Fr. Josiah Trenham Defends Himself, His Wife, and His Church Against Defamatory and Malicious Attacks by Giacomo Sanfilippo

Fr. Josiah Trenham Defends Himself, His Wife, and His Church Against Defamatory and Malicious Attacks by Giacomo SanfilippoAn Orthodox Christian priest known for his out-spoken defense of the Orthodox Church’s view on marriage and abortion, has sued the editors of an online publication for defamation.

Thomas More Society Special Counsel are representing Fr. Josiah Trenham, along with his wife, Orthodox Christian Ministries, and St. Andrew Orthodox Christian Church, in federal court.

Trenham and his ministry are suing self-proclaimed gay rights activist Peter “Giacomo” Sanfilippo and other editors of the online publication Orthodoxy in Dialogue for outrageously false, malicious, and defamatory statements and accusations concerning the priest and his ministry [see: Giacomo Sanfilippo’s Unholy Vendetta Against Faithful Orthodox Priests and Teachers].

The lawsuit details how Sanfilippo has repeatedly attacked Trenham via the online website Orthodoxy in Dialogue. [Read more…]


Mari Iakovou Mars Proudly and Publicly Celebrates LGBTQ Pride Month

Mari Iakovou Mars Proudly and Publicly Celebrates LGBTQ Pride Monthby Jennifer Davis –
As she has done in previous years, Presbytera Mari Iakovou Mars is enthusiastically, proudly and publicly celebrating and promoting homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer pride for LGBTQ Pride Month this year also.

On her Facebook page, on June 2, 2021 Mars wrote:
“Happy pride, y’all!!! To all my LGBTQ+ family, friends, and clients: I see you, I love you, and I will never stop fighting for you.”

Mars is the wife of an active Orthodox priest in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (GOAA).

Mars, Presbytera Mari Marilisse, is married to Fr. Christos P. Mars who currently serves at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Atlanta, Georgia. [Read more…]


Descending Rapidly into Cultural Madness

Descending Rapidly into Cultural Madnessby Michael Brown –
Wake up! We are losing touch with reality and engaging in dangerous semantic and ideological games.

I do not write this to be cruel or judgmental. And I certainly don’t want to hurt anyone. To the contrary, I want to help. But I do write with a sense of urgency, both to the nation and to confused individuals like Demi Lovato, the latest to identify as non-binary and want to be called “they.”

To the nation, I say this: Wake up! We are losing touch with reality and engaging in dangerous semantic and ideological games. Worse still, we are not providing the real help that struggling people need. [Read more…]


Lazar Puhalo: “Ten Commandments Not Terribly Significant or Unique”

Lazar Puhalo false teacher impostorby Fr. Ioannes Apiarius –
On March 11 on his Facebook page, the retired vagante Archbishop, Lazar Puhalo, as Fr. John Whiteford refers to this rebellious and controversial hierarch, once again posted his distorted views that contradict the Scriptures and the Orthodox Church teaching. In his public online comments Puhalo makes several outrageous claims about the Ten Commandments that have no basis in Orthodox Christian theology.

Puhalo opines that the Ten Commandments “have become such a fetish piece among so many Christians.” He further asserts that “The ’10 Commandments’ are not terribly significant and certainly not unique.”

Puhalo concludes with another scandalous claim: “If we think about it, the 10 Commandments have almost nothing to do with Christianity.” [Read more…]


Petition for Bishops to Denounce Blasphemous “Orthodoxy in Dialogue” Website

Petition for Bishops to Denounce Blasphemous Orthodoxy in Dialogue Websiteby Michael Sisco –
The website, Orthodoxy In Dialogue, which is run by Giacomo Sanfilippo, is a blasphemous site that makes a mockery of Orthodoxy. It actively promotes lifestyles and concepts that are contrary to the Orthodox Faith and Holy Tradition. This site also frequently attacks the faithful who vocally stand for truth with gross exaggerations and outright lies.

The undersigned Orthodox Laypersons and Clergy, kindly request that our Orthodox Bishops publicly denounce this vile website, and consider excommunication of those who assist them in subverting our faith.

Add your name to the petition here: Petition to Denounce Orthodoxy In Dialogue. [Read more…]


Morally Corrupt and Delusional Individuals Cannot Be Trusted on Voting Issues

Leftism - Not Just Wrong, But Evil and Corruptby Fr. Ioannes Apiarius –
The same politicians, activists, academics, reporters, and pundits who believe, constantly advocate, and loudly insist that:

  1. Unborn children are just a “blob of cells” with no rights.
  2. Unrestricted abortion up to the moment of birth is a great “moral” achievement and progress.
  3. A man wearing a dress is a “woman.”
  4. Human beings are not just men and women, but “57+ different genders.”
  5. Children as young as 6 years old can “choose their gender.” [Read more…]

Fr. Christopher Calin Endorses Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ, Anti-Christian Biden-Harris Candidacy

Fr. Christopher Calin Endorses Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ, Anti-Christian Biden-Harris Candidacyby Jennifer Davis –
Fr. Christopher Calin, priest in the OCA, publicly posted a Biden/Harris 2020 campaign sign on his Facebook page. He proudly endorses some of the most radically pro-abortion and pro-LGBTQ Democrat candidates this country has seen. The Biden/Harris platform is anti-life and anti-Christian, it goes against unchanging moral principles and teachings of the Orthodox Church. But that does not bother Fr. Calin in the least. He still embraces the Biden/Harris ticket. [Read more…]


Archbishop “Many Spoons” Elpidophoros – Heresy to the Nth Degree?

Archbishop Many Spoons Elpidophoros Lambriniadis from Monomakhos Blog –
Is heresy far behind? One would think so, because these directives indicate that we don’t really believe that the Chalice contains the real Body and Blood of Christ.

Archbishop Elpidophoros Lambrianides of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, implemented some significant changes to our Tradition. Troubling changes. Everything from how we commune, to how we venerate the icons, greet one another, engage in fellowship, to participating in Divine Liturgy has been modified.

Though he specified these were “temporary” changes, it’s hard to understand why he would move forward with them now, after the lifting of the restrictions in the outside world. This leaves one to wonder if what we’re seeing really is just “temporary”. After all the hard work it took to draw up these directives, what’s to say this isn’t the “the new normal”. Viruses aren’t going to go away. [Read more…]


Orthodox Hierarchy Response to Coronavirus Crisis is Not Orthodoxy

Orthodox Hierarchy Response to Coronavirus Crisis is Not Orthodoxyby Nora Kowalcheck –
If I have “unreasonable faith” as one bishop described it to me back in March, perhaps his grandparents and parents had “unreasonable faith,” too, and perhaps that is what lead him to the priesthood and years of service in our church.

I am an Orthodox mother. I have been Orthodox for the last 30 years and my husband is cradle Orthodox, born and raised in the OCA. We have four children here, and one in Heaven.

In the last three months, I have not heard one bishop, or directive from a bishop, speak about our children. Not one. The ONLY reference to children has been that if they cannot distance themselves properly, they will need to remain home.

I am deeply grieved by this and, quite frankly, angry and I believe rightly so. My husband and I, like many other Orthodox parents, have struggled and done the hard work, week after week, year after year, for twelve years now, to take our children to church and teach them our faith. [Read more…]


Inga Leonova: Criminal Stupidity for Bishops and Priests to Give Holy Communion and Spread the Virus

Inga Leonova: Criminal Stupidity for Bishops and Priests to Give Holy Communion and Spread the VirusWhen will the Orthodox bishops finally say ENOUGH and deal with these false teachers and wolves in sheep’s clothing who deny the power of the Holy Eucharist and constantly attack faithful priests and bishops?

Inga Leonova, the infamous creator and editor-in-chief of the heretical “The Wheel” journal, accuses bishops and priests in Romania and Russia of “criminal stupidity” for giving Holy Communion to Orthodox Christian faithful in their Churches. She also insists that these priests and bishops “should be arrested” for these “crimes.”

In her public Facebook post Inga Leonova writes (bolded for emphasis):

“More news from the world of criminal stupidity. The same is happening in Russia. The same is happening in Orthodox communities the world over, perhaps not at the same scale as in the more militantly “traditional” countries. But every small parish that does that spreads the virus exponentially.

I think these priests and bishops should be arrested. [Read more…]
