Without The Certainty Of Truth, People Have No Solid Ground To Endure Deception

Without The Certainty Of Truth, People Have No Solid Ground To Endure Deceptionby Hal Lindsey –
When His disciples asked Jesus to tell them about signs of His return, He started with the words of Mark 13:5. “Take heed lest any man deceive you.”

In Matthew 24, we see Jesus giving worlds of information in relatively few words. That doesn’t leave room for a lot of repetition. But in that one chapter, the Lord warned about last days deception four times. That means it’s important. [Read more…]


Orthodox Saints Got Involved in Politics and Civic Life

Orthodox Saints Got Involved in Politics and Civic Lifeby Fr. Geoffrey Korz –
A Word to Quietists Who Distort the Practice of the Church

What are politics? By definition, politics are the business of the polis – the business of the city. Wherever the people of the Church are found, wherever the faithful live and assemble, the lives of these members of the Body of Christ should be a concern to their shepherds.

How is this demonstrated in the example of the saints, the holy ones whose lives give us the roadmap for our lives as Orthodox Christians? It is the lives of the saints and elders who guide us on implementing the scriptures in our lives: [Read more…]


Necessity of Speaking Out for the Christian Faith

Necessity of Speaking Out for the Christian Faithby Bishop Luke of Syracuse –
Yes, you should speak out. Don’t be didactic about it, but otherwise, you end up being indifferent or lukewarm. If you have the opportunity to stand up and express your displeasure, if you don’t do that, it’s a great danger. It’s a danger for your soul because the Lord says, “If you don’t confess me before men, I will deny you before the angels” (Luke 12:8-9). [Read more…]


Priestly Advice on Homosexuality and Transgenderism to Confused Young

Priestly Advice on Homosexuality and Transgenderism to Confused Young by Fr. Lawrence Farley –
I suppose that most pastors have had the experience of a young parishioner approaching them privately and confiding in them their suspicion or decision that they were gay, bisexual, or transgender.

Such confusion is in the air, has the Nihil Obstat [official approval] of both secular culture and governmental sanction, and also bestows a kind of odd popularity, making the person part of a privileged minority of the nobly oppressed. Adolescence has always been a time of sexual ambiguity and confusion, as hormones go into overdrive and leave the young person with a multitude of conflicting emotions. [Read more…]


Orthodoxy is Not For Cowards – When Faith is Assaulted, Orthodox Christians Must Take Courageous Action

Orthodoxy is Not For Cowards - When Faith Assaulted Orthodox Christians Must Take Courageous Actionby Fr. Zechariah Lynch –
When clear matters of the faith are blatantly assaulted, every sober-minded Orthodox Christian is called to stand up and make a courageous answer.

There exists a pseudo-humility. This false idea turns humility and meekness into spinelessness and cowardice, in which a person is unable to address anything at all. [Read more…]


War on Language and Reality – Five Disturbing Trends Undermining Truth and Normality

War on Language and Reality - Five Disturbing Trends Undermining Truth and Normalityby Theodore Dalrymple –
There are several wider cultural trends discernible in the current agitation over transsexualism, or whatever name one wishes to give it. (“Words are wise men’s counters,” said Hobbes, “they do but reckon by them: but they are the money of fools.” It is only fair to add that, with inflation, money could soon become the money of fools.) [Read more…]


What Does the Cross Mean for Us Today?

What Does the Cross Mean for us Todayby Fr. Robert Miclean –
The cross of Christ, the Lord’s triumphant and life-giving death whereby He destroys death, is so important for us to understand and internalize as Orthodox Christians, that the Church gives special significance and specific Scriptural readings for both the weekend before the Feast and the one that follows. This Sunday after the Exaltation, the Church would have us ask ourselves, “what does the power of the cross mean for me personally, living in the world today?” [Read more…]
