A Texas-Size Defense for Values of Boy Scouts

OrthodoxyToday.org | Raymond J. Keating | Mar. 14, 2008

Scouting reinforces lessons we try to teach about hard work, respecting others, responsibility, faith and love of country. Unfortunately, the Boy Scouts have been assaulted in recent times by left-wingers who don’t like the group’s values. But rising in defense is Texas Gov. Rick Perry, with his new book, “On My Honor: Why the American Values of the Boy Scouts Are Worth Fighting For.” [Read more…]


The Bible Calls it a Sin

Moral clarity from Metropolitan Kyrill, foreign minister of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Spiegel Online | Metropolitan Kyrill | Jan. 10, 2008

Metropolitan Kyrill, foreign minister of the Russian Orthodox Church, discusses Christian values in the post-communist era, his relationship with the pope in Rome, Vladimir Putin the churchgoer — and wrangles with SPIEGEL about homosexuality.

+Kyrill: “The Bible calls it a sin. But we do not condemn these people. The church is opposed to these people being persecuted or offended. But why should sin be propagated? The gay parade is a blatant display of sodomy. In that case, we might as well promote other sins, as has long been the case on television. This degenerates public morality.” [Read more…]


In Politics Values Matter, Not Theology

FrontPage Mag | Dennis Prager | Dec. 11, 2007

There are some Americans — presumed usually to be evangelical Christians — for whom voting for a Mormon for president of the United States is difficult, if not impossible. While I will try to show these voters why that decision is wrong on religious as well as moral grounds, it is important for the rest of us to understand their opposition. [Read more…]


Pro-Lifers, Gory Pictures and the First Amendment

American Thinker | Kyle-Anne Shiver | Dec. 14, 2007

The Abortion War still rages. The battles are mostly private affairs, often taking place in conversations between lovers in cars, or in college dorms or over coffee at Starbucks. Babies’ lives are fought over in private counseling sessions at Crisis Pregnancy Centers, in doctor’s offices and in the Yellow Pages or on the internet, one baby at a time. Some battles occur in living rooms between daughters and parents, or in church offices between pastors and a parishioner. Some are fought between a husband and a wife. It’s a one-baby-per-battle war. More than 45,000,000 souls lost Baby Battles since 1973. And still the war rages. [Read more…]


Censoring the Cross at William & Mary

Human Events | Robert H. Knight | Nov. 16, 2007

In contrast, a few hundred yards away in the circa 1699 Christopher Wren Building on the campus of William & Mary, a small brass cross that had graced the chapel’s altar, was now encased in … plastic. What had been a symbol of the ongoing importance of faith to America’s continued story was now officially a museum piece.

While the vets proudly marched nearby, the second oldest university in the nation (after Harvard) was officially dissing the faith that launched the American Revolution as — you guessed it — not inclusive enough.

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A Tale of Two Houses

Veterans DayNov. 14, 2007

See if you can identify the specific owner of each of the houses described in this story. Then ask yourself, which owner really cares about the environment and who is a big hypocrite?

House #1 – A 20 room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool, and a pool house, and a separate guest house, all heated by gas. In one month this residence consumes more energy than the average American household does in a year. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400 per month. In natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home.

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My Apology to UNC-Charlotte

Townhall.com | Mike S. Adams | Nov. 13, 2007

Last Thursday, I gave a speech at UNC-Charlotte called “Why Liberals Hate Freedom.” The main point of the speech was that “liberals” hate freedom because they are not really liberals. Unfortunately, during and after the Q and A things got heated with a few of the communists who decided to awaken from their drug-induced stupor and attend the speech.

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