More Proof The Inmates Are Running The Asylum

Gopusa | Doug Patton | Dec. 9, 2008

In the inmates-are-running-the-asylum department, too many cases are popping up to ignore them. Here are a few modest examples:

At the state capitol in Olympia, Washington, Gov. Christine Gregoire (a Democrat, of course), has approved the placement of an atheist sign for public display next to a nativity scene. The sign reads:

“At this season of THE WINTER SOLSTICE, may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds. Placed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation on behalf of its Washington State Members.”

Tell that “hardens hearts” nonsense to the millions of Christian believers who have been martyred down through history at the hand of atheist monsters like Stalin and Mao. Personally, I wish I could get a little freedom from the unbelievers who have so totally screwed up life in America. [Read more…]


Westerners welcome harems

The Washington Times | Daniel Pipes | Dec. 7, 2008

A Scottish judge recently bent the law to benefit a polygamous household.

The case involved a Muslim male who drove 64 miles per hour in a 30 mph zone – usually grounds for an automatic loss of one’s driving license. The defendant’s lawyer explained his client’s need to speed: “He has one wife in Motherwell and another in Glasgow and sleeps with one one night and stays with the other the next on an alternate basis. Without his driving license he would be unable to do this on a regular basis.” Sympathetic to the polygamist’s plight, the judge permitted him to retain his license.

Monogamy, this ruling suggests, long a foundation of Western civilization, is silently eroding under the challenge of Islamic law. Should current trends continue, polygamy could soon be commonplace. [Read more…]


UNC libraries to forgo Christmas trees

The Charlotte Observer | Eric Ferreri | Dec. 5, 2008

CHAPEL HILL For as long as anyone can remember, Christmas trees adorned with lights and ornaments have greeted holiday season visitors to UNC Chapel Hill’s two main libraries. Not this year.

The trees, which have stood in the lobby areas of Wilson and Davis libraries each December, were kept in storage this year at the behest of Sarah Michalak, the associate provost for university libraries. [Read more…]


Boy, Was I Wrong, America Embraces Marxism

American Thinker | Steven M. Warshawsky | Nov. 5, 2008

Who would have believed that the philosophy of Karl Marx – “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” – would triumph so spectacularly in the United States of America?

Frankly, I cannot understand how a man like Obama became president. It contradicts everything I know, or thought I knew, about American history, culture, and politics. Whatever happened to individual liberty, limited government, self-reliance, and the American Dream? Whatever happened to patriotism? Has the Left in this country finally completed its “long march” through America’s institutions, now capturing the White House? Has the Left at last succeeded in destroying the birthright of freedom and prosperity that the Founding Fathers bequeathed to us more than two hundred years ago? I fear it has. [Read more…]


UK Announces Mandatory Sex Education for Kindergarteners | Kathleen Gilbert | Oct. 24, 2008

UK government officials announced yesterday that by the year 2010, 5-year-old children will enter the first stages of a comprehensive, explicit sex education program, mandatory for schools nationwide, including faith schools.

The compulsory Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) program will begin in kindergarten where Schools Minister Jim Knight says children will learn about “their differences, their friendships, and how to manage their feelings.” Knight insisted that the earliest curriculum will not be “sexually explicit,” saying “we are not talking about five-year olds having sex.” [Read more…]


Negrophilia afflicts U.S.

WorldNetDaily | Erik Rush | Oct. 16, 2008

Yes, America is a racist nation – but not in the way Democrat presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama and his cohorts Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Father Michael Pfleger, Otis Moss III and James Meeks would have us believe. Many of those whites who will cast votes for Obama on Nov. 4 are suffering from negrophilia, an inordinate affinity for blacks (as opposed to antipathy toward them).

For a few decades now, we’ve been subjected to the message from the news and entertainment media, liberal politicians and activists that people of color are somehow more noble, benevolent and inherently less corruptible than whites. Of course, this assessment is patent nonsense as well as irrational; there are innumerable examples of blacks (and others counted as minorities in America) engaging in monstrous behavior, particularly in the Third World. [Read more…]


Do Facts Matter? | Thomas Sowell | Oct. 3, 2008

Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” Unfortunately, the future of this country, as well as the fate of the Western world, depends on how many people can be fooled on election day, just a few weeks from now. Right now, the polls indicate that a whole lot of the people are being fooled a whole lot of the time.

The current financial bailout crisis has propelled Barack Obama back into a substantial lead over John McCain– which is astonishing in view of which man and which party has had the most to do with bringing on this crisis. [Read more…]


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Obama Did Vote to Teach Sex Ed to Kindergartners

Amy Proctor | Amy Proctor | Sept. 14, 2008

You’ve probably seen John McCain’s You Tube ad saying Barack Obama’s only legislative accomplishment on education was voting yea on teaching kindergarteners sex education. The Obama campaign refutes the ad. They say the legislation taught kindergartners how to discern sexual predators.

Not true. The McCain ad is right. Obama voted in the Illinois Senate to pass a bill for comphrensive sex education for grades K-12. [Read more…]
