Christian Theology is a Proclamation About Reality, Not a Social Construct

The Meaning of Life: Follow Christ, Seek the Holy Spirit, Desire Salvationby Fr. Stephen Freeman –
Christian theology, rightly done, is not a social construct. At its heart, it is a proclamation about reality. We believe that everything that exists reflects the Word by whom it was made. Christians should have no fear of reality or examining it carefully and soberly. [Read more…]


Crumbling Narratives Leave the Ruling Class with Everything to Fear

Covid-1984 Crumbling Narratives Leave the Ruling Class with Everything to Fearby J.B. Shurk –
Here’s what our COVID-1984 authoritarians want: they seek to use pandemics, wars, uncontrolled immigration, doomsday climate predictions, and “woke” cultural Marxism to keep people in a constant state of fear, divided among themselves, and willing to hand over their freedoms for evaporative promises of protection.  “Protection” in this racket means survival but not lifeequity but not fairness, financial handouts but not prosperity, and politically correct narratives but no truth.

This last point deserves emphasis.  The powers that be—the central bankers, global financial elites, corporate propagandists, and political aristocrats—have given up on any notion of truth. [Read more…]


Christians, It’s Later Than You Think, Pray Without Ceasing

Hard Times Create Strong Men by James George Jatras –
Simply being what used to be considered normal and leading a productive life is becoming the most revolutionary act one can perform. With that in mind, find the strength to be revolutionaries indeed!

I accepted the invitation to speak with you today only with great trepidation. This was for at least three reasons.

The first is that, both for self-protection in an increasingly unfree country and my growing sense that nothing I or anyone else can say will make much difference in averting the horrors I believe are coming our way, I had ceased my public writing and speaking life, such as it was. I reluctantly have made an exception to that less than momentous recusal but plan to resume it at the end of today.

Secondly, I was loath to contaminate the naturally ebullient optimism of youth with my crotchety Boomer pessimism. At your age you should feel that the world is, if not quite your oyster, at least pregnant with possibilities. How do I tell you that, in the layman’s terms, your lives will probably suck? At least in the near future. But there is hope. I will return to that.

Thirdly, I thought it would be derelict of me not to provide you with some sage, old graybeard advice of a practical nature. If I were in your shoes today, what would I do, specifically, to try to make a positive contribution to the world around me? [Read more…]


Idea of White Privilege is Absolutely Reprehensible

Idea of White Privilege is Absolutely Reprehensible - Jordan Petersonby Jordan Peterson –
The idea of white privilege is absolutely reprehensible. And it’s not because white people aren’t privileged. We have all sorts of privileges. Most people have privileges of all sorts. And you should be grateful for your privileges and work to deserve them, I would say.

But, the idea that you can target an ethnic group with a collective crime regardless of the specific innocence and guilt of the constituents of that group, there is absolutely nothing that is more racist than that. It’s absolutely abhorrent. [Read more…]


LGBTQ War on Children: The Queering Of Young America

by Rod Dreher –
The fact that between my generation and my children’s, the number of self-identified transgenders has increased by 800 percent, testifies to the final victory of the Sexual Revolution in destroying all the traditional sources of the Self.
LGBTQ War on Children: The Queering Of Young America [Read more…]


Descending Rapidly into Cultural Madness

Descending Rapidly into Cultural Madnessby Michael Brown –
Wake up! We are losing touch with reality and engaging in dangerous semantic and ideological games.

I do not write this to be cruel or judgmental. And I certainly don’t want to hurt anyone. To the contrary, I want to help. But I do write with a sense of urgency, both to the nation and to confused individuals like Demi Lovato, the latest to identify as non-binary and want to be called “they.”

To the nation, I say this: Wake up! We are losing touch with reality and engaging in dangerous semantic and ideological games. Worse still, we are not providing the real help that struggling people need. [Read more…]


Give Me Liberty, Not Marxism – America and Freedom Are Worth Defending

Give Me Liberty, Not Marxism – America and Freedom Are Worth Defendingby Robert Maginnis –
God save America and grant wisdom to our present-day Patrick Henrys, Thomas Jeffersons and John Adams’, where-ever they may be!

America and her freedoms are worth defending, but both are rapidly approaching a critical tipping point. On November 3rd, Americans go to the polls to vote for our future and, subject to the election’s outcome, we must be ready to aggressively push against those who would trash this great nation should the radical Democrat Party elite take over the White House and Senate and begin to push an anti-constitutional agenda.

President Donald Trump may not be a perfect candidate but his almost four-year policy record is quite impressive. President Trump appointed more than 190 mostly strict constitutional constructionists to our federal courts; [Read more…]


Closing Orthodox Churches is Unjustified Offense Against God

Georgian Church Closing Orthodox Churches is Unjustified Offense Against GodHoly Synod of the Orthodox Church of Georgia –
The Georgian Patriarchate issued a strong statement, both reiterating its call for the faithful to follow necessary sanitary guidelines and responding to those who are attacking the Church’s ancient practices.

In many places where services have continued and the faithful have continued to partake of Holy Communion, those who are ill-disposed to the holy Orthodox faith, including amongst media representatives, are loudly attacking the Church and its hierarchs, accusing them of putting people in danger, such as in Serbia and Ukraine, Romania, and in Georgia as well, as testified to by yesterday’s statement from the Georgian Church.

While calling on the faithful to observe heightened sanitary practices,the Georgian Patriarchate asserts strongly that a ban on Church attendance is an unjustified offense against God, [Read more…]


Who is the Guest in Our Home?

TV indoctrinating children in LGBT propagandaby Athanasia Trudy –
When we turn on the television, we open our mind’s door, inviting into our home guests from Hollywood; script writers, actors and activists alike fill our screens and minds with what they say should be normalized….all in the name of “compassion, tolerance, and love.”

A recent article by Rod Dreher in The American Conservative entitled “Surviving the Cultural Tsumani” got me thinking about the cultural indoctrination that occurs in television programming. While watching old television reruns of cop shows, I was struck by how script writers introduce situations that are far outside the cultural norm and offensive to many of their audience members. Yet, 10 or so years later that which was taboo and abnormal has become normalized.

The CBS police drama, S.W.A.T. aired in 2017.  In a recent episode, the bisexual police officer, Chris rekindles her interest in a former flame only to discover Kira is engaged to Ty.  Chris finds herself invited to be the “third” in the relationship.  [Read more…]


The Challenge of Defending the Normal

The Challenge of Defending the Normalby Dale Ahlquist –
It is normal to believe in God. It is normal to believe that a family is composed of a father, mother, and children.

We continue to reel from the blows dealt by the Culture of Death. The attack on life, and particularly on the family, that institution which is the incubator and nourisher of life, continues relentlessly. Our states and our courts have now given the name of “marriage” to a fundamentally unnatural and barren relationship that was once unmentionable in polite company. Being pummeled like this can be disorienting, and even good people are starting to talk like they’ve been hit in the head too many times.

We have let ourselves get cornered. But we can change the momentum in this fight. It starts by taking control of the conversation, and not being controlled by buzz words [Read more…]
