We Are Called to Proclaim the Good News of the Truth

Orthodox Christians Are Called to Proclaim the Good News of the Truthby Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) –
Today we may not face the heresy of Arius, but there are many other false teachings which are spreading among the people and are causing the faithful to go astray from the path to salvation.

On the Sunday after the Ascension we remember the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council. In honoring them, we remember an extremely special time in Church history which followed on the heels of three centuries of persecution. In 313 the Emperor Constantine the Great published the Edict of Milan, which gave the Christian Church the legal right to exist and essentially brought the Church out of the catacombs and into the open. A new epoch began in the life of the Church: everywhere churches were being built and thousands of people received baptism and started [Read more…]


Scandalous Activists Attack OCA Synod For Rejecting Same-Sex Unions and LGBTQ Identities

Scandalous Activists Attack OCA Synod For Rejecting Same-Sex Unions and LGBTQ Identitiesby Fr. Ioannes Apiarius –
Faith is Fear, Tradition is Tyranny, Sin is Virtue, Truth is Falsehood, Order is Oppression

An Orwellian, ungodly spirit continues to engulf and embolden homosexual and academic activists (inside and outside the Orthodox Church) who seek to normalize homosexuality, legitimize “gay marriage,” and incorporate the LGBTQ madness in the teaching, practice, theology, and sacramental life of the Orthodox Church.

To counter and call to repentance those deceptive voices, the OCA Synod, at the latest All American Council of the Orthodox Church in America, issued a clear and direct statement that categorically rejects same-sex unions and any of the false LGBTQ sexual identities that contradict the right order and theology of the Orthodox Christian faith: [Read more…]


All Mount Athos Monasteries Denounce Scandalous Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple

All Mount Athos Monasteries Denounce Scandalous Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay CoupleMonks and Abbots of Mt. Athos –
It is clearly foreign to the teaching of the Gospel and the Orthodox ethos to allow it to be understood that a “same-sex couple” can be considered as a family and to recognize the right of such a couple to adopt children

On the occasion of recent public appearances and positions taken by members of the clergy of the Church, including hierarchs, who have created the impression that it is possible for the Church to accept any other form of family, apart from the one established by the Holy Gospel, the Holy Community of Mt Athos wishes to respond publicly.

The Holy Mountain, as a place of prayer and asceticism, in an unbroken liturgical and spiritual continuity, [Read more…]


Met. Seraphim of Piraeus Denounces Heretical Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple

Met. Seraphim of Piraeus Denounces Heretical Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Coupleby Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus –
Consequently, this particular Hierarch … preferred the “modern gospel” of the serpent to the teaching of the Church and is now under the curse of the Holy and God-bearing Fathers

We have emphasized in many of our interventions that the Church, the Body of Christ according to the heavenly Apostle Paul (Eph 1:23) is the land of converted sinners, and the revealed God Word declared “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Mark 2:17). The proclamation of the same Apostle of the Nations (1 Tim 1:15-16) is significant, as he claimed only one first place, that of the first of sinners. This is why the Church of Christ has always surrounded the fallen man with infinite love, because there is no sin or crime that cannot be healed and restored by the unfathomable patience of the Holy Creator of life and man. [Read more…]


Met. Antonios of Glyfada was Deceived by Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple

Met. Antonios of Glyfada was Deceived by Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay CoupleMetropolitan Antonios of Glyfada released a public statement indicating that he was deceived by Abp. Elpidophoros regarding the kind of baptism that was going to be performed in his church in Greece. Elpidophoros failed to mention he was going to baptize surrogate children of “married” homosexuals in order to get Metropolitan Antonios’ approval.

As reported by Helleniscope from an “Espresso” interview with Metropolitan Antonios of Glyfada:

“The Archbishop sent me a document, asking me for permission to baptize the two children of the Busis expatriate family of Chicago. In this letter he did not give me any other information, therefore I considered that it was a baptism like all the others, and so I gave him, as I owed, the permission” stated Metropolitan Antonios and added: “I was informed by the rest by the priests in this Church late on Saturday afternoon, after the sacrament had taken place. Elpidophoros never contacted me again.” [Read more…]


Elpidophoros Baptizes Surrogate Children of “Married” Homosexuals

Elpidophoros Baptizes Surrogate Children of Married Homosexualsby Nick Stamatakis –
AB Elpidophoros took an unannounced trip to Greece and proceeded to legitimize gay marriage by baptizing the children of a famous gay couple (born by surrogate mother)!!

I am truly incredulous writing these lines as this initiative by the Archbishop is something that should never have happened in Orthodoxy, where all such serious decisions are made democratically – synodically.

Yet, for one more time, AB Elpidophoros chooses to shove down our throats whatever novelty pleases his globalist masters.

From the Greek Reporter (Orthodox Editors’ Note): [Read more…]


Rise of Heretical Pro-Abortion “Orthodox” False Teachers

Archbishop Elpidophoros Pro-Abortion Blasphemous Messageby Fr. John Whiteford –
You will not find a single Church Father or Saint of the Church that calls abortion anything less than murder.

In recent years, there are lines of division that not only show the signs of an emerging schism in the Orthodox Church — it is becoming increasingly clear that we are witnessing the birth of a new religion, which will only retain some of the outward trappings of the Orthodox Christian Faith, but in fact is increasingly becoming unrecognizable as Christian. We see this when it comes to how the innovators see the sanctity of life, sexuality, human nature, the Church, and Tradition.

As we currently contemplate the prospect of Roe vs. Wade being overturned, it is important to remember that in January of this year, at the March for Life, Archbishop Elpidophoros used the occasion to affirm his support for abortion “rights.” [Read more…]


Orthodox Christianity: Fighting Off the Heretics Since 33 A.D.

Rebuke and Publicly Denounce Blasphemers - St Nicholas Slaps Arius Iconby Fr. Gabriel Bilas –
For the early Church Fathers and Mothers, false teachings in the Church were taken very seriously. The Saints would say that heresy was even a greater sin than murder!

After an incredible week of services during the first week of Great Lent, we find ourselves temporarily taken away from the solemnity of Lent, and into the celebration of Orthodoxy Sunday! We remember all of the countless men and women who have kept the Truth and Life of Orthodox Christianity alive throughout the centuries, against all of the enemies of the Church; all of the heretics that have sought to water down, confuse, and divide Christ’s flock.

This week, while we remember and praise the heroes of our faith, we are reminded of our own tremendous calling that is given to all Orthodox Christians. From the very first day we are brought into the Church, whether it is as an infant or an adult, we are all made a part of a living link, a living tradition, and unbroken chain that can be traced back to Christ and His Apostles. Being a part of this Divine Connection, we are each charged with making sure that we take this gift that has been given to us, and pass it down intact and unchanged, to those who are coming after us. [Read more…]


Fr. Josiah Trenham Defends Himself, His Wife, and His Church Against Defamatory and Malicious Attacks by Giacomo Sanfilippo

Fr. Josiah Trenham Defends Himself, His Wife, and His Church Against Defamatory and Malicious Attacks by Giacomo SanfilippoAn Orthodox Christian priest known for his out-spoken defense of the Orthodox Church’s view on marriage and abortion, has sued the editors of an online publication for defamation.

Thomas More Society Special Counsel are representing Fr. Josiah Trenham, along with his wife, Orthodox Christian Ministries, and St. Andrew Orthodox Christian Church, in federal court.

Trenham and his ministry are suing self-proclaimed gay rights activist Peter “Giacomo” Sanfilippo and other editors of the online publication Orthodoxy in Dialogue for outrageously false, malicious, and defamatory statements and accusations concerning the priest and his ministry [see: Giacomo Sanfilippo’s Unholy Vendetta Against Faithful Orthodox Priests and Teachers].

The lawsuit details how Sanfilippo has repeatedly attacked Trenham via the online website Orthodoxy in Dialogue. [Read more…]


Sin Cannot Be Blessed by the Church

Fr Photious Avant Sin Cannot Be Blessed by the Churchby Fr. Photius Avant –
Sin itself, of any variety, cannot be blessed by the Church. It can’t be. Sin is destructive. It is corrosive. It has within it the principle of death, of dissolution.

“Thine they were. Thou gavest them Me and they have kept Thy Word” says the Lord Jesus Christ in His high priestly prayer to the Father (John 17:6). And it is the Word, Jesus Christ Himself, which the Father gave to the apostles, Whom the apostles have kept.

And, it is the Word Jesus Christ Who is defended at the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325 which we commemorated yesterday. A terrible heresy had disrupted the peace of the Church: the heresy of Arius. Now, he was not the first heretic and certainly not the last. But, heresy, all heresy, is destructive because in changing what we understand about Christ, in changing about what we understand about the Holy Trinity, the end goal gets changed. The goalposts have been moved. [Read more…]
