builds on an earlier report released by the International Planned Parenthood Federation to promote the “need and entitlement” for sexuality education for children beginning at age five. [Read more…]


Obama the Repo Man

American Thinker | Robin of Berkeley | Aug. 19, 2009

If you live in your heart, you look around and see the kaleidoscope of humanity. People of different abilities, ages, challenges all trying to live happy and meaningful lives. But if you don’t live in your heart, if you live in your ideology, then your eyes see a different reality. You divide the world up into those who can serve the state and those who cannot.

In the world of Obama and his friends, there are able bodied people who can be used. Then there are the clunkers, the parasites and sponges. The welcome mat has been pulled out from under us; the Statue of Liberty is sinking. [Read more…]


Death Care and the Commodification of Life

American Thinker | James Lewis | Aug. 19, 2009

Federal “healthcare” must inevitably turn into “Death Care,” because the bureaucracy will have the sole power to determine the rules under which you and I will live and die. The bureaucrats will have a fixed pot of money, and money spent to save your life comes from the same kitty that is used to give prenatal care to some poor woman from Mexico or Bangladesh. That is what they think is moral — and this is an argument about morality above all. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm’s brother and big advisor to Obama, considers fee-for-service medicine immoral, because it allows richer people to pay more. [Read more…]


When Does a Liberal Become a Stalinist?

American Thinker | James Lewis | Aug. 12, 2009

The first adjective that comes to mind for “liberal” may be “touchy-feely.” The best adjective for a Stalinist might be “murderous.” That’s a pretty big difference. I would never want to mistake a well-meaning liberal for a nasty Stalinist. At the same time, I hope we don’t fail to spot any Stalinists who might be looking for mischief and pretending to be liberals. Certainly the mainstream media aren’t interested in the difference. [Read more…]


I Thought ‘Dissent Is Patriotic’

Townhall.com | Dennis Prager | Aug. 11, 2009

Living in liberal Los Angeles, I am surrounded by people — and bumper stickers — I do not agree with.

One of the more popular liberal bumper stickers of the last decade tells us “Dissent is Patriotic.” Now, as it happens, it is impossible to truly disagree with that phrase, not because it is self-evidently true, but because it is self-evidently meaningless. As are most left-wing bumper stickers. [Read more…]
