by Fr. Stephen Freeman –
Christian theology, rightly done, is not a social construct. At its heart, it is a proclamation about reality. We believe that everything that exists reflects the Word by whom it was made. Christians should have no fear of reality or examining it carefully and soberly. [Read more…]
Don’t Forget the Most Important Things!
by Ariadna Nefedkina –
Work and prayer should not contradict each other, but they can become two sides of the same coin. It is important to remember that there is a place for God even in the most turbulent flow of life. [Read more…]
Prayer is Not a Way to Change the Will of God, But to Find Communion with Him
by Fr. Eugene Murzin –
The purpose of a Christian’s life is not to beg God for some earthly things, but to know God and find eternal joy in communion with Him. [Read more…]
Love Endures When All Else Fails
by Fr. Basil Ross Aden –
The word of the day is “endures.” People these days do not value things that last. [Read more…]
Christians Must Get Serious if They Hope to Challenge the Leftist Culture
by Albin Sadar –
What has the Church these past many years been doing to slow the roll of the radical left? Unfortunately, in many cases, the Church has jumped right on the merry-go-round. [Read more…]
How We Prove Our Love To God
by Fr. James Guirguis –
The love you desire to have towards God is demonstrated by the actual love you show to the flesh and blood people around you, to those who are made in the image and likeness of God. [Read more…]
Without Christ American Democracy Cannot Defeat Evil and the Enemies of Freedom
by Larry Lilly –
If you will not have God (and He is a jealous God), you should pay your respects to Hitler and Stalin. [Read more…]
Orthodox Christians – Proclaim the Gospel Truth Without Fear
by Abbot Tryphon –
These are times that call for bold and courageous Orthodox faithful to step forward, proclaiming the Gospel Truth without fear
The Church Militant, which is the Church of Christ here on this earth, is in the midst of a battle. Our enemy is not one of flesh and blood, but one of darkness and evil. [Read more…]
Don’t Despair When You Fall, Get Up Eagerly and Do a Metanoia
by St. Joseph the Hesychast –
Below is a copy of a beautiful letter written by the great 20th century Greek saint and hermit, St Joseph the Hesychast about not despairing, persevering to obtain the grace of God and always having holy hope in one’s heart. [Read more…]
The Slippery Slope and the Eclipse of the Gospel – Women Priests and Bishops
by Fr. Lawrence Farley –
In the ongoing debate over the legitimacy of the new so-called “deaconesses” established by some Orthodox in Africa we often hear of “the slippery slope argument.” [Read more…]