“Right to Die” Can Become a “Duty to Die”

OrthodoxyToday.org | Wesley J. Smith | Mar. 1, 2009

Imagine that you have lung cancer. It has been in remission, but tests show the cancer has returned and is likely to be terminal. Still, there is some hope. Chemotherapy could extend your life, if not save it. You ask to begin treatment. But you soon receive more devastating news. A letter from the government informs you that the cost of chemotherapy is deemed an unjustified expense for the limited extra time it would provide. However, the government is not without compassion. You are informed that whenever you are ready, it will gladly pay for your assisted suicide.

Think that’s an alarmist scenario to scare you away from supporting “death with dignity”? Wrong. That is exactly what happened last year to two cancer patients in Oregon, where assisted suicide is legal. [Read more…]


Obama to Overturn “Conscience Rule” for Pro-life Doctors

The Obamanations continue. The spiritual battle is intensifying. We’re only in week 5 of his presidency and the assaults on life, truth, and our freedoms are growing by the day.
Catholic Online | Randy Sly | Feb. 27, 2009

President Obama has begun quietly to begin the process of overturning regulations that protect doctors and hospitals from being forced to perform or refer abortions. The Chicago Tribune reports that President Obama is directing the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to begin overturning the conscience rule that protects medical providers who are pro-life.

This pullback comes only months after the Bush administration strengthened the rule by placing penalties on facilities that subject pro-life doctors, nurses, or other medical workers to discrimination over the issue of abortion. [Read more…]


Divorced from Reality

Touchstone | Stephen Baskerville | February 2009

“We’re from the Government, and We’re Here to End Your Marriage.”

The decline of the family has now reached critical and truly dangerous proportions. Family breakdown touches virtually every family and every American. It is not only the major source of social instability in the Western world today but also seriously threatens civic freedom and constitutional government.

G. K. Chesterton once observed that the family serves as the principal check on government power, and he suggested that someday the family and the state would confront one another. That day has arrived. [Read more…]


Abortion: The Unspoken Jihad

AmericanThinker | Matt Spivey | Jan. 22, 2009

In Arabic, the word “jihad” means “inner struggle,” and for those involved in one particular battle, there is no simple answer and varying perspectives cause, in many cases, violent reactions and repercussions. That word has come to signify the murder of innocence and the demolition of security in a time of worldwide uncertainty. The death toll keeps rising as years keep passing, and fighting in this war guarantees earning the label of “radical,” “extremist,” or “fanatic.” Yet those who do keep fighting are actually trying to save lives. With the 36th year of Roe v. Wade passing today, the war rages on. [Read more…]


Forced to abort

Washington Times | Jan. 18, 2009

Many women say they have been pressured into abortions they did not want, according to research conducted by the Elliot Institute, a nonprofit specializing in the effects of abortion on women and families.

For years, the pro-choice movement has circulated horrid tales of back-alley abortions performed before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion on demand in 1973. Yet the opposite phenomenon, which has occurred across the nation, is even more disturbing. In a society in which abortion is legal, many women and teens are pressured to abort their child. So how much choice do American women really have over their reproductive capacities? [Read more…]


Created Equal: How Christianity Shaped the West

OrthodoxyToday | Dinesh D’Souza | Jan. 6, 2009

In recent years there has arisen a new atheism that represents a direct attack on Western Christianity. Books such as Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion, Christopher Hitchens’ God Is Not Great, and Sam Harris’ The End of Faith, all contend that Western society would be better off if we could eradicate from it the last vestiges of Christianity. But Christianity is largely responsible for many of the principles and institutions that even secular people cherish—chief among them equality and liberty.

When Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal,” he called the proposition “self-evident.” But he did not mean that it is immediately evident. It requires a certain kind of learning. And indeed most cultures throughout history, and even today, reject the proposition. [Read more…]


Teenagers Will be Victimized by Secret Abortions Under Obama

LifeNews.com | Matt Barber | Nov. 2, 2008

Contrary to Obama’s disingenuous rhetoric promising to “reduce the number of abortions,” the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) would – with one stroke of the pen – remove every commonsense regulation placed on the abortion industry over the past three decades. Rather than reducing the already astronomical rate of abortions, the number would skyrocket ever-upward under an Obama presidency. [Read more…]


California Parental Notification Law on Abortion Helps Teens

LifeNews.com | Steven Ertelt | Oct. 20, 2008

A California police officer, who is a veteran of investigating sexual abuse cases, says the parental notification measure California voters will consider next month is sorely needed. California is one of a handful of states that don’t let parents know of their daughter’s potential abortion.

The case involved a San Bernardino County couple who didn’t find out until four years later that their 12-year-old daughter had been a victim of sexual abuse and that the assailant forced her to have an abortion to cover up his crime.

The couple reported the attack to police and, without their involvement, the abuser never would have been held accountable. [Read more…]


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