A Texas-Size Defense for Values of Boy Scouts

OrthodoxyToday.org | Raymond J. Keating | Mar. 14, 2008

Scouting reinforces lessons we try to teach about hard work, respecting others, responsibility, faith and love of country. Unfortunately, the Boy Scouts have been assaulted in recent times by left-wingers who don’t like the group’s values. But rising in defense is Texas Gov. Rick Perry, with his new book, “On My Honor: Why the American Values of the Boy Scouts Are Worth Fighting For.” [Read more…]


Bush Declares “Fairness Doctrine” Unfair

Statesman.com | Ken Herman | Mar. 11, 2008

During a speech to the National Religious Broadcasters Convention, President Bush said there’s nothing fair about the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” that once required broadcasters to offer air time for competing ideologies.

The FCC got rid of it about 20 years ago. Now, some Democrats in Congress – long the target of popular conservative radio talk-show hosts – think it’s time to bring it back. [Read more…]


Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Blasts Homeschool Ruling

WorldNetDaily | Bob Unruh | Mar. 7, 2008

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today blasted a court ruling that endangered homeschooling and homeschoolers statewide.

“Every California child deserves a quality education and parents should have the right to decide what’s best for their children,” the governor said in a prepared statement. “Parents should not be penalized for acting in the best interests of their children’s education.” [Read more…]


Homeschoolers’ setback sends shock waves through state

SFGate.com | Bob Egelko, Jill Tucker| Mar. 7, 2008

A California appeals court ruling clamping down on homeschooling by parents without teaching credentials sent shock waves across the state this week, leaving an estimated 166,000 children as possible truants and their parents at risk of prosecution. The homeschooling movement never saw the case coming. [Read more…]


Judge orders homeschoolers into government education

WorldNetDaily | Bob Unruh | Feb. 29, 2008

A California court has ruled that several children in one homeschool family must be enrolled in a public school or “legally qualified” private school, and must attend, sending ripples of shock into the nation’s homeschooling advocates as the family reviews its options for appeal.

The ruling came in a case brought against Phillip and Mary Long over the education being provided to two of their eight children. They are considering an appeal to the state Supreme Court, because they have homeschooled all of their children, the oldest now 29, because of various anti-Christian influences in California’s public schools. [Read more…]


Guns Save Lives

Townhall | John Stossel | Feb. 27, 2008

Criminals have the initiative. They choose the time, place and manner of their crimes, and they tend to make choices that maximize their own, not their victims’, success. So criminals don’t attack people they know are armed, and anyone thinking of committing mass murder is likely to be attracted to a gun-free zone, such as schools and malls. [Read more…]


Flat Tax is the Way of the Future

Most formerly communist countries are adopting capitalistic and fair Flat Tax systems, while the US continues with its socialist, unfair, and punitive Tax scheme.
Heritage Foundation | Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D. | Mar. 20, 2006

Thanks to globalization, many nations are adopting better tax policies. Certain politicians still believe in high tax rates, of course, but they feel compelled to move in the opposite direction since it is now increasingly easy for labor and capital to escape oppressive tax regimes by crossing national borders.

This is why so many nations had to lower personal income tax rates after the Thatcher and Reagan rate reductions – and why many nations have been lowering tax rates on business in response to Ireland’s incredibly successful 12.5 per cent corporate tax. They know the geese that lay the golden eggs will fly away if they impose bad tax law. [Read more…]


Gun Free Zones Can Be Deadly

American Thinker | Bob Weir | Feb. 17, 2008

Another maniac, with guns bristling all over him, walked into a “gun-free zone” and began picking off human beings as if they were ducks in a shooting gallery. There were only a few minutes left in the ocean sciences class being held in the large lecture hall of the school when a tall, thin man, dressed in black, stepped out from behind a curtain on the stage. Witnesses said he looked around, almost as though he was relishing the thought of what he was about to do, pulled out a shotgun and began the slaughter. [Read more…]


The Second Amendment’s Day in Court

Human Events | Oliver North | Feb. 15, 2008

When the Washington, D.C. City Council enacted the toughest gun-control law in the nation in 1976, the city fathers — according to what they said at the time — believed they were making our nation’s capital a safer place. The measure failed miserably. Since passage, the murder rate in the District has skyrocketed by more than 200 percent. Now, the U.S. Supreme Court has a chance to both make our capital safer — and ensure that the Second Amendment to our Constitution is enshrined as an individual right for every law-abiding American. [Read more…]
