Withdrawal of Bible Literacy Project Endorsement

Free Congress.org | Paul M. Weyrich | May. 29, 2008

Alabama State Senator Scott Beason has turned out to be the principal opponent of a new textbook, THE BIBLE AND ITS INFLUENCE, backed by liberals for schools which want to teach about the Bible. Writing in Worldnetdaily.com, Beason outlines not only the background of the chief architect of the book but details how the book undermines belief in God. [Read more…]


Liberals and control

American Thinker | Larrey Anderson | May. 24, 2008

For nearly two hundred years liberals have believed that the government can solve complex economic problems like the provision and fair distribution of goods and services. For two hundred years they have tested that belief and for two hundred years they have failed. How is it possible for human beings to stay fixated on an idea that has proven untenable time after time after time? The reason: control. [Read more…]


How crypto-Marxism won the Cold War

American Thinker | James Lewis | May. 23, 2008

Today, for the first time in American history we have two — count ’em, two — hard-core Leftists running for the Democrat Party nomination. The Left hasn’t had this kind of chance for power since Truman defeated Henry Wallace in 1948. Hillary and Obama are Marx twins who only differ in race and gender.

All the media tell us is how great it is to have a woman and a black man running for president. What those two really believe, where they learned their quasi-religion, where they derive their support, who else they want to raise to power, and what they will do if they get there — all that doesn’t even get discussed. All over the world, Leftist hearts are leaping at Hillarybama. What exciting progress! [Read more…]


Men with Guns

American Thinker | Mike Austin | May. 11, 2008

Another sophisticate has spoken out, and bravely. “I don’t want to sound like an ad, a public service ad on TV, but the fact is if you can read, you can walk into a job later on. If you don’t, then you’ve got the Army, Iraq, I don’t know, something like that. It’s not as bright.”

So said Stephen King. He is a writer of horror I hear, though I have never read his books. I do hope that his written prose is more literate than that evinced by his speech. [Read more…]


Michael Moore, Frank Rich, Jeremiah Wright and John Hagee

Townhall | Dennis Prager | May. 6, 2008

It is with no pleasure that I put in writing what I have long believed: Though many individual liberals have only goodwill toward black Americans, the liberal world since the late 1960s (i.e., after the major civil rights legislation of the mid-1960s) has done incalculable damage to black America and to race relations in this country. Whether out of guilt or because of its own racist views (i.e., the unspoken but regularly implied belief in the inferiority of African-Americans), the left-of-center’s general attitude toward black Americans has been that they cannot be judged by the same standards as others.

From lowering standards of admission to universities to blaming the high number of black men in prison for violent crimes on white racism to decades of cultivating black victimhood and the subsequent Wright-like rage against America, liberals and their party, the Democrats, have immeasurably hurt African-Americans and America. [Read more…]


9/11 Truth – The Highest Form of Self-Congratulation

Compassionate Warmonger | David Bueche | May. 2, 2008

Driving across town the other day I saw a bumper sticker bearing what’s become a common refrain: “Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism!”

I sped up to catch a glimpse of this patriot – a twenty-something dude in jeans and a black t-shirt sporting the obligatory goatee and super-sized sideburns. Given the choice between him and his Prius or Paul Revere thundering through the New England countryside – I prefer the guy on the horse. [Read more…]


Time Magazine Disrespects WWII Veterans

OrthodoxNet.com | Craig Yates | Apr. 20, 2008

The cover of Time magazine’s latest issue using the famous photo of soldiers raising the American flag on Iwo Jima to promote the imagined “War On Global Warming” shouldn’t really be surprising. It is just more of the same that we have come to expect from the MSM (mainstream media) disrespect for the military and the men and women who serve their country. [Read more…]


How the Leftist Churches Set a Time Bomb for the Democrats

American Thinker | James Lewis | Mar. 26, 2008

Until the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Senator Obama’s spiritual mentor in Black Liberation Theology, popped out of the woodwork, I didn’t even know about BLT — Black Liberation Theology. But the doctrines of Black Liberation have been preached since 1966 in black churches, with the enthusiastic support of white churches of the Left, notably the United Church of Christ. The Rev. Wright runs an official UCC church. [Read more…]


The Religion of Eternal Racism and Eternal Sexism

American Thinker | Bruce Walker | Mar. 25, 2008

The Civil Rights Act was passed forty-three years ago. The feminist movement was more or less officially launched about forty years ago. And yet today in the Democrat Party there are serious voices complaining of racism and sexism among Democrat voters (and, presumably, among the American people.) How many “civil rights” leaders talk as if racism is an immutable, eternal characteristic of American society? How many feminist leaders talk as if sexism is an immutable, eternal characteristic of American society? [Read more…]
