Science has debunked another liberal distortion that observed penguin behavior proves that homosexuality is normal and natural. It turns out these penguins are simply lonely and once they find a female mate, all of them pair up, bond normally, and raise a chick.
10/21/2010 – Louise Gray –
The homosexual behaviour of male king penguins has already been noted in zoos.
Now in a new study, scientists have found the evidence of male pairs in the wild. The research found that more than a quarter of the colony in Antarctica were in same sex partners, mostly two males.
In the past, it was claimed that penguins could not discern between the sexes because they looked alike. Male pairs in zoos in the US and Germany have hatched and reared ‘adopted’ chicks.
However the new study by the Centre for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology in Montpellier, France found that the penguins are only pairing up with other males because they are “lonely”. [Read more…]