The Hidden Truth Behind ‘V’

Big Hollywood | by Leigh Scott | Nov. 13, 2009

Like many conservatives, I was intrigued and excited by the promos for ABC’s reboot of one of my favorite mini-series, “V.” Finally, we thought, one of us had infiltrated the system and slipped one by the hippies who run Hollywood. Even better, we hoped that ABC, in a brash display of “corporate greed” had decided to green-light a series that appeals to the many of us (the majority of the country actually) who are less than enthralled by the hopey changeiness of the current administration. [Read more…]


Religious Extremism or Traditional Values?

American Thinker | by Bob Weir | Nov. 8, 2009

When I see the Obama Administration trying to force their version of health care on us, trying to shove Cap and Trade down our throats, and telling us that we can have everything we want without any tax increases, it sounds like the irresponsible parent telling the children they can do what they please without fear of consequences.

Of course, the natural result of such liberalism is a bunch of spoiled brats with an entitlement mentality. Sadly, that’s what too many Americans have been conditioned for during the past thirty to forty years. [Read more…]


Bye-Bye, RINO

American Thinker | by Pamela Geller | Nov. 2, 2009

New York’s 23rd Congressional District has become the site of a showdown between RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) and conservatives. The conservatives are winning — but the RINOs are not being gracious in defeat. Now the RINOs are showing how much party unity means to them. They have no loyalty to conservatives, so why should conservatives have any loyalty to them?

The latest showdown came when ultra-liberal State Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava became the Republican candidate in NY-23. ACORN’s racketeering arm, also known as the Working Families Party, backed her. Yet the Republican old guard also backed this useful idiot. Newt Gingrich backed this tool. The name “Republican” was all that mattered to them. Not principle. [Read more…]


Dennis Prager Mentions OrthodoxNet Blog on Air

Dennis Prager Radio Show | Dennis Prager | Oct. 19, 2009

On Monday, October 19, 2009, during the second hour of his nationally syndicated radio show, noted conservative Dennis Prager, mentioned the OrthodoxNet Blog post on Anita Dunn’s praise of demonic communist dictator Mao Tse-Tung as one of her “favorite political philosophers.”

Dennis Prager Mentions OrthodoxNet Blog on Air – 10/19/2009|titles=Dennis

Mr. Prager (while mistakenly calling our site “”) quoted our description of the video clip that Glenn Beck showcased on FoxNews and read on the air the video caption comments:

Anita Dunn, the White House Communications Director, admitted that one of favorite political Philosophers, one that she “turns to the most”, is Mao Tse-Tung, the demonic communist dictator responsible for the starvation, torture, and murder of 70 million Chinese.

Here’s an excerpt of Dennis Prager’s comments and his reason for quoting the post from our site:

“… they [OrthodoxNet Blog] give views from an Orthodox perspective, obviously that is from Christian Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, and Judeo/Christian perspective. And the only reason that I am noting this is because I want to read to you their description, as opposed to CNN’s description of Mao Tse-Tung. [Read more…]


Education Normal

Touchstone Magazine | by Mark T. Mitchell | September 2009

“Are you ever afraid that homeschooling your kids will make them, um, oddballs?” We were staring into the campfire. The kids had all been tucked more or less comfortably into their sleeping bags, and we parents were savoring the opportunity to talk. With the cool night crowding us closer to the fire, the conversation was lively, though tinged by a reflective mood.

As anyone who is the parent of small children will know, the conversation eventually turned to kids. Soon we were talking about how to raise godly children in a culture that, in many ways, seems intent on undermining their faith. And not only their faith. Many of today’s cultural forces create impediments to a sound education as well as a solid faith. These must be resisted. But that persistent question remains. [Read more…]


Who Really Inspires Violence, the Right or Left?

American Thinker | June 21, 2009

Is the right responsible for inspiring murder, such as that of late-term abortionist George Tiller by Kansas native Scott Roeder? Some certainly seem to think so. For instance, the Friday before last Bill O’Reilly had as a guest on his show Joan Walsh, the editor of leftist news site She appeared because she had criticized O’Reilly for engaging in what she called a “jihad” against Tiller. Her thesis is that O’Reilly and, presumably, the rest of us who are passionately pro-life are culpable in Tiller’s death. [Read more…]


62 Million Voiceless Americans

America Thinker | Nancy Morgan | June 9, 2009

Is it still called debate when only one side controls the conversation? That’s the question the 62 million Americans who didn’t vote for Obama are asking themselves.

These millions now have absolutely no voice in the way our country is being governed. No say in the quadrupling of our debt or in the onerous taxes being piled on top of record unemployment. They have no say in the pending trillion dollar health care ‘reform’ or the more costly ‘cap and trade’ legislation steadily making its way through Congress. With Democrats firmly in control of the White House and the House of Representatives, and most likely the Senate, the left has found no need for bipartisanship. After all, ‘Obama won.’ Case closed. [Read more…]


The Collapsing Global Left

America Thinker | Bruce Walker | June 9, 2009

Conservatives can take heart from the crushing blow that taxes and spenders received in the California election. Six propositions were on the ballot in May. All six passed the California Legislature easily. Republicans in the legislature generally opposed them. The five supported by the Left were defeated by huge landslides. Four of those five were defeated in every single county in California (the fifth barely carried the San Francisco area.) The proposition to limit legislative salaries while the state ran a deficit, however, carried every county in California and won 75% of the vote across the state. [Read more…]


Why be a conservative?

AmericanThinker | Christopher S. Brownwell | March 25, 2009

Why would I choose to be a conservative? Why would I choose the persecution? I am constantly ridiculed for my beliefs. I have been compared to Nazis. Liberals call me a sexist, racist, bigoted homophobe. My intentions are mischaracterized, and then I am judged by those mischaracterized intentions. For example, because I favor policies to help get everyone off of welfare to succeed on their own, my intentions are characterized as trying to keep blacks and minorities poor. These liberals then brand me a racist because they perceive my intentions are to keep blacks poor. [Read more…]


Abortion: The Unspoken Jihad

AmericanThinker | Matt Spivey | Jan. 22, 2009

In Arabic, the word “jihad” means “inner struggle,” and for those involved in one particular battle, there is no simple answer and varying perspectives cause, in many cases, violent reactions and repercussions. That word has come to signify the murder of innocence and the demolition of security in a time of worldwide uncertainty. The death toll keeps rising as years keep passing, and fighting in this war guarantees earning the label of “radical,” “extremist,” or “fanatic.” Yet those who do keep fighting are actually trying to save lives. With the 36th year of Roe v. Wade passing today, the war rages on. [Read more…]
